Now...South Africa
We're here Jo-burg, South Africa. Mo's mom Khanye and sister Zandile have taken the bus down from Zimbabwe to hang out with us. The house is PACKED. We've also got brothers Vusi, Bongani, and Senlot, not to mention Vusi's fiancee Philele. Also present is the cutest baby ever, Manana.
Here's Philele, Manana, and Vusi. Mo is in the kitchen in the back, doing the dishes. It's traditional for guests to help out.
The connection at this cafe is ridiculously slow, so I'll have to write and upload later.
Here's Za at the Airport as we're walking to the car.
Manana is alergic to something in the garden, so she's smeared with lotion. :)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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As a South African (and a jo-burger), I can say that its definately "burg" not "berg"... I'm guessing that "burg" would come from the "dutch" heritage of Afrikaans - I don't think I've heard the word "burg" by itself. I do know that "burger" (in afrikaans) would mean something like "a person of the town" (or I guess a "villager" - for want of a better word).
If you're still in JHB on Friday the 23rd, why not pop into the local Developer User Group meeting... :) (
I hope you enjoy your stay :) (even with our horribly slow internet access)
It would be great if you did come to our user group meeting on Friday 23rd in Johannesburg.
We are having it at the local Microsoft offices.
If you are keen to attend and need any assistance or anything, maybe MSN me on
There will be a couple of other MVPs there too.
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