Scott Hanselman

Piping command-line output directly to the Clipboard with .NET - now THAT'S useful

September 10, 2004 Comment on this post [5] Posted in Programming
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I was talking to Jason Whittington the DM Smartie today and he told me an interesting anecdote about he and Mike Woodring.  The result is this riduclously short C# application that lets you do this:

 c:\>type filename | clipboard

Now THAT'S hot.  As I am a command-line fellow and will gladly take the Pepsi Challenge against any of you "all windows move-em around" fools, I appreciate such useful things. 

Now, go to Jason's site and see how he and Mike did it - then slap your forehead and go Doh!

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 10, 2004 2:46
"all windows move-em around fools" LOL

Great find, BTW. How in the world has this not been included functionality in Windows? Doh indeed!
September 12, 2004 4:14
Or even more to the point... why did it take so long for someone to think of doing this? I'm a keyboard junkie too, why didn't I think of it? :)
September 12, 2004 11:52
Very cool. one less reason for me to use notepad :-)
September 12, 2004 11:53
And yeah, this REALLY should be in the next cmd shell
September 16, 2004 1:29
Mac OS X's had this since it was created:

cat x.txt | pbcopy

There's also a pbpaste that's less obviously useful.

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