Plant, Pet, Person - Ten Days with Baby T
Whew! As we enter Day 12 of our new life in a new house, T enters his 10th day of Life. Not much to report so far as T is still in Plant Mode as Z has fully entered Person Mode.
As my friend Eli says, and I repeat often:
Kids go through three phases, Plant, Pet, Person. My daughter (A month old at this point) is currently a Plant. We feed her, she water us, and she sits for long periods. Z is now in the Pet stage. He'll follow you anywhere and smiles when he sees you. God help us when they become People. Because with People come Opinions.
It's unreal how much this kids sleeps. I don't remember Z sleeping that much. Like 22 hours a day. The Wife says that's Nature's Way of easing us into to the process. Fortunately a lot of this is coming back to us, and we've still got the all the Ultimate Baby Products, so we're digging those out.
Z also turns two today if you can believe that. Seems like he literally turned one yesterday and six-months the day before. When we move we transitioned him into a Big Boy Bed. We figured since everything else in our lives was changing (house, job, baby, etc) why not change that too? Fortunately it's worked out great and he continues to sleep a happy ~11-12-hours undisturbed a night, so that's cool.
He also announces when he's going to poop, but perhaps that's too much information for one personal Blog Post, my Dear Reader? We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Re: Sleep - Scott, just tonight I caught myself smirking walking down the stairs having just put Ryan to bed yet again without any 'hassle' - the process being (and has been since he was 2 or 3months old) placing him in his cot, into his growbag (sleeping bag thing), and hitting one of the buttons on his caterpillar starting off some music, making him giggle, then simply walking out. Ryan will typically sleep till 8am despite having had a couple hours sleep in the afternoon. In the morning he will always wake and amuse himself until someone comes to get him. Contrast that with stories I hear from Gill's mother group where some parents are still having trouble getting 4hrs sleep with their kid at Z's age. We have been blessed with Ryan - fair to say, our next will be a devil child.
Can I guess that you have caught yourself a couple of times smelling T's head? Baby - One of the best smells in the world.
Cheers for now, David & Ryan (pet mode)
With my first currently the size of a pinto bean, I might be picking your brain about ASL in the coming months... ;)
Not that I didn't enjoy him before - it's just a whole other level when he plays back.
He is the greatest thing ever. I'm still coming to grips with the fact that he's a complete, fully-functioning person.
ps. Bring back the goatie - we're a receeding (sorry) breed.
I'm one of your fans in Iran !!
this was a great news about your new baby and I wish you and your family have great time
just keep them happy cause family is worth more than anything
have a wonderful time.
Congratulations! You're sure are making a beautiful family there! Enjoy the pleasure from these two beautiful children you have (and any others you may aquire...), they truly do grow up way too fast! Now you'll get the view of multiple children that your parents had, only these will be yours!
Are you planning on doing the signing thing with this one too? It would be cool to see how this baby reacts and learns from it!
And by the way, I vote for the "no goat" look, too! ;) Makes you look a heck of a lot younger, at least in this picture anyway...
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