Scott Hanselman

Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition (Hardcover) now available at Amazon

October 05, 2006 Comment on this post [18] Posted in ASP.NET
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Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition is finally out. It's such a huge book physically that there was trouble at the printers.

If you haven't already bought the original one, this updated book is only $37.79 on Amazon, which is pretty good for 1584 pages. Here's a PDF of the Table of Contents. Here's the index as well.

The four new chapters and two Appendices we added are (from Jim's blog):

  • Chapter 14 "Introduction to the Provider Model"  - 38 pages
  • Chapter 15 "Extending the Provider Model" – 36 pages
  • Chapter 30: Localization – 26 pages
  • Chapter 32: Instrumentation – 38 pages
  • Appendix B: Migrating ASP.NET 1.x projects – 12 pages
  • Appendix C: Using Atlas – 16 pages

Then there's a long list additions within existing chapters:

  • Chapter 2: Added Class Designer File and Open Test Bench
  • Chapter 3: Added Build Providers
  • Chapter 4: An additional more complex callback example
  • Chapter 6: Added Uploading multiple files from the same page
  • Chapter 11:
    • Added: SqlDataSource Configuration Wizard to add optimistic concurrency
    • Added SqlDataSource Events, Using the SqlDataSource with Oracle, AccessDataSource Control
    • Added GridView events that fire when the data binding occurs
    • Added Using the TemplateField Column in the GridView Control
    • Added Using the TemplateField’s EditItemTemplate
    • Added Expressions and Expression Builder
  • Chapter 12:
    • Added Using Oracle as Your Database with ASP.NET 2.0
  • Chapter 13: Added "Generating Custom XML from SQL 2005"
  • Chapter 16 "Site Navigation"
    • Added what a HTTP sniffer does
    • Added Security Trimming
    • Added Setting up Role Management for administrators
    • Added Nesting SiteMap Files
  • Chapter 17 Personalization: Added new section at end on Managing Application Profiles.
  • Chapter 18: Membership and Role Management
    • Added locking out users who provide bad passwords
    • Added generating random passwords
  • Chapter 19: Web Parts
    • Added 10 new pages on connecting Web Parts
  • Chapter 24 File I/O and Streams
  • Chapter 25 User and Server Controls
    • Added Loading User Controls Dynamically – about 4 pages
  • Chapter 31 Configuration:
    • Added about 2 pages on trust levels
    • Added about 3 pages on encrypting configuration files

Beyond that, there were numerous sections where a page or less of material was added, replaced, examples replaced, and so on.

You also get a DVD with the 180 day Trial edition of Visual Studio 2005. There's a CD with PDFs of chapters from 15 or 16 other Wrox ASP.NET 2.0, C# 2005, VB 2005, .NET 2.0, and SQL Server 2005 books. Most of the books on the CD provide 2 meaty chapters, plus full TOCs and indexes. There are more than 1000 pages of chapter content on the CD.

It's also hardcover so you can beat off hobos.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 05, 2006 8:50
Awesome! Had this on pre-order from Amazon since July (still classified as "Not Yet Shipped"). Can't wait to get it!
October 05, 2006 15:50
Exciting, but why so many pages? I tend to find it awfull to read/navigate (not to mention lift) a blog so large (500 pages is my typical max, which is why I tend to prefer non-wrox books)? I'm just curious about any ideas on splitting it up, trimming it down or like wise.
October 05, 2006 18:43
My bad... Takes quite a while before it releases in India :(
Not Wrox's fault though, their partners here are... well a bit lazy. Would have bought it off Amazon if the shipping isn't 50% the cost of the book. I guess I better play the waiting game.
October 05, 2006 21:02
Scott this is going on my Christmas list, hope it sells well.

Based on the facial expressions of the authors on the book cover, here is what I think the royalty distribution ended up being:

Guy on left: 5%
Guy in middle (Scott): 55%
Guy on right: 40%

Better luck next time, guy on left.
October 05, 2006 21:12
Heh, not really, actually "Guy on the Left" - Bill Evjen - is the glue that holds the whole project together.
October 05, 2006 21:17
I have just puchased the first edition, I'm very impatient to dig this book. You do really great thinks... thanks a lot
October 05, 2006 21:24
I guess that explains why Bill looks so serious while you and Devin look like you are headed to an after-hours party. Being the glue must be hard work. I was happy to see you covering the provider model. I am enjoying the new ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, but have not found a companion ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider. I'll have to do some research and either write my own or discover the reason it was not needed.
October 06, 2006 9:26
Did you guys decide to cut the chapter on cleaning the kitchen sink? Cause really, I think it belongs. ;) Very cool! I just got a copy of your other MVP Hacks and Tricks book (just to see my name in print). Good stuff!

Hey, is the text "This comment was screened by an external service and is considered a valid contribution." put in there by Akismet or by DasBlog?
October 07, 2006 23:12
What about a non-dead tree version?
October 07, 2006 23:21
bah, doesn't exist!

Wrox should really offer a PDF version.

I buy just about every other book (1 dead tree, 1 PDF) from Apress because they offer sweet downloads and discounted prices.

They password protected the PDF with your email address. A bit inconvenient, but it helps combat some piracy.
October 08, 2006 18:21
We have a PDF of the original softcover edition (which you can buy at Amazon or directly from Wiley:
But, because the new hardcover edition includes both a DVD and a CD, those wouldn't be available in a PDF version so it's generally our policy not to offer an ebook when some element of the ebook (DVD with VS 2005 Pro 180 Trial in this case) couldn't be offered as part of it.
October 09, 2006 17:46
I could live without the DVD of sample chapters from other Wrox titles and I already have VS 2005.

I guess I'll end up buying the hardcover edition, the next time I see it at a bookstore.

Do you have any reccomendations as to how many minutes/hours you can safely rest the book on your lap before losing all feeling in your legs?
October 09, 2006 18:24
Give it about another week before you expect to see it in the major US bookstore chains. Yes, get up and walk around once an hour, you need to make a trip to get more coffee anyway.
Knowing what to do when we have free extras in a book and want to consider leaving them out for an alternate version is always tough. If we had priced an ebook version lower (without the DVD and CD) customers of the hardcover book might have translated that to mean that the DVD and CD weren't really free to begin with. Had we left the price the same, other customers of the ebook version might have complained that we left out something they should have gotten for the price. And your point is equally valid. So, sorry that you are in the group that lost out in our decision as to which customers we couldn't completely please on this.
Down the road, you should be able to get the ebook on as part of the Wrox subscription there. If you buy a ton of Wrox books and like having e format available, you might consider a subscription there vs purchasing individual PDFs.
October 09, 2006 21:51
I just noticed it was on BookPool for 50 percent off!

I buy most of my dead tree books from Bookpool. It's a bit scary to look back at my purchase history and see just how much I've spent on technical books.

I guess I should probably start reading them some time soon! :)
October 10, 2006 10:10
VS 2005 Team Suite 180 day trial is available on Microsoft's site. I am not sure what value adding the DVD is. When a book gets real big and heavy, an eBook version will make more sense. Now that more advanced eReaders, like the Sony eReader, are out now, an eBook is more compelling.

October 12, 2006 20:41
Great book, great work, tons of examples. I am, however, noticing a few errors so when or where will the errata be posted?
October 12, 2006 22:17
Sean: We haven't gotten any error reports yet so we don't have any errata to post. If you've got some, please go here:
tell us what you've found and I'll get it checked by the authors and either verified as an error or explained.
October 13, 2006 1:56
Thanks Jim, I submitted what I found. Cheers!

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