Scott Hanselman

TechDays/DevDays Netherlands and Belgium:

May 03, 2011 Comment on this post [11] Posted in ASP.NET | ASP.NET MVC | NuGet | Open Source | Speaking
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Last week I was in Belgium and The Netherlands speaking at TechDays. A number of those videos are online at Channel 9. It was a great time. Here's the talks I gave. Sorry there's three screenshots of my big head to follow.

DevDays Keynote


The first 10 minutes or so of this are in Dutch, but you can fast forward to my part if you like. I'm about 20 min right after Arie stops talking. I talk about what Microsoft has built this year, what we are doing around Open Source, and how I see things snapping (and how they snapped) together from VB3 until today.

NuGet In Depth: Empowering Open Source on the .NET Platform


In this talk I start from the absolute basics of NuGet, how to make and publish a package and I work up to my thoughts on NuGet in the Enterprise and NuGet with Commercial Software. Then I show extreme examples of NuGet packages.

MVC 3 – 101: Beginner to Advanced


This is a 101 level talk. I start from the most basic ASP.NET MVC site, and move quickly through the basics, through the new Scaffolding changes, MvcScaffolding and finally OutputFilters.

In the evening I hosted a silly "Coding 4 Fun" session where I talked about my remote camera setup, chatted and teased Phil Haack, Tim Heuer and Damian Edwards, and told stories about working at Microsoft. It was definitely irreverent to say the least. I think it was taped and I'll post it as soon as I see it's up.

Hope you enjoy them! Remember, if the smooth streaming doesn't work, you can always download the offline versions.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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May 03, 2011 5:18
as usual, great talks Scott...
May 03, 2011 10:08
The techdays keynote is up too

And I would like to say you looked so much thinner than last year, all that extra exercise and hours in the gym are really paying of ;-).
May 03, 2011 10:29
It was great to see some of your presentations. Thank you for coming to the Netherlands. But there is one video missing: the geek-night 'coding 4 fun' session. Oh, man I just couldn't stop laughing! You rock! The best.

May 03, 2011 10:39
The coding for fun session was fantastic! I have never attended a talk that made me laugh constantly. You rock!

The NuGet presentation got me really excited, so thanks for that!

May 03, 2011 11:47
Scott you are rock star !!!
May 03, 2011 12:50
Your talks were great.

I really enjoyed the NuGet session at TechDays Belgium. The day after TechDays we even set up our own private NuGet server at our company, and it's working like a charm!
May 03, 2011 13:18
Hi Scott, I also enjoyed your NuGet session and already implemented Elmah in a project I'm working on.
May 04, 2011 11:00
As always, great talk Scott.
May 05, 2011 7:34
NuGet session was great. Quite impressive, will give it a try.
May 09, 2011 8:15
Thanks Scott!

NuGet is awesome. We have some exciting SP 2010 and Silverlight projects in the works...reminds us of WSP packaging in VS 2010 and the WSP builder!

May 19, 2011 22:28

Thanks for such a great insightful session on MVC3 101. EF CodeFirst looks good.
Just wondering where does Stored Procedures fit with EF CodeFirst approach?


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