Scott Hanselman

The 2007 Walk Against Diabetes approaches

September 23, 2007 Comment on this post [5] Posted in Diabetes
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Hello folks. The Walk Against Diabetes approaches - it's coming up this October 20th, 2007. You can get details and join the Walk with my family and I at the American Diabetes Association. All donations go straight to the ADA for Research, Education and Advocacy.

Last year we (meaning, YOU, the readers of this blog) raised over $12,000, blowing past my goal of $10,000. Turns out we raised more money than any single team in Portland and they made me this year's Walk Ambassador.

So, I set the bar higher for 2007 with a goal of $50,000. As of this writing we are at $25,421.68! We've almost doubled last year, but only 51% of this year's goal.

What's Next

172400618_240x240_Front_Color-AshGrey However, don't count us out yet. With only a month left I've got a few ideas up my sleeve. Along with Jason Mauer and Rich Claussen, we've got a fund raising promotion idea that will truly blow your mind. If you're in Portland, SW Washington, or willing to drive from Seattle, mark your calendars for Thursday, October 11th from about 8pm to Midnight and watch the blog for details. If you don't make it, there will be pictures and video galore - of the mind-blowing, face-melting variety. Watch for the announcement coming soon.

Again, do visit the Diabetes Site to DONATE or JOIN THE TEAM AND WALK.


If you're reading this blog and you work for Microsoft, perhaps you've not gotten around to giving yet. Remember that Microsoft will MATCH your donation dollar for dollar. Just visit http://give on the Microsoft Intranet, and select the Portland Chapter of the American Diabetes Association and mention "Team Hanselman" in the notes. Feel free to send me a copy of the PDF or screenshot and I'll make sure things get there they should.

What have we accomplished?

Maybe you've just started reading this blog recently? Here's some of the promotional stuff we've done this year to help raise awareness:

Get Educated about Diabetes

Here's some potentially interesting Diabetes Links for you to read:


Thanks VERY much to everyone who has given so far. This has been an amazing here.

Special thanks to our MicroISV partners:

  • Scott Cate and his EasySearchASP.NET gift! He donated all the proceeds to EasySearchASP.NET to the ADA from August 23rd through September 7th! Very generous and a great MicroISV idea. Thanks to the folks that purchased his product and indirectly supported the fight against Diabetes
  • Leon Bambrick for donating 50% of the proceeds for TimeSnapper. If you have to keep a timecard or keep track of exactly what it is you do all day? Get TimeSnapper - It's Tivo for your Mind.
  • The very awesome Martin Plante, lead at slimCODE Solutions, for starting us off by giving all the earnings from his slimKEYS product during the May 6th to May 11th to help fight diabetes. An amazing idea and a very nice gesture. Thanks Martin! Check out SlimKEYS in my post on Replacing Start Run.

Kitsch and Merchandise for the Cause

172400631_150x150_Front_Color-PinkSalmonPhil Deveau emailed me and said:

"I'm going to be riding in a 50K bike ride in November of this year for diabetes (  I'm training with a couple other guys, every day, if you have a store or something where I could purchase a team Hanselman hat, I'd be proud to wear it while I'm training and on the race day"

172400608_150x150_FrontWhat a fantastically nice thing to offer! Of course, I have no merchandise, BUT I do have Jon Galloway on Skype Speeddial. Jon created a 2000x2000 Transparent PNG of the Team Hanselman Logo (also a Galloway creation), and fired it off to me, and 20 minutes later I present to you, Dear Reader, The Team Hanselman Fight Against Diabetes Store.

172400645_150x150_Front_Color-WhiteJust when you though you couldn't get away from my giant disembodied head, I show up on a T-Shirt. When will it end? It will never end, thanks to the Team Hanselman Diabetes Store. Madness.

 Here's your hat, Phil, along with T-Shirts, Sweats, Hoodies, Buttons, and, of course, the Team Hanselman Baby Onesie. Rock the Onesie on Oct. 20th to help in the Fight Against Diabetes.

Thanks again to you, the community. I'm proud to call you all my peeps. I appreciate you, your comments, your support, your emails. Even the anonymous cowards in the comments. Especially you. ;)

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 23, 2007 23:29
Couple questions... I didn't see the banners on the link for the Team Hanselman page... did I not dig into the page far enough?

Also, I was reading through some of the older posts you linked to, and saw the one about Symlin... you said you'd gone to the funeral of a friend from high school. Who was it?
September 24, 2007 11:52
September 24, 2007 19:42

You probably know this already, but there is a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation walk at Oaks Park on September 30th.

My family and I will be walking for the Hi Lili Hi Lo team, if you or anyone you know would like to join us.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


September 24, 2007 20:08
Absolutely, thanks Sean!
September 25, 2007 19:07
Both my parents have diabetes (Type II), so this is a big issue for me as well. Thus far I haven't shown any signs and I try to keep a healthy and stay fit (not always as successfully as I'd like). I'll be ordering a hat hopefully on friday. My disposable income is once again shot (I think I'm the only .net/ developer (along with managing the AD, Exchange, MSSQL, Oracle, and tech support) who makes less than 40K a year) :(

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