The Calm Before the Storm...and more Watch Musings
It's 1am, and I'm finishing my DevDays Demos. If you're in Portland, stop by the newly revamped Convention Center and check out DevDays. We're putting on a good show. I'll be showing a few naughty things as I try to break into Microsoft's implementation of OpenHack.
As I'm sitting here my Spot Watch announced that a new applet was available, this one showing Sports Scores! Awesome. I can't wait until the Movie Times one. Also, it's currently downloading a new Watch Face. It's Christmas in March. Also, they fixed the Outlook Calendar Sync thing...I'm still trying to get details, but it appears the quota was either set to low, or the add-in was too chatty. The limit is to prevent troublemakers, not regular users.
Also, rumor has it that these are some of the new channels coming VERY SOON:
- Current Traffic
- Dining Guide (nearby)
- Movie Finder
- Lottery, Horoscopes, This day in History
How about tiny black-and-white wallpaper? :)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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