The Day I Met Uhura
We've been cleaning and painting in anticipation of the baby's arrival. I found this in a pile of old photos. I'm the big-headed child on the right. That's Uhura (the actress Nichelle Nichols) on the left. My dad pulled me out of school that day to meet her at the opening of the movie. This is at the Portland, OR opening of Star Trek IV in 1986. My dad's pretty cool like that. I remember planning what I was going to say for days before and completely fuzzing out in person. She's a pretty stunning woman. Anyway, finding the picture made me smile and think of the stuff my (upcoming) son and I will do.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I had a similar experience when I took my almost-five year old daughter to the Revenge of the Sith premiere put on by Microsoft in Columbus. (Yes, intense movie, but she's pretty calm about many things and we were sitting in the aisle seats prepared for an emergency breakaway if needed.)
I hope I'm able to remember that event for many years. I certainly think she will. Such things make for wonderful memories between father and child.
Thanks again!
Best wishes to your family.
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