The GrokTalks are Up - PodCast Them
You can download the videos directly from their links, but you can also Podcast them (have them automatically download from an agent) using any Podcasting Application pointed to our RSS feed.
I recommend DrizzleCast as it will download the videos using only idle bandwidth using Microsoft's built in BITS technology. If you are using an RSS Reader like FeedDemon, you may already have this functionality built in, so check your software's help files.
My GrokTalk
The post for my GrokTalk is up, it was 10 Utilities in 10 Minutes. The streaming version is here, and the downloadable one is here, but I recommend you Podcast the whole lot of them!
Some Tech
Vertigo gave me an XML file with the GrokTalks listed and I wrote a quicky XSLT to transform that XML directly into a dasBlog consumable entry for each talk! I've upload the XML and the XSLT for those interested. It's pretty cool since Omar and the gang added RSS Enclosure (Podcasting) support to dasBlog.
Scott Hanselman
grok_talk_videos.xml (6.97 KB)
groktalktodasblog.xslt (1.57 KB)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Can you explain to me what you meant by "I wrote a quicky XSLT to transform that XML directly into a dasBlog consumable entry for each talk"
I haven't been able to figure out how to use the XSLT along with my dasBlog in order to display things like the groktalk xml you posted. How do I go about using this?
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Your grok talk rocked; great presentation (no PPT thank heavens, good use of Notepad2) and you stayed within your time. :P