Top 10 Customer Issues in Visual Studio 2005 - I'm in the Top Ten!
Madness. Soma posted the Top 10 Customer Issues in Visual Studio 2005 and there I am at #4 (or #6, depending on your point of view) with Tray Icon support is limited: System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon doesn't support Balloon Help without P/Invoke. I ran into this during a early build of Beta 1 while writing "What's Playing" for the Coding4Fun site. I found the P/Invoke solution intolerable. They actually fixed this one early on, I think in the November CTP, as it's a pretty easy thing to have fixed.
I declare that I shall now be known as "The Savior of Balloon Help" - at least around my house. ;)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I blogged about a couple issues I had recently with ASP.NET and pointed people at the issue via the Blog. Promptly these two relatively minor issues ended up with 20 votes or so and within a day I heard back from Microsoft directly on this issue.
I previously posted a few other issues that were much more critical but didn't have a blog tie in and they got 0 votes, presumably because nobody sees them. So yeah, attention is definitely the number one factor on votes.
I think very few people actually go looking through bugs and vote - I mean who has time for that unless it's an issue you've already run into and need solved.
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