Scott Hanselman

Webinar: Online Banking 2.0

March 01, 2007 Comment on this post [7] Posted in Corillian | eFinance
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UPDATE: A recorded REPLAY of this Webcast is available now.

If you're interested in what Corillian does, or just in Banking and eFinance in general, there's a free Web Seminar tomorrow on Online Banking 2.0, March 1st, at 11AM PT/2PM ET.

It's presented by one of Corillian's Product Managers, Max Janasik, and it's going to be pretty interesting. I worked a little on the PPT deck, but what's really interesting is the influence of Social Networking and the general "Common Sense and Good Feelings" around Web 2.0 that we're trying to start spreading around the Banking Community. Starting conversations with your customers, gaining their trust and general business transparency are more and more an issue in the emerging web.

Also, if you're interested because of Corillian's recent announcement about being acquired by CheckFree, you'll see some interesting UI things that both Corillian and CheckFree are working on, and maybe get a glimpse of what a Next Generation Banking experience might look like.

Be sure to register ahead of time.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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March 01, 2007 22:53
This has got nothing to do with Webinar.

Firstly, this is a great blog and I am so far off knocking it for the sake of it but there is one thing that really niggles; I am forever being told that a particular post has new content when it hasn't.

Is this just because people have left a comment? (if not what gives?).
If so I think that’s kind of crazy; I subscribe to receive notification of new content from YOU. I am struggling for an analogy, there probably isn't one in the world of old media, but the point is, the primary content, ie yours, is of interest to all and, in the most part the act of leaving comments is only in the interest of the commenter (granted there are exceptions but what percentage of comments are trackbacks or kicks?)

I'd love you opinion on /explaination of this.

And to all those out there whose aggregators are telling them they have new content.... sorry, now I feel bad.
March 01, 2007 23:04
Are you using SharpReader? Some Aggregators WILL mark a post as unread because of comments, but this is often an option. You should either consider another aggregator or change the option. Some folks DO like the notification that an conversation has new content.
March 02, 2007 2:14
Dang, missed it. Do you know if a recording will be made available?
March 02, 2007 2:20
Yes, there will be a recording. I'll update the post when it's up.
March 02, 2007 6:33
I missed it too I guess. I hope to see the on-demand one soon.
March 06, 2007 13:12
Hi Scott,
I missed the webinar too... Do you know when the replay will be available?
March 06, 2007 23:13
The replay is up now, I just updated the post.

Comments are closed.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.