Scott Hanselman

When did we stop caring about memory management?

January 08, 2016 Comment on this post [88] Posted in ASP.NET
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MEMORY! - Image from Wikimedia CommonsThis post is neither a rant nor a complaint, but rather, an observation.

There's some amazing work happening over in the C#-based Kestrel web server. This is an little open source webserver that (currently) sits on libuv and lets you run ASP.NET web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. It was started by Louis DeJardin but more recently Ben Adams from Illyriad Games has become a primary committer, and obsessive optimizer.

Kestrel is now doing 1.2 MILLION requests a second on benchmarking hardware (all published at and it's written in C#. There's some amazing stuff going on in the code base with various micro-optimizations that management memory more intelligently.

Here's my question to you, Dear Reader, and I realize it will differ based on your language of choice:

When did you stop caring about Memory Management, and is that a bad thing?

When I started school, although I had poked around in BASIC a bit, I learned x86 Assembler first, then C, then Java. We were taught intense memory management and learned on things like Minix, writing device drivers, before moving up the stack to garbage collected languages. Many years later I wrote a tiny operating system simulator in C# that simulated virtual memory vs physical memory, page faults, etc.

There's a great reference here at Ravenbook (within their Memory Pool System docs) that lists popular languages and their memory management strategies. Let me pull this bit out about the C language:

The [C] language is notorious for fostering memory management bugs, including:

  1. Accessing arrays with indexes that are out of bounds;
  2. Using stack-allocated structures beyond their lifetimes (see use after free);
  3. Using heap-allocated structures after freeing them (see use after free);
  4. Neglecting to free heap-allocated objects when they are no longer required (see memory leak);
  5. Failing to allocate memory for a pointer before using it;
  6. Allocating insufficient memory for the intended contents;
  7. Loading from allocated memory before storing into it;
  8. Dereferencing non-pointers as if they were pointers.

When was the last time you thought about these things, assuming you're an application developer?

I've met and spoken to a number of application developers who have never thought about memory management in 10 and 15 year long careers. Java and C# and other languages have completely hidden this aspect of software from them.


They have performance issues. They don't profile their applications. And sometimes, just sometimes, they struggle to find out why their application is slow.

My buddy Glenn Condron says you don't have to think about memory management until you totally have to think about memory management. He says "time spent sweating memory is time you're not writing your app. The hard part is developing the experience is that you need to know when you need to care."

I've talked about this a little in podcasts like the This Developer's Life episode on Abstractions with guests like Ward Cunningham, Charles Petzold, and Dan Bricklin as well as this post called Please Learn to Think about Abstractions.

How low should we go? How useful is it to know about C-style memory management when you're a front-end JavaScript Developer? Should we make it functional then make it fast...but if it's fast enough, then just make it work? The tragedy here is that if it "works on my machine" then the developer never goes back to tighten the screws.

I propose it IS important but I also think it's important to know how a differential gear works, but that's a "because" argument. What do you think?

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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January 08, 2016 22:33
It seems to me someone in the Windows Group still cares about it thankfully. I say this because each OS after 7 has gotten faster on same hardware. Maybe this is overall optimization and not truly memory management but it is good either way. I think it should still be a priority because optimization means less mem / cpu use which means longer battery life usually. We may have infinite storage and lots of RAM but we still have relatively limited batteries.
January 08, 2016 22:38
All I can say is that I love the renewed focus on these types of details. I spent a little time in the golang community and it was eye opening to me that they focused so much on these types of details. I also experienced first hand how big of an impact your applications performance can experience by reducing the number of allocations you're doing unnecessarily. I think the difference in communities lie in how easy it is to get to these kinds of micro benchmarks. In go you just say "go test -bench" to execute unit-style tests tailored to benchmarking, but in C# you do it with awkward tooling in VS or another 3rd party purchased software. It just isn't easy to benchmark day-to-day tests in .NET as it is in the go world.
January 08, 2016 22:41
Scott, these are all good points you are mentioning.
Probably, what would be good to know that difference between then and now is memory speed.

Before, problem was reading from HDDs and everything that you could have in RAM was just fast.
Nowadays RAM is slow and CPU cache is fast. That means you have to think about memory allocation if you want to have top performance. Ironically, there were days when RAM was 640k and HDD was 1-20-100 Mb (pick any) and now CPU cache is about 1M and RAM is of Gigabytes scale. So history repeats itself.

It's just not everyone wants to have performant app. Good developers do.
January 08, 2016 22:45
I think that we stopped to think about it when came GC. Since GC exists and every teacher tell us that GC is smarter than us, we don't try to be that smart.
Is the same idea of an elephant that don't try to break their chains, someone in someway put that thought in our mind and we believe without questioning.

Combining this with how we develop programs that run in machines with performance or memory restrictions, this concern just get lost.

"Let's stay in shoulder of giants and let GC do all this work."
January 08, 2016 23:13
My environment is an enterprise one. Where we have 500+ tables and numerous pages in a custom UI framework based on webform w/ a custom ORM framework. In the last few years we have been gradually moving our SOAP services to Rest services. I say all this because it has an extreme level of customizations. These customizations will require us to cache a lot of information in memory to boost performance. So we are always looking at the trade off between memory and performance.

Those who are experienced in C# will try and maintain memory usage and performance but most of the time it certainly not followed.

To midigate this lack of knowledge or effort by our developers we run memprofiler and dotTrace at the end of each release cycle where we are mostly looking for memory leaks and very slow processes.

I hope this gives some insight on where some of us are.
January 08, 2016 23:13
I think it's a realization of the different types of programmer. A carpenter building a shed, a house, a skyscraper uses different methods, tools and has a different skill set. One size does not fit all.
In the computer industry we too often try to say someone can do everything and that's not a mature viewpoint. We have entered an age of specialization as you do in any scientific field. It's just a sign of our industry maturing beyond hobbyist stage.
January 08, 2016 23:18
It may be different memory issues, but we still very much have to deal with memory: garbage collection pauses, too many allocations, site density, all have to do with memory at one level or another. The abstraction level may have moved up a notch, is all.
January 08, 2016 23:19
Oh, and yes, memory leaks. Those are not gone at all.
January 08, 2016 23:26
Even for front-end javascript developers the browsers provide all the tools built in for free to profile frame rates; memory allocation and gc activity - they are only an F12 keypress away.

Garbage collectors protect us from a lot of the dangers of manual memory management; but they don't protect from the costs.
January 08, 2016 23:42
You don't to care about how your data will be freed after using them, but you DO need to care about how much you are consuming memory during the use of that data , as more memory equal more hardware and more cost if you are on Could.
So even front end javascript developers they should know how much their code is really consuming memory.
January 08, 2016 23:42
Heavy frameworks such as Knockout and Angular happened, as well as poorly-written repositories that pull the entire database into memory at application start.

Nobody targets just the data that they actually need anymore and then they legitimately can't understand why their application is slow when they just pulled a 100 MB database into memory across the network down to the client side in JSON (works on my machine on my wired GB network at work!).

I have optimized many slow systems as my career has gone on. The understanding of what's happening inside the black box is becoming a lost art.
January 08, 2016 23:43
This is why microcontroller programming can be a bit refreshing. You do need to think about memory mangement there, as well as memory constraints. Devices even like the Raspberry Pi are high-level enough that you just don't really bother, but an STM32 or an 8 bit AVR will teach you how important it is.

As to PCs: well, the build I'm doing right now has 64gb memory in it. If offends the old-school programmer in me, but it's cheaper to *not* think about memory management when it comes to single user systems.

January 08, 2016 23:45
I've never stopped caring about memory management. I'm thinking more programmers should have to start out with 48K. They'd pay attention then.
January 08, 2016 23:57
The VS 2015 development team need to take more care about memory management. Swallows up well over 1GB of RAM before I even start my app. And that's for just one instance of it.
January 09, 2016 0:21
As someone famous allegedly once said, "I don't understand why anyone would ever need more than 640K of RAM".

I think between Garbage Collection and RAM not costing $45 a megabyte, we care less, which has made us careless.

I do .NET, iOS and Node.js development, and I run into memory problems all the time on all platforms. Mobile devices do not have as much memory to dedicate as servers do, so you find yourself having to be careful about memory management.

Good post!

Thanks Scott.
January 09, 2016 0:29
This is an interesting discussion, and I dug hearing Ben's thoughts on Hanselminutes #509 too.

I was thinking about this topic recently while reading Ben Watson's book "Writing High-Performance .NET Code" (the GC chapter is fantastic!). While I try to keep performance/resource utilization in mind generally, I know I could do better in the perf department. That said, I think having some insight into how things work under the covers is sneakily helpful. It naturally steers you away from some of the more egregious memory management sins, even when you're not making an explicit optimization pass over your code.
January 09, 2016 0:33
Some of us have always cared deeply about it. We need better programming languages to help. Check out Joe Duffy's in-depth reporting on what the Midori incubation project did for memory management. (near the end, search for "Objects and allocation")
January 09, 2016 0:45
In Objective-C, we cared about manual memory management until 2011 when Apple added Automated Reference Counting (ARC):

All the benefits of not caring (mostly, ARC has no retain cycle breaking) about memory management with none of the performance issues of garbage collection.

Swift is of course ARC only.
January 09, 2016 1:03
I liked Lucian Wischik's phrase in Tip 5: Async libraries APIs should be chunky

GC "memory allocation is like drinking alcohol, it's the hangover that hurts"
January 09, 2016 1:11
I worry about memory all the time, but then again, I'm a Delphi developer. ;-)
January 09, 2016 1:25
I'd say I've always cared about memory management. But it's never the first thing I care about, and I care about it when I see an actual problem.
January 09, 2016 1:28
As long as the user is pushing the application to its limits I will be profiling and thinking about the amount of memory the application claims, when it will be claimed and when it will be released. When the user is also pushing the machine to its limits, either on his own or together with other users, I'll be planning and profiling memory and CPU usage.

The amount of available memory, whether it's cheap or not, does not matter when the users push the limits. In the end user experience is what counts.
January 09, 2016 1:33
Because it doesn't matter for 99% of apps, hardware is cheaper and performance doesn't matter that much.

Sure for webservers/operating systems etc it does, bit for most things speed of development is far more important.
January 09, 2016 1:40
I think it's one of the things that you can afford to not care too much about until you really need to care about it. As with everything, you need to write to your priorities. If you priority is to hand off to support (so maintainable by an inexperienced dev) the you'll write one way. If your priorities are minimal memory usage, you'll write another.

That's not to say that you shouldn't know what you're doing when you do it; and you need the knowledge to make informed decisions about how to best use the resources available to you.

In my experience, though, memory is relatively cheap, man-hours are relatively expensive, and .Net's GC is far better supported, developed, tested, optimised and generally made than a single dev possibly could.
January 09, 2016 1:50
As soon as I started hosting my site in the cloud. Seriously, given cloud constraints, you need to care. When I have a production slot and a staging slot and are on an Azure Standard S1 plan, I only get 1.75GB to work with. When I have 5 webjobs and each one is a separate console app and each one is a Continuous webjob, that's 50-200MB per webjob depending on what it does + w3wp process PER SLOT. So double the memory usage if you have two slots.

This prompted me to spend the time and consolidate all my webjobs into a single console app (using the amazing WebJobs SDK) which cut my resource usage in half. Additionally, I have to think about memory a lot because in a continuous webjob you are not given the benefit of the console app shutting down after processing--memory sticks around and in a background job you're probably processing a ton of data--so you need to be extra careful how you bring down and work with the data. I noticed for example, a ton of memory being used by JSON.NET objects--it was because the database was deserializing one of my objects and one of the nested classes used up a ton of memory, even though I wasn't actually using that class since I only cared about the ID. So I switched to using raw JTokens instead and that drastically reduced memory usage.

So, tl;dr--when I moved to the cloud. Also my current role at work is managing infrastructure, so I care when apps on my servers use upwards of 2GB of memory, I sit down and a have a talk with the devs and take/analyze memory dumps.
January 09, 2016 1:57
Great post as usual.


With regards to memory, I think as an industry it is hard to say when memory became less important. it is almost like the whole "golden age" thing where people look back and think it has already been the best ever and it wont be like that again - except the inverse. Which is to say people used to have to use paper punch cards and now we have robots.


What I can say from my experience is that in school memory was demoted with the release of the iPhone. It is perhaps a cliche thing to say, but in my opinion it is true. In school, as you reference, students go from basic on up to GC language and eventually they end up at mobile. Mobile used to be a precise endeavor.

I remember writing a program for a razor phone in Java, and it only had 32mb of memory available to use and no floating point! Compare that with writing a program for an iPhone where all the ns-bells-and-whistles were present and it is night and day.


Given all of that, on a day to day basis I am an mvc full stack developer. Developing for the web still makes me very conscious of memory, I think about it all the time. Web development, in my opinion, means that page load needs to be less than 2 seconds for every page. This means that dealing with milliseconds becomes second nature over time, and I frequently think of time spans in milliseconds as a result.

On the front end poor memory management will make your page either load slow, or react slow - especially on smaller devices or poor connections (I liked your post on lower bandwidth as well). Either loading or reacting slow will drive users away and cause headache.

On the back end, memory management is also very important. It can mean the difference between needing a full support caching server or not, as well as keeping database queries limited (which ties into load speeds).


As data becomes larger and larger, analyzing it requires more and more processing power. For example, in "big data" the time complexity for analysis may be very efficient however even touching every element once is terrible performance. This has led to spacial complexity algorithms becoming prevalent where building a massive hash set allows for easier access.

The increase in spacial complexity considerations drives the demand for larger available memory in general, and as a result this means that it is more readily available in other venues.


I think small devices having large amounts of available memory led to developers considering memory management less (almost no one does DMA, direct memory access, anymore for graphics on small devices). However, the web is still very memory sensitive.

January 09, 2016 2:08
Stopped worrying when moving from VB6 to C# accompanied by the explosion in RAM size.

Then it became a case of variable scope management, optimising for performance is now normally a case of using more memory for caching to reduce fetch times.

This week it has become an issue on Azure with a background worker running multiple parallel imports encouting memory/performance issues, solution was to limit the number of parallel imports.
January 09, 2016 3:06
Does Kestrel support SSL yet?
January 09, 2016 3:34
As a guy who obsession with getting TSRs to fit entirely in the PSP and building 3.5million line PL/I programs that fit in small memory model (64K code/64K data) via overlaying, I'm acutely aware of memory management.

I don't miss the days of HIMEM.SYS and dangling pointers, so having a garbage collected runtime makes my cognitive overload go down and frees me for other concerns.

These days, I worry more about following good practice in the rate of allocations instead of the size of them. In short, the allocations (which leads to GCs) become more important than the memory in use. We went from caring about char[] to knowing when to use StringBuilder instead of String. We went from caring about alloc/free to knowing when to cache pools of pre-allocated arrays. Sure, most junior-developers or throw-away CRUD app or small system don't need to care, but training them to do it right prevents incurring the technical debt when it DOES suddenly matter. It's the same in the "front-end" world, where it pays to remember that doing

var $foo = $('#foo');
// use $foo lots

Beats this every time


This doesn't make us sloppier any more than the ability to just draw on a canvas makes us lazy. When you get to the performance (in time OR quality) of those tasks it still pays to understand all the transitions and mappings occurring. Think about all the memcpys and math taking place between loading a .JPG into memory, mapping it to a canvas, scaling the canvas to the window, BLTing it to the DC, DC pushing to framebuffer, framebuffer reads to video controler, controller to HDMI, HDMI to buffer, buffer to LCD array... it's a wonder anything ever appears on-screen.

January 09, 2016 3:37
I was baffled by this:

I've met and spoken to a number of application developers who have never thought about memory management in 10 and 15 year long careers

I've been developing in C and C++ for the last 15 years. I guess I'm now part of the old guard.
January 09, 2016 4:39
We've been spoiled as developers, by a combination of garbage collectors and ever-increasing RAM, and for most of us, most of the time, I think that's been OK. But it is amazing how much extra performance you can eke out of C# (et al) by telling the garbage collector to mind its own business and handling memory management yourself, whether by using pools of long-lived, reusable objects, or by pinning a big ol' byte array to the Large Object Heap and parcelling it out yourself. When you're working on something that lives on a red-hot path in a bunch of applications (like Kestrel, serializers, IO and so on), what might be considered "micro" optimizations start to add up and be totally worthwhile.

I think over the next 10 years we're going to have to get back into this stuff more fundamentally, too. The new wave of ultra-small, ultra-cheap hardware that's going to saturate the world in the form of wearables and ubiquitous sense-and-react devices is getting back to RAM measured in megabytes instead of gigabytes, with low-powered CPUs that don't really suit garbage-collected memory management. I have absolutely no doubt that the insanely clever people who make things like .NET are going to fight back against this and make amazing things to make our lives easier again, but for a few years at least you're going to get to work on more fun, cutting-edge stuff if you're prepared to roll up your sleeves and at least learn the fundamental principles.

Oh, and Kestrel is amazing considering .NET doesn't really have an equivalent to Java's NIO.

P.S. @Chris: I know they're working on SSL in Kestrel, but you really want to use something like Nginx to do SSL termination and reverse-proxy to Kestrel. If you're running on Linux, do the reverse-proxy over a Unix Domain Socket for extra performance. IMHO, the biggest reason to get native TLS support in Kestrel is so it can do HTTP/2.
January 09, 2016 5:57
I've been professionally developing for about 30 years and as a hobbyist for 10 more above that. Back then it was *all* about memory because you had 4k of RAM to work with. Even in the 90s I was squeezing memory out of Colecovision systems trying to do tax calculations because that's what they used for the yearly tax checking system (hey, in the late 90s Colecovisions were dirt cheap), squeezing an extra 2k out of a print driver since we didn't need it, that kind of thing. In the last 10 or 15 years it's been (mostly) C# and memory management is less forefront but performance is always in the mindset. Knowing what you can do or how garbage collection works (and why), manipulating it to do you bidding instead of being run (or ruined) by it, and keeping on top of large systems so they don't turn into processing dogs that users hate makes for a good challenge. Kestrel looks freakin' amazing on the performance side so going to take a look at this to see what I can learn. Thanks!
January 09, 2016 15:48
The positive side is that Web community has slowly started to think about memory. Not directly memory, but from a bandwidth perspective. One could argue that it's not memory management as you're not using malloc to reserve the memory space. Loading an asset doesn't happen without a developer, so you're managing your web app/site memory consumption.

I remember Rovio's presentation on their hybrid (web/native) application where the Angry Birds used similar old-school optimization technique as Super Mario Bros. There were a movie theater curtains in the Angry Birds, but they send only one side of the curtain and flipped it just before rendering it to have both sides. It's nice to see that those old school techniques are still relevant today.
January 09, 2016 18:51
Any good C# or Java developer knows how to profile their application and optimize memory usage, if necessary. The key part being "if necessary". Memory is so abundant these days that for the vast majority of applications it is not a concern. You should only be diving down into profiling and optimizing memory if you've identified it as a bottleneck for your app, and it is causing actual user-facing performance problems. Avoid pre-mature optimization and all that.
January 09, 2016 22:42
The last time I thought about memory management was... Well probably never. I've been doing web/application development for my few-year-long career, having always used garbage-collected languages.

On the flip side though, I have thought about performance. I've thought about number of requests, payload size, etc when building web apps. I guess in a way I have thought about memory management, but just differently that folks used to have to think about it.
January 10, 2016 1:13
I have been developing apps for years without knowing/caring much about memory management because all languages I was using do such things automatically. I'm currently developing a Qt C++ app and taking care of memory is a must!

In my opinion, every programmer should at least know about the mechanism of memory management in the languages they're using. Also, I think, every programmer who wants to be a real programmer should know the C programming language.
January 10, 2016 13:45
Want a boring answer? Memory management is important for those who need it to be important.

It's analogous to the CPU, we don't think about how many cycles we're wasting, at least not like an Atari 2600 programmer did. CPU's are fast enough and we can worry about more important things.

If you're building a web server like Kestral or working on a search engine like Bing, then yes, it's a domain of knowledge which is required.

Writing LOB apps which take user input and process it with some business rules? Not something to be concerned about too much.

January 10, 2016 15:52
Sure, for along time in programming I thought about memory management.

I liked the block structure of PL/I and how that helped make memory management easy, efficient for for the machine and easy for the programmer. Also important was that the exceptional condition handling walked back in the stack of dynamic descendancy, did the right things with memory along the way -- got rid of a lot of 'memory leaks' automatically -- not a pun. And the static memory was task-relative so that if a task went away, so did it's memory, also automatically. PL/I -- darned nice language. A George Radin victory.

Then on a team that wrote an AI language, I thought about memory management and gave up as I discovered that for essentially any (IIRC just any) scheme of memory management, there was a situation that made a mess out of memory, that is, left a lot of holes. So, since there can be no really perfect solution, I settled on the PL/I approach as good enough in practice.

In our program, IIRC we used Cartesian trees to help with memory management.

Currently popular languages that gave far too much weight to the design decision in C (IMHO a total disaster for computing), far behind Algol, Fortran, PL/I, Pascal, Ada, at least, but, sure, what the heck expect from a one-pass compiler on an 8 KB memory DEC PDP-8 or whatever that toy was?

We'd all be much better off with some block structure, scope of names, etc. -- heck, just borrow from PL/I. The emphasis on C instead of PL/I was a gigantic case of a whole industry shooting itself in the gut. Much worse -- C++. I never could get a clean definition of that language; I'm not sure Stroustrup has one either.

For more, the PL/I structures are so nice, far, far ahead of C, that OO programming is both much less efficient for both the machine and the programmer and also not much more useful for the programmer.

PL/I could be tweaked a little, e.g., have AVL trees built in and do more with the attribute LIKE.

Now, of course, sure, I just take the memory management in Microsoft's Visual Basic .NET. For the code for my Web site, VB seems fine.

C#? Reminds me of C so that I do an upchuck. I hate C. Deeply, profoundly, bitterly hate and despise C. The thing is like digging a grave with a teaspoon -- work like hell and then just fall in and die.
January 10, 2016 20:20
0. Code is now written with little effort to ease the next developer's life. Throwaway frameworks, customer build tools, short lived JS frameworks, cool C# coding type of the year, employers hiring only for today's work, vendors pushing out not any better technologies/methodologies, ....

1. .NT should throw exception on deallocation of IDisposable by the GC if in debug mode
2. Adding more complexity to C# will make it as unwieldy as C++
3. Not flagging tools, frameworks, .net API calls, c# features as deprecated leads to failure
4. Lack of cross mobile development tools forcing use of lowest common denominator languages JS/HTML.
5. Mobile developed without regard to any longer term supportability

Write a novel as complex in plot and prose as can be; without regard for the next developer; and at the end of the day call it victory.
January 10, 2016 23:15
MS was going to abandon C# for C++ due to mobile, until they found out they could make it work and compile native code with C#. Though I suspect that's why it takes a while to compile C# to native code, it isn't easy, or refined yet. And it may always be a long compilation process due to the not-fit-for-purpose nature of the .Net origins.

This is why I think new tools built from the ground up for this purpose, like Go, make a lot more sense. Native code is and probably will remain a must for a long time and it probably makes more sense for MS to create C# 7.0 as a new language with only the most basic and popularly used syntax features. Maintaining mostly C# syntax/semantics that matches Go's end goals. Yet still able to utilize .Net libraries if need be even if there's a performance hit (or compilation hit) for doing so.

Essentially take C# back to a small, stable core of a language that's purpose built for today's world, but retain the benefits of the wider .Net ecosystem.
January 11, 2016 0:53
I think that for many front-end JavaScript developers profiling is starting to be important: They need to know when they're generating allocations which are thrown out soon after.

I've even seen javascript programs which have manual memory allocators built in.
January 11, 2016 1:37
How many programmers are there now compared to 20 years ago? I'd say many more. This was foreseen and manual memory management languages started being replaced with simpler ones.

Most of those who haven't used one of the old languages have no idea of memory management at all.

Manual management is still needed sometimes, but the new languages don't allow to mix GC with it. I suspect it was an "ideological" point to use only GC in the new languages in the heat of the battle to spread them.

Now performance issues are probably less common, but more difficult to solve.
January 11, 2016 1:56
There's a darker side to all this blithe disregard of memory management: it's hitting on a bunch of different levels where it's becoming very difficult to write a program which is truly stable in the face of heap exhaustion.

  • Linux is configured by default to lie about whether allocations succeed (see the vm.overcommit_memory and related variables - classical allocation can be restored, though!)

  • With overcommit allowed, effectively malloc will lie about whether allocations succeed.

  • With malloc lying, programs can't determine whether allocs succeeded (yep, past tense) until they *use* the memory, which results in the error of not being able to map an allocated page to memory. This is much harder to handle than the classic NULL returned by malloc, which could be handled locally and with knowledge of the semantic context of the allocation. This usually kills the program.

  • Once a system has overcommitted memory, *any* use of memory pages by *any* program - not the just one that overallocated - raises the nasty version of the error. Hence any overcommit puts *all* programs that use malloc at risk. Even programs that handle memory responsibly.

  • The hack that attempts to address this problem, the OOMkiller, does what it can to determine which program to kill to free up memory, but it is *impossible* to be rigorously correct in any choice. We see the results repeatedly in production environments where the oomkiller kills some program that was in the middle of doing something important, and usually not the one that was causing the problem. (I'm not blaming oomkiller, it's not the root of the problem)

  • As a result, memory recovery has fallen back to just restarting the program that was rashly killed.

  • </ol>
    The only real protection against oomkiller - other than turning it off through the overcommit settings - has been to configure a large swap space for the system so that there's something monitorable to send an alert (swap usage) before the oomkiller arises from the deep to sink some random ship and crew. However, in the modern glut of RAM, swap is something a lot of users and admins have stopped using. In elder days, the would-have been overcommitted RAM was just allocated on the swap partition, and if honestly never used, was never a problem. This was actually pretty important for large programs (bigger than RAM) that needed to fork to exec something small.

    Every single piece of this horrible construction is terrible for user-facing programs, like workstation desktop users, who now have to fear that running anything intensive can cause the oomkiller to gun down just about anything - X, the window manager, the emacs with 40 unsaved files in it, that game where they're the tank for a 40-person RAID, etc.

    On top of this, with all of these terrible libraries and programs which have now just stopped caring about memory management because they've deferred all the problem to oomkiller and service restarts, no program, no matter how well-written, can safely share a computer with them, because they are all *innately* irresponsible.

    Memory overcommit is a poison.
January 11, 2016 1:57
There's a darker side to all this blithe disregard of memory management: it's hitting on a bunch of different levels where it's becoming very difficult to write a program which is truly stable in the face of heap exhaustion.

  • Linux is configured by default to lie about whether allocations succeed (see the vm.overcommit_memory and related variables - classical allocation can be restored, though!)

  • With overcommit allowed, effectively malloc will lie about whether allocations succeed.

  • With malloc lying, programs can't determine whether allocs succeeded (yep, past tense) until they *use* the memory, which results in the error of not being able to map an allocated page to memory. This is much harder to handle than the classic NULL returned by malloc, which could be handled locally and with knowledge of the semantic context of the allocation. This usually kills the program.

  • Once a system has overcommitted memory, *any* use of memory pages by *any* program - not the just one that overallocated - raises the nasty version of the error. Hence any overcommit puts *all* programs that use malloc at risk. Even programs that handle memory responsibly.

  • The hack that attempts to address this problem, the OOMkiller, does what it can to determine which program to kill to free up memory, but it is *impossible* to be rigorously correct in any choice. We see the results repeatedly in production environments where the oomkiller kills some program that was in the middle of doing something important, and usually not the one that was causing the problem. (I'm not blaming oomkiller, it's not the root of the problem)

  • As a result, memory recovery has fallen back to just restarting the program that was rashly killed.

The only real protection against oomkiller - other than turning it off through the overcommit settings - has been to configure a large swap space for the system so that there's something monitorable to send an alert (swap usage) before the oomkiller arises from the deep to sink some random ship and crew. However, in the modern glut of RAM, swap is something a lot of users and admins have stopped using. In elder days, the would-have been overcommitted RAM was just allocated on the swap partition, and if honestly never used, was never a problem. This was actually pretty important for large programs (bigger than RAM) that needed to fork to exec something small.

Every single piece of this horrible construction is terrible for user-facing programs, like workstation desktop users, who now have to fear that running anything intensive can cause the oomkiller to gun down just about anything - X, the window manager, the emacs with 40 unsaved files in it, that game where they're the tank for a 40-person RAID, etc.

On top of this, with all of these terrible libraries and programs which have now just stopped caring about memory management because they've deferred all the problem to oomkiller and service restarts, no program, no matter how well-written, can safely share a computer with them, because they are all *innately* irresponsible.

Memory overcommit is a poison.
January 11, 2016 2:28
It is a symptom of "modern" programming to give up much control by using a framework and get the business case done. This leads to working software which consumes 90% of CPU cycles initializing the framework(s) being used but the real application code can become a marginal factor in the overall resource consumption. That can happen not only with memory and Garbage Collection but even more with JIT (Just In Time) compilation costs.

I frequently find such issues and wonder if the developers did ever measure startup performance. The biggest hurdle is to convince developers to admit that they are overusing some framework features and they should be looking for more adequate solutions to their actual problem. If you are really brave try to ask them to stop using that framework.

A small example: Someone did host Workflow Foundation and they wanted to store the WF configuration in a self defined config file. In order to do so the searched the internet and found that by setting up a new AppDomain you can set the app.config file name as you like. Problem solved. The only issue was that now every assembly was being JIT compiled again although there were NGen images around. That delayed startup by 10s. After deleting 5 lines of code to NOT create a new AppDomain and use simply the current executables app.config file the JIT costs went down from 13s to 0,7s and the startup time did decrease by 10s.
It is interesting that setting on the new AppDomain the LoaderOptimization attribute to MultiDomainHost did not help. As far as I remember from older .NET (<<4.6) versions this enforced the usage of the NGenned dlls. This seems to be no longer the case.

January 11, 2016 2:42
I firmly believe IIS App Pool / Worker Process recycling is the reason why (when) majority of .NET devs simply did not have to care for memory management. The settings dialog even has settings to recycle if the memory exceeds some limits.

For those that adopted various self-hosting strategies over the years (Nancy, owin, WCF-SelfHost, WebApi etc), they would soon find out they had to think of these things as their process' LoH became all fragmented.

I'm happy there is focus on this.
January 11, 2016 2:45
I created a word for this - resourcant! We all know what performant means but its seems to me that most programmers these days don't understand minimising resource use - specifically memory, CPU cycles and dependencies (bloated frameworks that add fragility and obscurity). I'm glad the mobile revolution, with its limitations on battery and bandwidth (and to a limited extent CPU and memory!) has brought the focus back on resources.
Kestrel sounds promising. I must admit I am appalled when I look at how deep the stack on an MVC web app is by the time it reaches a controller action and how much memory a .NET application can rack up in general.
While I liked the WPF architecture I gave up on it because of its extravagant use of memory and overall poor rendering performance - text in particular.
I actually look forward to a day when .NET can produce small tight native assemblies with high performance and minimal dependencies (read that as low likelihood of problems when installed on a wide variety of machines). I guess when that happens MS will be finally able to port Office to C#.
January 11, 2016 4:01
I noticed that guests on .NET Rocks! stopped talking about memory management when 64-bit Windows became the norm. It's amazing how this topic has fallen off people's radar. At some point ASP.NET started automatically recycling to "prevent" memory leaks. That with a 64-bit OS has made us lazy.
January 11, 2016 7:06
Didn't Jeff Attwood at some point write a post about how micro-optimizing .NET applications was pointless? I think that's why I stopped thinking about memory and code optimization.
January 11, 2016 9:49
The process has become so streamlined theese days, and with so much availible hardware that the developpers just dont have to care.
Its way more productive to work in smaller teams doing sprints and pushing out new content.
Not to mention optimization of compilers make even scripting languages like javascript run pretty fast server side.

However, in the later years, languages like c++ has become more popular due to its speed and flexibility. Modern c++ differs from the olden days where you used new and delete yourself to allocate memory on the heap, but that does not mean the develloppers does not know whats happening in the background.

We are basicly seeing an optimization of process.
January 11, 2016 15:32
Optimisation takes time, time is money, hardware gets better all the time, hence virtual machines and azure, management make a decision to upscale the hardware or invest coder time in 'optimise and test to check it still works after the optimisation'.

This goes back to the awesome podcast on abstraction.

Coders think 'I could tweak that' while management think 'cost of coder doing that vs cost of them doing something else like adding in a new feature that may get us a sale to corporate xyz in that demo we have lined up in 3 months'.

January 11, 2016 19:52
Memory management is obviously still an issue. Firefox has a nasty memory leak somewhere. Try leaving a few tabs open for a while and watch the memory used continue to creep up...
January 11, 2016 23:31
When you get to Java, you get to a language which was fundamentally designed for Barbies ("Math is hard!"). In this case, learning how to manage objects was considered so difficult, and using pointers correctly so time-consuming and difficult to understand, that the language was built to do these things for you. We get people who believe that using pointers is too difficult, and if using pointers is too difficult, you shouldn't be computing, but Java caters to that mindset, that mentality.

It gets worse. That mindset teaches our latest crop of young, naive software engineers that the old ways are bad and these new ways are better. And, if all you're doing is CRUD, why not? But what we have is a generation of software engineers that couldn't possibly write its own tools -- how are you going to create a memory manager and garbage collector without pointers? I was always afraid that's what Visual Basic was going to get us, but I was wrong -- it's Java.

The irony of Java being primarily run on Linux just tickles me to no end. Linux, where every choice is made to improve performance, and Java, where performance takes a back seat to every other possible consideration. I suppose Java needs Linux for precisely that reason.

Anyway, this seems to be a common issue for people who went the Assembly-to-C route as opposed to starting from a 4GL and never working backward because you already incorporated the lie that lower levels are just too hard into your (now terribly limited) thinking processes. We grew up knowing what the system can do, and how to do it, and then got higher level languages built from a philosophy of "trust the programmer". Switching to a diametrically opposed viewpoint of "the programmer cannot be trusted" is possible but offensive.
January 12, 2016 0:45
"There's some amazing stuff going on in the code base with various micro-optimizations that management memory more intelligently."

Sorry, that doesn't read well to me. Here's my attempt at what I think you were trying to say:

"There's some amazing stuff going on in the code base with various micro-optimizations in memory management that works more intelligently."

Either that, or you used the wrong word and should have said "manages" instead of "management". Also, in any version it seems redundant to say micro-optimizations and more intelligently in the same sentence. Does anyone design micro-optimizations to work more stupidly?

I think what is happening is that early micro coders had to work with a "huge" memory size of 64KB when micro computers started showing up in the late 70's, word size was 8 bits and was a total joke to us mainframe coders. Today, my laptop has a 64 bit word size and it's memory size is 3GB and that's because I'm a cheapskate. I still try to figure out how much memory is too much by testing until my code blows.

There still isn't a lot of thought spent on memory and its benefits in good coding. Then again, a lot of people don't spend the time they should either because they don't have the experience to know there are other solutions and "maybe" they are just too lazy to look for another way.

All too often, its "Find a solution now." and thinking about design never happens.
January 12, 2016 1:12
It matters only when it matters.

1) When memory creates performance issues

2) When it costs you money (Azure and cloud services)

When else would you care?
January 12, 2016 2:06
I find that how careful we manage memory is usually relative to your task at hand and the amount of memory you have. With the new XPoint technology developed by Intel and Micron, I predict memory management will become even more loose.
January 12, 2016 2:15
John commented new languages were built because learning how to manage objects was considered so difficult, and using pointers correctly so time-consuming and difficult to understand, it would do these things for you and it was fundamentally designed for Barbies ("Math is hard!").

Well, the languages that required using pointers correctly also required building at such a low level that re-inventing the wheel with each new version is necessary, there aren't any simple high-level design ideas that allow the developer to work on the idea and let the code work on the minutia. C# gained on C++ because C# can have a new version of an app written in a week and reviewed in a couple of days. When it is tested, there aren’t memory leaks, it generally does what it was supposed to, and it might run a few microseconds slower, but more importantly, it works and it easier to test if it does do what is supposed to. Nobody reads every other day about a new exploit against C# that invades or destroys code that had earlier passed tests. There are supposedly simple concepts like “string” that can manipulate characters way better than C++ can even think about without huge blocks of code.
“Memory leak” and “C#” almost never come in the same sentence. “Lost” pointers and “Memory leak” are usual companions.

If C++ had such a huge advantage over C#, the latter never would have caught on.
January 12, 2016 3:45
Even with todays oh-so-fancy languages you´re still doing a lot of memory management: As soon as your program goes beyond the simplest batch tasks you´ll start requesting or allocating blocks of data to fill and process. Self-enlarging containers and strings might make it more convenient, yet there´s still a hidden "malloc()" in it. One has to consider doing that operation anyway, so taking into account their memory footprint should be natural too - especially for high-bandwith or high-performance use cases.

Same goes for deallocation - one might no longer need to free the memory manually, but their lifetime/validity is still an important factor in an algorithm.

Thus, most frequently mentioned C disadvantages aren´t solved by a less manual memory management:
-array indexing failures? Will still happen, happily throwing an exception messing up your intended behaviour. Or even worse, are indexing a wrong yet still valid element silently yielding wrong results
-null pointer access? Their counterpart is accessing a null reference, basically the same result (well, at least you usually get a nicer stack trace...)
-dangling pointers? Would be happily served by an object still surviving beyond its intended usage span. But doesn´t answer the main question - why is this object accessed that late at all? Chances are high that it contains bogus or outdated data, or is a hidden memory hog.

In short, automatic memory management may save some lines of code and hide some simple errors, but you still have to think and keep track about what´s going on almost exactly the same way. If automatic memory management saves a lot of time here it is more an indication of missing abstraction and structure in the way you want to solve a certain task rather than a disadvantage of certain tools and languages.

On the other hand, most environments with automatic memory cleanup still suffer from the most dreaded idea in language design:
Making references nullable and mutable by default, or not even providing non-nullable/non-mutable types at all. There´s nothing wrong with null oder side effects, but allowing them everywhere instead of only where explicitly stated is a way more severe source of bugs and waste of development time than memory management.
January 12, 2016 5:04
Love the differential gear video.
January 12, 2016 10:40
Memory management to me is what fuel is to a car. It really depends on what you want to do with the car, and how much it matters how economic the ride is. There are cases of the super economical transport vehicles where fuel price really matters, then there are the race cars where the quality of the fuel matters to the last drop, and then there are some fuel guzzling US cars where maybe the sound of the car, or it's torque matters most and it doesn't matter how much fuel you burn. But I think we can all agree, that we have a certain expectation of an engine. And so when I get the .NET Framework engine, I know it has certain mile to the gallon ratio. Now, with Kestrel, it seems that ratio has greatly improved. :-)
January 12, 2016 14:07
This article made me google and read about c sharp memory management, very clever stuff and intesting options to fine tune when required,

Interestingly enough i have been talking with climate scientists about how the methane release from the arctic has doomed mankind, obviously most coders have no idea about this due to abstraction, the same principle with memory management.

I wonder if in future coders will get automated emails from azure saying "your app may have memory management issues, we advise you run our special diagnostic program on your code..." ....

I need to suggest a global sensor network to climate scientists so we can run a diagnostic on earth.
January 12, 2016 14:47
Know the garbage collector - js or CLR - and let it do it's job. Call Dispose, Care for COM objects in interop...

Most samples on the internet ignore that. People copy and paste code.
January 12, 2016 17:32
Every one of us stopped caring the Memory Issues because we are getting the great hardware nowadays.

Thats the main problem for us.

When will be the Web Server available for production ?
January 12, 2016 19:52

I don't worry about memory management, until I do. Usually when things are running within a single "machine" and things have to scale. The answer for me is Azure, Azure, Azure; scale horizontally to another container or VM if memory becomes a problem. Of course, then IO can become a problem...

To keep myself grounded, however, I do some spare-time development on classic game systems, where every byte is needed (machine I am working on now has 147 bytes of RAM).
January 12, 2016 21:56
I grew up in the memory management days, and I still struggle with the habits I picked up back then. Over the last few years I have struggled with writing fast code vs writing easy to read code. Some times I'll write something up that is fast, only to think to myself, yeah it's fast, but if I have to edit it in 6 months I'm not going to know what it's doing and I'm going to introduce bugs.

It's taken many years for me to come to the conclusion that there is a trade off between fast and clean. I can have fast code, but it generally comes with a giant pile of brittle tests that are there for documentation. I can have clean, obvious, self-documenting code and I tend to get a small number of robust tests. I find that for the majority of the code I write these days there is a millisecond or less difference between fast and clean. However every project seems to have those one or two spots where crunching numbers makes the difference and I need to optimize for speed.

I can see that many devs these days don't care about memory management or writing efficient algorithms, but at the same time they legitimately can get away with it. The CLR and garbage collection is pretty smart about things. To some that's a crutch to others it's a tool, but in both cases business is getting done and clients are happy with the results.

If I optimize an algorithm to run 10ms faster, but it takes me an hour to do it, I've got to be sure that the algorithm is going to be used 360,000 before it's made my own time back. Or that it'll make my client back what I'm billing them for an hour of work. I'd love to optimize all my stuff, but sadly I can't do it that often without feeling like I'm wasting my clients money.
January 13, 2016 5:54
Even in the dotNet world you need to pay attention to memory management. Depending on your application changing the underlying storage can make major changes in your overall performance and throughput.
January 13, 2016 6:24
@Carl: Please please allow podcasts to be downloaded in 32 kbit mono constant bit rate so my phone battery won't get wiped by a single podcast. The intro/out music is HQ content enough to survive the resolution reduction.
January 13, 2016 14:51
The one that still gets me is looking in Task Manager and seeing that the browser is consuming 250 Mb of RAM - that's almost the size of the hard drive on my first PC (Dell 386, 16Mb RAM, 300 Mb Hard disk)
January 13, 2016 20:04
I have 20 years experience: 10 in C++ and 10 in C#. I don't have to think about memory management in C# until I have performance issues and then I have to wait for new GC's API like defragmenting LOH.

Sergiy Zinovyev
January 14, 2016 6:18
The intro/out music is HQ content enough to survive the resolution reduction.
January 14, 2016 6:18
Thats the main problem for us.
January 15, 2016 5:43
Using C++, I seem to have no trouble at all doing a MUCH better job of managing resources than any GC. My software is leaner and faster than anything one could hope for using .NET or JAVA. Also, owing to its superior runtime efficiency, in needs only a fraction of the server resources to service 10,000's users.

Some people say hardware is cheap, I can tell you it is not cheap when you need a large cluster of servers in a 2N+1 datacenter. The costs/savings between 120 servers and 12 servers is significant. Every 1ms shaved off a frequently used routine is £££ saved.

I never stopped caring about memory management in 20 years.
January 16, 2016 15:10
My personal experience with an array of languages from C/C++ to C# and JS is that although you probably might not need to know the lowest level of details about memory management, you should be aware of how GC works, what its impact is on your application and strategies that can be employed to improve how your application handles memory (i.e. object pools). Another thing that I rarely see mentioned when talking about memory are cache misses. It might be something harder to control in managed languages, but Martin Thompson has shown us that caring about this in Java can have a huge impact on your application performance.
I guess the bottom line is to know *all* your tools: from the hardware to the language you're using, they all affect how you should write your code and it will perform.
January 16, 2016 17:36
The post shows that there are applications for which worrying about memory management is a thing of the past. I see this as a good thing in user space applications now that memory is abundant and the OS can usually find whatever size memory you need in the virtual memory space.
In kernel space programming, memory footprint is a big deal. A byte taken will not be returned forcefully by the OS nor will the kernel terminate itself if it oversteps its memory bounds. What will happen is a crash.
Therefore, while user space programmers who work with GC can afford the luxury (and I say this with a grain of envy) of knowing that someone out there is managing their memory for them, the kernel space people still MUST know about memory management.
January 16, 2016 22:39
Had recently to repair the insouciance of a web dev in a single page app using one of the popular framework.... painful.

Huges leaks and high memory footprint mad worse by entengled code and abusive usage of mapping and bindings.

And then you have management counting the Jira bug counts and wondering why this one is still there week after week with pseudo-scrum one week delivery (that actually was the first cause of memory mismanagement, rushed deadlines).

And good luck if you think chrome tools will help you find easilly the cullprit(s) in your code. And then you have all those cool bower libs that where so easy to add. One of those library could be responsible for a major memory retention but your stuck with the old version because the framework developper have already have moved the other shinny new es6 thing...

Hint: If your application needs 1 gig of ram on desktop, your app not mobile ready.

So yeah, memory management is still relevant. Early optimisation is evil, not planning and managing a memory budget / target.

I cringe everytime someone talk about refactoring.
January 17, 2016 0:04
Memory management is just one aspect of system design that has been relegated to the vacant lot down the street. The fraction of programmers who know what a computer really looks like inside is small and shrinking quickly. Part of the problem is that "programming" is being lost, being replaced by "coding". Most alleged practitioners don't understand that the hard part of programming, system design, is NOT done with a computer - it's done with your brain. Back in the bad old days, when computer time was expensive and batch turn-around (look it up) was achingly slow, one spent a lot of time designing maintainability into software. Part and parcel of that was designing the primary data structures of the system, and an integral part of that was designing the memory management architecture of the system.

Memory management "problems" cannot be debugged - they must be designed-out ab initio.
Why? Because they reflect *architectural* failure, not implementation failure. The fundamental structural integrity is insufficient to support the system and successfully guide the construction, tools, and methods to a successful, robust implementation. Quality can only be built-in; it cannot be added-on.

Nothing makes a prefiction of disastrous problems faster than seeing malloc() and free() being called willy-nilly throughout code.

And note carefully that I am not talking about premature optimization. Doing a comprehensive soil study so the correct founcation can be selected and designed for a brand new building is not premature optimization. It is the difference between a chance at success and certain failure. Failure to do systems design commensurate with the requirements of a software system is likewise certain failure.

#Lawn?you Can'tHandleALawn


January 18, 2016 1:41
I think there is a higher-level issue with memory management that is often overlooked: regardless of whether your language manages memory for you, programmers need to understand the lifetimes of the entities created within their programs. This is an unavoidable part of understanding how a program works, how it solves the problem presented by the requirements, and even of understanding the requirements themselves.

With this information known, memory management becomes a largely formulaic exercise. Without it, you are still at risk of making semantic errors even if your language does memory management for you (for example, a mistake may result in having multiple objects, some of them in an outdated state, being used as if they all represented the same entity.)

I am not arguing that automatic memory management is a bad thing; I prefer to use it when I can. Even when manual memory management is formulaic, mistakes are easy to make. My point is that memory-management problems may be symptoms of a deeper failure of understanding, and in these cases, automatic memory management will not fix the underlying problem.
January 18, 2016 17:19
thanks for bring this issue to my attention , yes as i developer we always need to code keeping memory management in mind some time too much code & memory licks to several different issue on the devices, i did hear apple is working on some auto memory management but i guess it is in early development phase.

Anyway lets hope for best ....
January 18, 2016 19:46
I think it's good to be aware of memory usage patterns, as higher level languages tend to have a lot of leaks. However, most applications are not long-lived enough to where it really matters. On the flip side, with laptops, people are more and more likely to suspend/sleep over reboot when they go from work to home, etc... this affects usage patterns.

In the end, it depends on the application, and for the most part you don't have to think about it until there are other problems... Following functional philosophies as much as possible, even in OO applications can save you a lot of headaches down the road. I tend to prefer simpler objects, and static utility classes that work with them in say C#/Java. This pattern tends to work out better in terms of application flow, growth, and memory management over smarter objects/classes.
January 18, 2016 19:56
I echo all of it. Every old programmer is aware of GC and when it works. I've been careful about allocating memory since I had to write my first WORKING STORAGE section of a COBOL program. Write a PICture clause and you know it takes memory. Similarly in OO, every class has a constructor whether you write it or the IDE writes it for you. Using(){} and .Dispose() are all over my C# code to remind GC to work for me.

I agree with Kamran. Writing webjobs in Azure on smaller boxes has made me refocus on memory. I love the SDK, but the cost is overhead for a continuous job.
January 18, 2016 22:17
Here's my order of concerns when writing code, from most important to least:

1) Be correct
2) Be legible
3) Be performant
4) Be clever

Proper design should *allow* optimization when necessary. I don't typically worry about memory management because I don't typically have to. I'm more likely to run into a problem of maintainability if code was developed with an optimize-first mindset than to run into a problem of optimization if code was developed with a maintenance-first mindset.

The more you run into these types of problems, the more you are able to design your code to both be maintainable *and* avoid memory issues at the start, but if you're going to pick one, make it maintainable.
January 21, 2016 4:19
The best research I know of comparing automatic to manual memory management is this paper by Emery Berger & friends:

The oversimplified takeaway is that garbage collection doesn't inherently cost time, but it does cost something like 2x memory overhead to achieve decent performance.

So the real questions developers need to ask themselves are: How memory hungry is my application? Can I move the data that's chewing up lots of memory into some kind of database that will store it more efficiently?
January 21, 2016 20:45
Yeah but you have ARC now these days!
January 24, 2016 22:05
I found this page by mistake but is great :)
January 27, 2016 0:17
Do embedded development in C or C++ for say a network device or fileserver company. You are always worried about leaks and segvs which are the outcome of mismanaged pointers.
February 08, 2016 6:30
Memory is a crucial part of coding that is easy to overlook. I do this all the time unfortunately :(.
February 14, 2016 4:23
Thanks for great post.I personally always care about memory even in managed.
Don't concat string if I you don't have to.

As far as "how low should you go". much managed software that I have seen in big
companies leak ram badly, and here is the catch:
the more physical ram you have on a server, the tougher it may be because
GC will not kick-in fast enough (as there is tons of space free), when it does -
you are in for a 10 sec stall even with all BG server GC enabled.

We decided to go pretty low in managed CLR, ended -up doing "Big Memory", so now
we can easily keep 100,000,000 records using 32-64 Gb heaps easily forever
and GC is not suffering. Before that we tried to use "outofbox" stuff
but it is still slower than this:
February 21, 2016 13:24
thank for useful information

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