Why is it that _I_ find all the weird edge case bugs?
Here's a fanstastic bug, but what's funny is that it is acting exactly as it should! Newsgator is smart enough to follow HTTP 302 Responses, but when I went to the MVP Summit the Hotel's internal Internet (Lodgenet) was redirecting ALL HTTP GETs to their registration site. Happily following instructions, Newsgator updated my subscriptions and ate my OPML file. Sigh.
Thankfully I had a NewsGator Subscription, and went online to get my server-side copy and I'm back up.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.
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However, we've seen this before in certain hotels. They are actually redirecting with a 301, not a 302 - and a 301 is a PERMANENT redirect.
One of our customers has gone round and round with Cisco on this (it's their hardware that we've seen do this), and they have yet to see the problems in their ways. It's very unfortunate.
frustrating though. I was in a hotel the other week that gave free wireless access, but still directed you to a site where you clicked 'register' which took you straight to the requested URL. nothing like a waste of a couple of HTTP requests!
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A 301, on the other hand, is okay. That's a permanent redirect.