Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch
Just got back from the Windows Server 2003/Visual Studio 2003 Launch in Seattle. Had a freakin' blast. Great crowd, looked like 2000 people or so.
Here's the Web Services Enhancements PowerPoint Deck and Code Samples for my WSE Presentation at today's event. I'll be at the Portland Launch Event on Tues, so stop by!
Some nice folks commented on my sometimes unorthodox Presentation style...take a look at my Tips for Giving a Good [Microsoft] Presentation. I hope that more people start using tips like "devenv /fs 14" (devenv /fs 8 to revert) and Zoomin. Of course, a few folks suggested I not quit my day job. So much for my burgeoning stand-up comedy career. :)
Also, here's my growing list of useful Web Services tools:
The Tools I used in the Presentation
- XSD.exe comes with the .NET SDK ASP.NET XSD Online Demo
- WSDL.exe comes with the .NET SDK. WSDL Explained
- YATT (Yet Another Trace Tool) from the fantastic Simon Fell
- XML Spy 5.0 from Altova
- Mind Reef's SoapScope 1.0
- OmniOpera from Kamiak
- GotDotNet's Free WebServicesStudio
- Microsoft's Free SOAP Toolkit 3.0
- Apache AXIS (SOAP Implementation)
- IDL2SDL (and WSDL) from Infotects
- Google's SOAP API and WSDL (.NET code included!)
- Calling Google from PocketSOAP with a VBS Script from Simon Fell
- Simon's WSDL Tools
- XMethods Web Services Directory
- Blunck's ieHTTPHeaders for seeing HTTP Headers within an IE Explorer Bar
And be sure to get Yasser Shohoud's great book Real World XML Web Services
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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