Windows XPSP2 RC2 on the TabletPC doesn't work in FireFox 0.9? *GASP*
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Apparently the TIP (TabletPC Input Panel) in Windows XP SP2 RC2 doesn't detect the TextBoxes in FireFox 0.9? Is anyone else seeing this egregious behavior?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.
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Yes, if the textboxes aren't implementing as proper Accessible textboxes the TIP won't appear. I think this... is the proper documentation for it.... As to why can't you pull up the TIP in undocked mode.... during my brief experience with RC1 I could do that... hmmm.. guess I better go check it out again.
Yeah, sounds like the blame for the egregious behavior rests with the Mozilla developers - not the MS team, as your post seems to suggest. I'd recommend filling in a bug report for Mozilla.
We've already got a bug filed with Bugzilla about it:
In my experience, the TIP doesn't show at all with SP2 RC1, Firefox 0.8. With Firefox 0.9, it shows up once in a browsing session at the very beginning and then disappears altogether for the remainder of the session. I haven't installed RC2 so I can't speak to that.
It's very annoying indeed, and I find myself hanging out in IE a lot more than I'd like as a result.
In my experience, the TIP doesn't show at all with SP2 RC1, Firefox 0.8. With Firefox 0.9, it shows up once in a browsing session at the very beginning and then disappears altogether for the remainder of the session. I haven't installed RC2 so I can't speak to that.
It's very annoying indeed, and I find myself hanging out in IE a lot more than I'd like as a result.
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It's particularly annoying when you can't pull up the TIP in undocked mode anymore... arrgh. Did they really need to remove that feature?