Scott Hanselman

I'm on Pause - Seattle Nerd Dinner?

September 05, 2007 Comment on this post [45] Posted in Microsoft
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microsoftlogoHeh. I was supposed to start work at Microsoft today, but there was an HR goof and some paperwork went missing, and by the time it was figured out they had to push my start date to next week.

They needed to do a background check on me and when I suggested Googling for Scott, they didn't think it was as funny as I thought it was. ;)

Anyway, here I am, on Pause, so I'm chilling with the Family, watching Z go from a word here and there to talking non-stop in little baby paragraphs. "The gate's stuck, daddy! Fix it! Yay Daddy! My new shoes! Look over there! Truck! Vroom! Cheese, please? School!"

Z 2

You spend two years hoping they'll talk and then, apparently, the next 20 hoping they'll shut up. (Kidding!) It's going to suck to be away for the few days I'll be up at NEO (New Employee Orientation) at MSFT.

Microsoft was very cool about the goof and helped me work out my healthcare for this unexpected week-long gap, so that was nice.

My new start date is the 10th, so if you're around in Seattle/Redmond the week of 9/10 to 9/15, how about a Seattle Nerd Dinner on Sept 12th at the Crossroads Bellevue Mall Food Court?  or iCal for Outlook or as a Facebook Event.

If you're a Seattle/Redmond person (as I am not) can you help me get the word out and/or organize this? If you want to come, leave a comment here and show up...I'll be there, quietly eating alone in a strange new city wearing a Blue Badge with a single tear running down my face. ;)

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 05, 2007 2:04
Scott, are you heading out on the 15th? That's the day i get in to start on the 17th...
September 05, 2007 2:10
Haven't been to the food court but a few times since I left Microsoft, would seem fitting to show up again as you start.
September 05, 2007 2:16
Rock on. Three people qualifies as a very lame party, but a party nonetheless! ;) We have quorum. Let's eat!
September 05, 2007 2:17
Matt - I'm driving up on the 9th to start on the 10th.
September 05, 2007 2:17
Anyway, here I am, on Pause, so I'm chilling with the Family, watching Z go from a word here and there to talking non-stop in little baby paragraphs.

Yep. Ain't that cool? Our oldest (Connor - turns three in December) isn't quite to pronouns yet, but he surprised me this morning by curling up next to me in bed and waking me up with, "I love Daddy so much." Awww... That just made my morning. :)
September 05, 2007 2:38
Are you going to be relocating?

Have fun.
September 05, 2007 2:41
That is fancy.
Count another attendee...
Will meet you @Crossroads mall.

September 05, 2007 2:49
Matt - I'm driving up on the 9th to start on the 10th.

Understood. I meant the other end of your stay in Redmond. You say that you can get together til the 15th. I assume that means you're heading back home either the 15th or 16th... I'm coming in on the 15th.
September 05, 2007 3:04
Hey Scott,

Sign me up as a definite maybe...
September 05, 2007 3:08
Good luck with that. I couldn't afford the financial hit of a week's vacation between jobs! Ha ha...
September 05, 2007 3:23
I'll be at Building 20 for a week of VS2008 training.... I'll show up at the food court!

September 05, 2007 3:25
Nerd dinner, cool - count me in.
September 05, 2007 3:36
I'll try to be there...
September 05, 2007 4:27
I think I can make it, hope to see ya there.
September 05, 2007 4:48
Matt - I'm driving back down that Friday afternoon.

A2Z - Not relocating.
September 05, 2007 6:18
I'll be there, and I'm both twittering and blogging it. Going to bring as many people in my gravity well as I can. :)
September 05, 2007 7:28
I'll be happy to organize and host courtesy of the Windows Media Center team, Scott. I'll round up some swag. :-)
September 05, 2007 7:57
Excellent. Swag is good. Especially free stuff for the new Microsoftie. ;)
September 05, 2007 8:26
I haven't been to a nerd dinner since moving up here from Portland two years ago. Sounds good!
September 05, 2007 9:15
Great timing. The 6:30pm start is welcome too. See you there. Ooh, swag!
September 05, 2007 9:24
Ya, I figured 6:30 will let folks go home, check in, then head out, or late-workers can go straight there.
September 05, 2007 14:56
Dang, It looks like I will just miss you guys. I am going to be back in Portland(Currently in NC) the 14th thru the 17th and will make a one day trip up to Seattle on the 16th.
September 05, 2007 17:43
Hey Scott, blue badge but wrong continent! :0) Be sure to ask about the internal mail groups for during your first week, so you have some interesting conversations to participate in while the bureaucracy sorts itself out ;0)
September 05, 2007 19:32
I'll be there.
September 05, 2007 20:09
Hey, I wanna go now that I live quite close to Seattle and Bellevue. Scott, would you give me an autograph if I bring the ASP .NET 2.0 book and take a picture with me? hehe
September 05, 2007 20:14
Hooray! Food court Korean BBQ bowl! I should be able to make it. I'll be bringing a cute blond girl with me, mommy has to work that evening. Too bad Z won't be there, she'd have someone to play with.
September 05, 2007 20:39
Hi Scott,

Z, is soo cute. Say hi to my sister (your lovely wife)
September 05, 2007 20:46
Hi Scott, I will be there as well!
September 05, 2007 22:58
At last, something that's happening somewhere that I don't have to fly to! I'll be there but I'll have to fight traffic from seattle.
September 05, 2007 23:10
Congratulations, Scott! Wish I could be there to welcome you to the North-Northwest but I've got a Redmond Planning Commission meeting from 7-10. We'll have to sync up, soon. BTW, I left MSFT for Yahoo-Bellevue, about a month ago.
September 06, 2007 0:53
Hey Scott,

Count me in - I just made space in my calendar for the dinner. Anything I can do to help?
September 06, 2007 2:41
Yay! Now we have a party.

Serge - Not that I know of. I just hope there's enough seats!

Remember folks, I'm not paying for food! ;)
September 06, 2007 10:13
No worries, there is a lot of space in the Crossroads mall food court :) And I'm sure we all can still pay for our own food too ;)
September 06, 2007 19:41
count me in.
September 06, 2007 20:10
I'm in too...
September 07, 2007 3:02
A buddy of mine is going through chemo and is looking for hats to wear when his hair falls out. If any of you want to donate a hat, bring it along.
September 07, 2007 4:03
I'll be there... what area of the food court is everyone meeting at? Well... the food court's not that big... I'll find everyone. ; )
September 07, 2007 6:00
Wow, it's going to be a big group! See you all there!
September 07, 2007 9:48
Please count me in.I guess I would bring m wifey along too :)
September 07, 2007 21:32
Not a Microsoftie, but I'm going to be in Redmond for training that week, so I'll try to show up. I'll be by myself too, so it is an opportunity to not sit in a restaurant alone!
September 08, 2007 22:16
Count me in as well...I will try to be there.
September 11, 2007 21:08
Any other time I would come by, but I really need to finish up my work and my car battery also happens to be dead at the moment (as I haven't driven it since April.)
September 11, 2007 21:11
Can't make it but welcome to the neighborhood! Enjoy NEO (trying not to laugh :-))
September 12, 2007 3:05
Sounds like fun. See you there.
September 13, 2007 12:18
I've uploaded some pics from the dinner at


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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.