I'm on Pause - Seattle Nerd Dinner?
Heh. I was supposed to start work at Microsoft today, but there was an HR goof and some paperwork went missing, and by the time it was figured out they had to push my start date to next week.
They needed to do a background check on me and when I suggested Googling for Scott, they didn't think it was as funny as I thought it was. ;)
Anyway, here I am, on Pause, so I'm chilling with the Family, watching Z go from a word here and there to talking non-stop in little baby paragraphs. "The gate's stuck, daddy! Fix it! Yay Daddy! My new shoes! Look over there! Truck! Vroom! Cheese, please? School!"
You spend two years hoping they'll talk and then, apparently, the next 20 hoping they'll shut up. (Kidding!) It's going to suck to be away for the few days I'll be up at NEO (New Employee Orientation) at MSFT.
Microsoft was very cool about the goof and helped me work out my healthcare for this unexpected week-long gap, so that was nice.
My new start date is the 10th, so if you're around in Seattle/Redmond the week of 9/10 to 9/15, how about a Seattle Nerd Dinner on Sept 12th at the Crossroads Bellevue Mall Food Court? or iCal for Outlook or as a Facebook Event.
If you're a Seattle/Redmond person (as I am not) can you help me get the word out and/or organize this? If you want to come, leave a comment here and show up...I'll be there, quietly eating alone in a strange new city wearing a Blue Badge with a single tear running down my face. ;)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Anyway, here I am, on Pause, so I'm chilling with the Family, watching Z go from a word here and there to talking non-stop in little baby paragraphs.
Yep. Ain't that cool? Our oldest (Connor - turns three in December) isn't quite to pronouns yet, but he surprised me this morning by curling up next to me in bed and waking me up with, "I love Daddy so much." Awww... That just made my morning. :)
Matt - I'm driving up on the 9th to start on the 10th.
Understood. I meant the other end of your stay in Redmond. You say that you can get together til the 15th. I assume that means you're heading back home either the 15th or 16th... I'm coming in on the 15th.
Count me in - I just made space in my calendar for the dinner. Anything I can do to help?
Serge - Not that I know of. I just hope there's enough seats!
Remember folks, I'm not paying for food! ;)
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