A potential CAPTCHA Comment Spam Solution for dasBlog (and others) with no recompile or code changes
I took Jeff Atwood's CAPTCHA example and added a new event called "UserValidationEvent"
Public Event UserValidationEvent As EventHandler
Then I raise the event at the VERY end of ValidateCaptcha I raise it:
RaiseEvent UserValidationEvent(Me, New EventArgs)
I made it a separate event because I want the CaptchaControl to integrate with my blogging software WITHOUT any code on the server side. I didn't want to have to recompile dasBlog or check anything in the Page_Load.
I made the appropriate web.config changes as per Jeff's instructions, and I added the control to the CommentViewBox.ascx and put this code at the top:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc1" Namespace="WebControlCaptcha" Assembly="WebControlCaptcha" %>
<script Language="C#" Runat="Server">
protected void Foo(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsPostBack == true && CaptchaControl1.UserValidated == false)
}protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Ya, ya, I know I could have hooked this event up a number of ways
// including AutoEventWireUp but I like this fine, and it feels
// more explicit to moi.
CaptchaControl1.UserValidationEvent += new EventHandler(Foo);
There are a few Font issues to work out...he has it setup with a number of "no-no" fonts, while I'd prefer a list of "allowed" fonts.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Thanks for the link. I'm glad to see people getting use out of the Captcha control-- it's a very effective technique, as it raises the bar so much higher for spammers.
I can fold in any improvements to the control on the CodeProject article. I agree a blacklist wasn't the wisest choice in terms of random font selection.. you can avoid random fonts by picking a single font (of your choice) as the .CaptchaFont.
My only regret is, I can't implement it on my own blog since I chose the PERL based Movable Type. :P
Otherwise, anyone who takes longer than 120 seconds to compose a message is in for a.. uh.. surprise :P
I already have to fight with referral spam on my blog... It's really annoying!
As far as manual spammers, if they want to SPAM me THAT BADLY they can do ahead.
>>to SPAM me THAT BADLY they can do ahead.
They will. Why? Not because they want Scott to buy **fill in the blank***. But, rather, because they want the improved search engine ranking that having the like from the comments section will provide.
or... maybe I'm wrong? Does dasBlog obuscate outgoing links from the comments section to prevent search engine coverage?
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