A Trip Down Memory Lane - Presentations over 10 years old
I've been presenting for a long time. It's great fun, mostly it's stand-up comedy with code and PowerPoint. I also keep everything, always, so earlier today when I was asked by a friend to find some ten year old code, I found a few 10 year old "Company Confidential" PowerPoint presentations. Not only was I shocked and offended by my sense of style (what was I thinking) but the scope of "Ten Years" really hit me. Ten Years is no time at all.
Here's a bit of what I found from 1999 and earlier. This is from a presentation on Windows 98 and what developers need to know.
"This screen shot is from a system with 8 gigs!"
Some things never change...
Oh, my.
Man, these were the days:
This analogy made sense in 1998.
Oh, is THAT how you design for scalability?
I remember squeezing COM for performance...
More importantly: What were you doing, coding, writing about or presenting about ten+ years ago, Dear Reader?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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"Not only was I shocked and offended by my sense of style (what was I thinking)"
Whats wrong with the presentation?
I have to disagree. Of course its different, but its definitely not bad. Actually I was shocked, that you said that.
I had written quite a few of SME projects by 1999 and trust me that slide about scalability was considered ultimate blue print for designing scalable applications on MS platform!
Thanks god for having started working in 2004!!!
Ten Years is no time at all.
What? 10 years is about 1/8th of your lifespan. I agree that it isn't much compared to the life of the universe, but it is to me. Especially since the last 10 I still had a 3 in front of my age.
Anyway ten years ago I was doing Access development and it was fun. Can't remember the version though.
By the way, I was reading COM essentials by Don Box and its first chapter was terrific !
But one year earlier I was a freelance Web Designer, just Photoshop static HTML, and a scanner to digitize customers brochures... and I worked for a company that made web sites for a customer selling woman's underwear and bikinis... THOSE were the days, sigh :-)
Ten years ago I was writing a Sega Saturn emulator in C++ with MFC. PDC 2000 brought .NET b1 and I haven't touched C++ since!
blogged if any cares, I'll add more detail.
At the time I was dubious about C# (it couldn't possibly work since it'd make my hard-earned C++ skills useless right?).
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