Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop)
I'm blessed (or cursed) with a lot of email asking questions. Sometimes about Diabetes, usually something about computers (.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, Development, XML, utils, whatever). It's always nice to get such email, and I do read every email I get. However, I do have a (more than) full time job, a new baby (12 weeks on Tuesday), book edits, articles, blogs, speaking, blah blah blah.
That said, I do appreciate it when folks take time to send email. I love blogging and I love the connection/community aspects of it. Please don't take it personally (some do) when I don't have time to help with binding to the DataGrid, how to poke around inside XmlDocument, or dual boot your system.
When a question is truly interesting, truly difficult, and it's clear that the author has tried the obvious stuff (Googled at least ONCE, please) then I'm happy to take a look.
The best questions, for me, are the ones that turn into a blog post. If you read my blog, you know what my style is and what kinds of questions/problems I run into. If you've got one like that, then I may get to you.
I haven't gotten to the point that Scott Mitchell has with regards to answering mail, but I may get there soon if the dozen or so questions a day continue.
Here's an interesting (if only to me) question that just came up from a non-technical reader. Seriously, I apparently have a non-zero number of non-technical readers that aren't related to me. Not sure how that happened or what they are getting from my content. :)
How can I add my Xbox Live Gamer Card (or other generated Gamercard) on my desktop? I answer this question only because it's fun. If the asker had Google'd once, they've have likely found the answer on their own.
Right-click on your desktop and click Properties.
Go to the Desktop tab, then click on Customize Desktop.
Go to the Web tab, then click on New...
Enter in the location field, where MYCARD is your gamertag.
So, good questions:
Aren't Googlable
Haven't been answered before
Involve Design, Architecture, Coding in .NET, WS/XML, or on Windows in general
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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