Scott Hanselman

AntiSpyware Expired and I'm back from the future

September 04, 2005 Comment on this post [7] Posted in Musings
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Um...OK. Man, these AntiSpyware updates make the product less and less helpful.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 04, 2005 13:22
I'll replace it with new software soon.
September 04, 2005 15:28
So does Microsoft consider the time travel portion of their beta a "feature" or "bug"?
September 04, 2005 18:51
Probably got some legacy stuff from the version that expired on July 31? Uninstall completely then reinstall the latest. Or switch. :)
September 04, 2005 22:27
Well, geez, Scott, from the tray in your screenshot, it looks like you had three instances of AntiSpyware going. That's going to make it expire three times as fast! ;)
September 05, 2005 1:12
Hahaha Brian I was just about to mention that. It's odd though I run MS Antispyware and it's never caught anything. Adsense is always picking things up though!
September 05, 2005 16:40
I've noticed that anitspyware creates new tray icons. It's like it's caught an exception and quit, restarted itself and not cleaned the tray. if you hover over the icons all but one of them disapear (one at a time though so it can take a while to clean the tray)
September 06, 2005 19:37
Those devs in the anti-spyware group have a great sense of humor. Don't you get the joke? ;-)

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