ASP.NET 2.0 Professional is shipping
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ASP.NET 2.0 Professional is shipping! Right along with the release of .NET 2.0 comes our little tome. Jim Minatel, our editor, beat me to blogging it. Big ups to Bill "The Architect (and lead author)" Evjen. A lot of work went into it, and I hope it doesn't suck.
Thanks to those of you who emailed me wondering when the hell your book was going to ship! :)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Jacob - do a view source and look at the javascript that's added at the VERY end of the page.
Hi Scott, quick ASP.Net question for you. I just finished downloading and installing VS 2005 earlier this week and have been LOVING it. I've found a very annoying IntelliSense "feature" that I'm sure pretty much every ASP.Net developer must have run in to, however, and cannot figure out for the life of me how to fix it.
When I start to write inline code (<% ... %>) in an aspx or ascx I get as far as "<%" before Intellisense pops up and selects "<%@ Assembly" as the default value. Now if I type almost anything (a letter, number, equal sign, space) it then inserts "<%@ Assembly" into the code instead of what I wanted to type.
I have found no way to stop this from happening. I, instead, am either hitting ESC to back out of the popup or using the arrow keys to cancel the popup. Any help you might be able to provide would be appreciated.
When I start to write inline code (<% ... %>) in an aspx or ascx I get as far as "<%" before Intellisense pops up and selects "<%@ Assembly" as the default value. Now if I type almost anything (a letter, number, equal sign, space) it then inserts "<%@ Assembly" into the code instead of what I wanted to type.
I have found no way to stop this from happening. I, instead, am either hitting ESC to back out of the popup or using the arrow keys to cancel the popup. Any help you might be able to provide would be appreciated.
Great news! I got in on the 1/2 price deal and got my boss to do the same. I can't wait for it to arrive!
Troy: That will happen if you write <% anywhere ABOVE the first HTML tab. Write your code below and you're good.
Hmmm, interesting, thanks Scott. There wouldn't ever usually be an HTML tag in a user control (ascx) though, right?
Bookpool sent me an email notifying me of the shipping. Can't wait! VS2005... already installed on every single machine.
The book is too damn heavy to read in the bathroom! After five minutes of resting it in one hand, my thumb hurts.
_Professional ASP.NET 2.0_: not good one-handed reading material. Who'da thunk it.
_Professional ASP.NET 2.0_: not good one-handed reading material. Who'da thunk it.
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