Scott Hanselman

ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC1 in context (Plus all the Connect 2015 News)

November 19, 2015 Comment on this post [32] Posted in ASP.NET | Open Source | VS2015
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Connect() 2015 - Scott Hanselman's KeynoteIt was a huge day in New York today as I got to join Scott Guthrie and the team at the Connect() 2015 event as they announced a bunch of stuff, including, but not limited to:

  • Visual Studio Code is now Open Source and a new Beta that supports extensions is out now!
  • ASP.NET 5 RC1 is out with .NET Core and has a Go Live License. This means you can go into production with ASP.NET 5 on Windows or Linux and Microsoft will support you.
  • You can get ASP.NET at, wait for it, Yes. This lively URL is a mini-site that will look at your OS and show you Linux, Mac, or Windows (try visiting it on a mobile phone for fun, too) and tell you how to get ASP.NET.
    • If you insist, you can visit for a list of all the packages and combinations available. There is a .pkg for Mac and a .tar.gz and some instructions for Linux. In the future I hope/expect we'll have .NET in some popular OS package managers.
  • Node.js Tools 1.1 for Visual Studio was also released. A lot of folks don't realize how cool Node.js development is in Visual Studio. Node.js Tools for VS is free and open source AND works with the Visual Studio Community, which, ahem, is also free.

If you don't have Visual Studio, I'd recommend you grab Visual Studio Code which is a non-threatening size and runs on any OS, then if you're a command line person you can do this on Windows:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "&{iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))}"

or this on Linux/Mac.

curl -sSL | sh && source ~/.dnx/dnvm/

And yes, we have have formal ways to get this and you can again, always go to and check our SSL cert. ;)

Connect 2015 Keynotes and Videos

You can watch everyone's talks here and my specific keynote here. My talk was complex and varied but also very personal as we built all the demos around my diabetes and blood sugar system. I also used the Nightscout Open Source CGM Project and gave them a shoutout as well. I use Nightscout to remote my continuous glucose meter's data to the cloud. That glucose data collector runs in an Azure Web Job that I've blogged about before.

We had so much fun making our "parade" of cool cloud demos. I get tired of doing demos around product catalogs and such, so we build a connected Health Clinic. We pulled data in from thousands of (simulated) Microsoft Bands, as well as my actual physical Band 2 that I wear every day. We combined my heart rate data with my actual live and historical glucose data and ran it through Azure Machine Learning to create a "Hanselman Stress Index" to get a sense of how stress and my schedule affects my heart rate and blood glucose. You should really watch the video to get the full effect.

We'll do some cleanup of the slides and code and try to get it all on GitHub soon(ish) so please be patient with us.


I also want to point out the documentation for ASP.NET 5 RC1 over at This documentation is hosted and built at ReadTheDocs using Python and Sphinx and managed as source in GitHub using reStructuredText.

Contributing to the docs is a great way for YOU to get involved in Open Source, especially if you are a FirstTimer! Check out this great video on how to contribute to the ASP.NET documentation.  The community can contribute by:

The Mega List of Connect() 2015 Information

You want it all? OK, here you go, the list of everything announced at Connect() 2015:

What does it all mean?

It means that you can build basically whatever you want, however you want. You can use the editor you like, the OS you like, and the languages you like. VSCode on a Mac doing Node and deploying to Azure? Check. ASP.NET 5 with C# to Docker Containers in a bunch of VMs created in Azure and managed with Microsoft Operations Manager? Check. And on and on. Node.js on VS, C to Raspberry Pi's in C in VS, whatever you dig. It's a whole new world.

Sponsor: Big thanks to Octopus Deploy for sponsoring the feed this week! Check out their amazing product. I'm a fan.

Build servers are great at compiling code and running tests, but not so great at deployment. When you find yourself knee-deep in custom scripts trying to make your build server do something it wasn't meant to, give Octopus Deploy a try.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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November 19, 2015 6:11
Great stuff Scott! Loved how you personalized your IoT demo with the Microsoft Band. Was really waiting for a call from your wife during the presentation ;)
November 19, 2015 6:19
Great news. I had already pre-allocated (in my mind, haven't told family yet) some nights over Christmas to start porting to ASP.NET 5, so a go live license is fantastic.
November 19, 2015 6:25
Great stuff! I really enjoyed your presentation today.

Also, nice blurb about contributing to it's definitely a (fairly) easy way to get started. This week I went to the docs to help set something up and realized it was wrong and outdated. So, I went through Steve Smith's video and got everything set up.

I made my very first contribution to an open source project! This morning my pull request was accepted and merged! Now that I'm set up it will be easy to contribute more. Besides, the article I just updated probably needs to be updated to RC1 now!
November 19, 2015 7:14
Is that it? Seems like you all have been asleep at the wheel. :) Seriously though you guys are covering some major ground. If I didn't have ADHD before I do now because I want to play with all of it! Great stuff!
November 19, 2015 9:50
Great news
November 19, 2015 10:12
Love you bhai. It is really a big news.
November 19, 2015 10:21
Great stuff!I have been waiting for this moment,I'm honored to be .net developer. The road ahead is now clear. I'm super excited. Is your health demo on github.
November 19, 2015 12:04
Great stuff! in presentation... Specially the idea to developers for utilizing their skills for their own personal life and then come up with some cool stuff.
November 19, 2015 14:42
Now that I'm set up it will be easy to contribute more. Besides, the article I just updated probably needs to be updated to more in details.
November 19, 2015 15:08
It is always good to have new cross platform tools. We'll done to all of you. However it looks that Microsoft forgot the desktop application development. Web sites where allways multiplatform. The problem is not where to build the code but where the code runs. We need to be able to build C# cross platform desktop apps with Microsoft tools. Can you make the "Universal apps" really universal and cross platform? Or a universall app will run only on windows 10?
November 19, 2015 21:37
So, what if I want to build a graphical app that I want to give to my friend? Still 10-year old WPF?
November 19, 2015 22:55

check our SSL cert. ;)

So I did... and Chrome says you're using obsolete cypher suite :)

November 20, 2015 0:44
@Mikhail Sure. Why not? Or create Universal Windows App?
November 20, 2015 2:10
But did you see
Please go read it AGAIN. AWESOME!!!!!
BTW, the link to show ASP.NET 5 RC new features (the link in the glaring yellow band at top of page) is broken.
November 20, 2015 3:47
Drazen - Well, we are using TLS 1.2. More details here

James - Fixing now
November 20, 2015 6:15
Great announcements and good to see everything in a single post.

BTW, The link routes to with an invalid cert
November 20, 2015 9:11
Simplifying is a Godsend.

Web, Node, JavaScript,, c# pushed forward.

Desktop, server-side, WPF, Lightswitch, SQL slouching towards end of life.

November 20, 2015 13:03
Great stuff Scott... :) I saw new Azure Storage Explorer in market, here is one I built which works pretty fast:
Please take a look when you get a chance..!
November 20, 2015 16:08
Hi Scott,

I would like to make a request for another blog post.

I don't like so much that dnvm relies heavily on the user profile's location.

In my case I have to work with dnvm with several profiles and I would like to rely on only one installation of the environments and the caches for the different user profile I use on the same machine.

Would you elaborate a method in order to achieve this.

I would really appreciate as you always find the right way to do that type of improvement.

Thanks in advance for taking my request in consideration

November 20, 2015 22:19
This is really a great news. This will work as a starter's guide for me to use the ASP.NET 5. Thanks Scott.
November 24, 2015 20:05
This will work as a starter's guide for me to use the ASP.NET 5
November 26, 2015 10:56
Hey folks, we put some of the code up here:
November 26, 2015 18:48
Hi Scott
Thanks for your effort.
Regarding the sample projects which you demonstrated at the conference. Would it be possible for you to share the source code for it ?
November 30, 2015 18:25
Hi Scott,

Since the SSL cert is verify by Microsoft, is that a hint that Microsoft may sell certificates in the future? It would be great to be able buy the certs at the azure portal.

Thank you,
December 03, 2015 0:29
@Scott everything looks great. But it would be awesome if Visual Studio Code had the option to open ftp sites in it.
December 07, 2015 15:36
Great work by Microsoft community. Node.js is really cool. Love it.
December 18, 2015 14:11
When will there be an rc1 update 2 or rc2? Because I hit this bug for days now:

the rest is really nice though ;)
December 29, 2015 21:40
I've been messing around with 5 and I really like a lot of things. For instance, it was a great idea to create a wwwroot directory for all the client images, scripts, stylesheets, etc. The view imports file, and Task runners were also a great idea. Love having a lean production environment. Once you get everything configured properly, it is awesome.

However, it sure seems like I'm doing a lot of things manually that used to be scaffolded. For example, you used to be able to right-click on a controller action and select "Create View". Now you have to manually create the folder structure and manually create the view file; keyboard shortcuts are quickly becoming my friends :)

It is also annoying that Visual Studio "forgets" my NPM and Bower configuration files after closing the project. You have to "View All Files" to access them after re-opening your solution. Maybe this is because the Bower Package Manager GUI is going to be the preferred method and there will be a NPM GUI? What I've found is that the Bower GUI doesn't include all the packages and actually takes longer to load/find things than manually editing the file with IntelliSense.

Also, it seems like a lot of the NPM packages for Grunt and Gulp don't want to play nice with Windows (long file names/paths) and Visual Studio. Visual Studio frequently crashes when adding Gulp packages. While I prefer the code-based pipe approach that Gulp offers, I've gone back to using Grunt since it doesn't seem to crash the IDE.
January 19, 2016 19:28
Hi All,

ASPNET5 doesn't have the System.Drawing package.So i could not convert the WMF image to required image format type.
Is there any alternate way to achieve this in ASPNET5?.

Can you all please update your suggestion as soon as possible.

Thanks in Advance,

January 22, 2016 0:50
All great, but hosting server - Kestrel, hangs when trying concurrent calls, which makes it impossible to be used.. (
January 29, 2016 18:31
I think this post should be updated with ASP.NET Core 1 in place of ASP.NET 5 to avoid confusion.

Thanks Scott.
February 02, 2016 0:21
at risk of sounding completely stupid, is there any plan for having a way to invoke several controller action/web api call from a single ajax request that gets executed parallel on server side ? that would greatly increase composability

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.