ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 (Release Candidate)
I've talked before in presentations that the ASP.NET and Web Tools team has been slowly externalizing pieces of ASP.NET. You've seen it in many pieces of the ASP.NET runtime moving into NuGet while also being open sourced, and you've seen it as we've moved big chunks of the "tooling" (that means the menus and dialogs you interact within Visual Studio when using ASP.NET) into external installers.
Why are we doing this? Because the Web moves faster than Visual Studio does. We want to be able to offer a stable ASP.NET core that you can count on while being able to offer new and powerful features more often as needed.
Visual Studio itself has moved to a faster update model and recently released Visual Studio 2012.1 (that's Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 if you prefer.) You can get the VS2012.1 update here or just wait for Visual Studio to popup some toast and let you know.
We're going to release an update to ASP.NET we'll call ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2. This will happen early next year but today you can download our Release Candidate! You can watch my presentation with Jon Galloway from the BUILD conference or read the release notes. This RC is, of course, newer than the one we released at BUILD and has a better name.
- Direct Download ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2
- Download Page and Release notes
This is a tooling refresh of Visual Studio 2012 and extends the existing run time with new features without breaking existing applications. This adds new templates and features including:
- Enhancements to Web Publishing unifying Web Application and Website project publish experience. Selective publish, local/remote diffs and more.
- Page Inspector has enhancements including JavaScript selection mapping and ability to see CSS updates in real-time.
- New Web API functionality including support for OData, tracing and generating a help page for your API.
- New MVC templates
- You can create Facebook apps using the MVC Facebook template. In just a few easy steps you can create a Facebook Canvas Application that gets data from the logged in user as well and with friends.
- The return and refresh of an all-new Single Page Application template allows developers to build interactive web apps using Knockout JavaScript library and a RESTful Web API.
- Real-time communication via SignalR. This means SignalR, in case you haven't heard, is a real and official thing. It's fully supported by Microsoft.
- Extensionless Web Forms via ASP.NET Friendly URLs which makes it easy for web forms developers to generate clean URLs without the .aspx extension. This can be used with existing ASP.NET 4.0 applications as well!
- FriendlyURLs also makes it easier for developers to add mobile support to their applications, by supporting switching between desktop and mobile views.
- Editor support for Knockout IntelliSense and pasting JSON as a class.
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 installs quickly and does NOT alter the current ASP.NET run time components or change the GAC. For a complete description see the Release Notes.
ASP.NET Fall 2012 Update for Visual Studio 2012 can be installed from the Fall 2012 Update home page( This is an update to Visual Studio 2012, which is required. This Release Candidate update does not support localized versions yet. You see the new features in English but we'll will have localization support in upcoming RTM. It is an RC so there are some known issues. Be sure to check out the Release Notes for issues and workarounds.
Also be sure to get our "labs" component for Web Developers called Web Essentials. This is a place for Mads and the team to try out new features and play. When those features are baked, we'll graduate them to an update like this one!
Why isn't this called ASP.NET 4.6? Because it's not. The GAC'ed ASP.NET 4.5 doesn't change. This is mostly a tooling update as well as a collection of NuGet-based libraries that augment but don't replace ASP.NET 4.5. If we called if ASP.NET 4.6 then folks would think they needed to rush to update their servers. They don't. It's an update for "Web Tools for VS 2012" but that's lame, so since we got the VS guys to use the .1, .2, .3 scheme rather than September Update CTP Refresh, then we can make things easier by calling this Web Tools 2012.2.
This .2 release is just a step towards a more componentized "One ASP.NET." I hope you enjoy the direction we're heading. We've got some new things planned like a unified "File New ASP.NET Application" dialog, a better way to add your own templates and share them with the community, and a more level playing field for everyone.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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When will VS get better Node.js support (IntelliSense and NPM)?
Right now, WebMatrix is way ahead in terms of Node.js support, but it has a vastly inferior JS editor.
Since you're offering SPA + Knockout, can we dream of seeing a project template that would offer SPA + Knockout + Breeze ?
c.Index()) ) is planed for future release of ASP.NET MVC.
Did you forget it? ;-)
I've already used of T4MVC but I think out of the box support of this feature with the mentioned syntax is much better.
I'm a bit burned from the sneaky hidden caveat of the Nov2012 CTP bits for VC++ that are not usable in production until Visual Studio vNext.
But maybe this is just the market, democratizing development, wider appeal and all.
I dunno, convice me Scott?
Also interesting are graduating features from Web Essentials like the ability to "Paste JSON as C# classes." Literally put JSON in the clipboard and paste it and get compatible C# classes.
The intellisense for Knockout is inside the HTML editor, not in the JS editor. We're trying to get better JavaScript intellisense in general for things like backbone, ember, and other stuff. There's also support for mustache templates and other client side template languages.
Also, rather than waiting a year to get this you waited a few months. You'll see (and suggest) new features in the next few months and or every week if you get the Web Essentials plugin.
In the future we want to make it so you (or any OSS project or corporation) can make your own VERY easily shared templates so you can say File New | Mike's style of coding rather than File New | Facebook App.
Thanks again.
Perhaps Microsoft should make a Windows Azure role for it that you can easily just deploy?
Another likely use Chrome and you know it's open source. But you hopefully know that Chromium is open source and Chrome is the Google "instance" of the Chromium open source project.
This help?
Olabamiji - You can check out Web Essentials for 2010 but for the most part there will be no new features for 2010 as we're focused on 2012.
Matt - What's holding you back? SignalR has (and has for a while) supported multiple web servers, pluggable backplanes, SQL, Redis, Service Bus, etc. It also works great in Azure, now.
In the future we want to make it so you (or any OSS project or corporation) can make your own VERY easily shared templates so you can say File New | Mike's style of coding rather than File New | Facebook App.
Can you direct us to where the design discussion for this is happening? Also, my search for the tooling source code came up empty. Is the tooling open source or extensible so that we can create our own shared templates?
Scott, Rails community is kicking our asses here. Where the frig is MS community on Backbone examples? Dude, please, start churning the wheels in Redmond. Thanks, Ed.
- win 8 x64 enterprise
- VS 2012 + update 1 (final)
- R# 7.1 (final)
- Web Essentials 2.0
I grabbed a minidump during one of the freezes; I'll take a look at the stack later and see if it shows anything interesting. Right now though, middle of project delivery... (yeah, yeah, I shouldn't be installing prerelease s/w during crunch time - mea culpa)
I'm trying to create Upload function in ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Application (An ASP.NET MVC 4 project for mobile devices).
I have no luck, but same code works for "Internet Application" project type.
Post returns null for HttpPostedFileBase, always.
Are there any limitations with Mobile Application templates?
I am sure you can reproduce this issue by creating a new Mobile Application. I am using VS2010 Ultimate .NET ver 4.0.30319 SP1Rel
Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
- jquery 1.8.3
- knockout 2.2
- datajs 1.1.0
- toastr 1.0
- jaydata 1.2.5 (this is about 18,000 lines - it crashes VS outright when I try to view it - yikes!)
- jaydata providers (odata, sqlLite)
- jaydata generated entity context (jaydata - couple of hundred lines)
- Sammy 0.7 / Sammy.handlebars
- handlebars 1.0rc
This is quite a lot of script. I suspect it's overloading the language service. I just had it freeze again when trying to change the knockout bindings - this time for 7 minutes. It would be nice to be able to turn these things off, a la VS productivity tools.
A quick estimate gives me about 45,000 to 50,000 lines of JS code. I'll try swapping out for some minified libs and see if it helps...
Seems this update has caused my Visual Studio to crash anytime I try and build my project. If I disable the Web Essentials 2012 extension, it no longer crashes. Took me a while to figure out which extension was incompatible. Even tried the WE 2012 Nightlies, still no go.
Method not found: 'System.Web.Http.Controllers.ServicesContainer System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration.get_Services()'.
VS locks up, processor load increases to ~25%. Sometimes it recovers after ~30-45 seconds, sometimes the only remedy is killing the process.
And if I might also sneak in a feature-request: would it be possible to add outlining for knockout "regions", e.g.:
<!-- ko if: someCondition -->
... some very extensive block of markup
<!-- /ko -->
The open community is anti-Microsoft for a reason. Microsoft offers NO SUPPORT to it's developers with new technology.
Microsoft is a follower, not a leader. Nothing Microsoft does for any innovative reason. Microsoft only does for one of two reasons: to make money, or because the other communities are leaps and bounds ahead.
If you are under the age of 30, do not learn one blessed MS developer product: forget Visual Studio, forget Knockout, forget MVC4, forget Entity framework, forget Signal R.
Steer clear of MS, learn from the open community, stay away from anything that is Microsoft; your career will go farther.
Truly, a disappointed Microsoft Certified Program Developer.
PS: Ching ching Scott, right? That is what it is all about, right dude?
Awesome stuff
I have been working in the business intelligence arena for several years and recently started working with Asp.Net MVC 3, Razor and those Telerik MVC extensions. All this makes me quite keen to see the newer MVC framework!
Ignore Joe. Obviously the guy has a chip on his shoulder about something else. You and this blog are evidence of how much better the world for MS developers is these days.
I do have a question. When the release is official, what's involved in upgrading? I am watching these rapid changes with great interest, but had some trouble with the BUILD preview, and so am just a tiny bit gun shy. Since this is mostly tooling, will it just overwrite the RC, or will we need to do a deinstall or something?
Excited to try out that SPA template.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my VS brothers and sisters.
the Facebook templates right now only support the canvas application type. Is there any plan for supporting regular (self-hosted) ASP.NET applications that use the Facebook API?
Where can I submit such feature proposals? Would the ASP.NET team take such source code contributions from outside?
See change log:
While pasting json as class, Visual Studio prompts:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The culture 'Chinese (Simplified, PRC)' is not supported. Pluralization is currently only supported for the English language.
How to deal with that?
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