Back To Basics: You aren't smarter than the compiler. (plus fun with Microbenchmarks)
Microbenchmarks are evil. Ya, I said it. Folks spend hours in tight loops measuring things trying to find out the "best way" to do something and forget that while they are changing 5ms between two techniques they've missed the 300ms Database Call or the looming N+1 selects issue that has their ORM quietly making even more database calls.
My friend Sam Saffron says we should "take global approach to optimizations." Sam cautions us to avoid trying to be too clever.
1 2 3 | // You think you're slick. You're not. // faster than .Count()? Stop being clever. var count = (stuff as ICollection< int >).Count; |
All that said, let's argue microbenchmark, shall we? ;)
I did a blog post a few months back called "Back to Basics: Moving beyond for, if and switch" and as with all blog posts where one makes a few declarative statement (or shows ANY code at all, for that matter) it inspired some spirited comments. The best of them was from Chris Rigter in defense of LINQ.
I started the post by showing this little bit of counting code:
1 2 3 4 5 | var biggerThan10 = new List; for ( int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++){ if (array [i] > 10) biggerThan10.Add (array[i]); } |
and then changed it into LINQ which can be either of these one liners
1 2 | var a = from x in array where x > 10 select x; var b = array.Where(x => x > 10); |
and a few questions came up like this one from Teusje:
"does rewriting code to one line make your code faster or slower or is it not worth talking about these nanoseconds?"
The short answer is, measure it. The longer answer is measure it yourself. You have the power to profile your code. If you don't know what's happening, profile it. There's some interesting discussion on benchmarking small code samples over on this StackOverflow question.
Now, with all kinds of code like this folks go and do microbenchmarks. This usually means doing something trivial a million times in a tight loop. That's lots of fun and I'm doing to do JUST that very thing right now with Chris's good work, but it's important to remember that your code is usually NOT doing something trivial a million times in a tight loop. Unless it is.
Knaģis says:
"Unfortunately LINQ has now created a whole generation of coders who completely ignores any perception of writing performant code. for/if are compiled into nice machine code, whereas .Where() creates instances of enumerator class and then iterates through that instance using MoveNext method...Please, please do not advocate for using LINQ to produce shorter, nicer to read etc. code unless it is accompanied by warning that it affects performance"
I think that LINQ above could probably be replaced with "datagrids" or "pants" or "google" or any number of conveniences but I get the point. Some code is shown in the comments where LINQ appears to be 10x slower. I can't reproduce his result.
Let's take Chris's comment and deconstruct it. First, taking an enumerable Range as an array and spinning through it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | var enumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999999); var sw = new Stopwatch(); int c = 0; // approach 1 sw.Start(); var array = enumerable.ToArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i] > 10) c++; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.ToArray()" ); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
The "ToArray()" part takes 123ms and the for loop takes 9ms on my system. Arrays are super fast.
Starting from the enumerable itself (not the array!) we can try the Count() one liner:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | // approach 2 Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.Count()" ); sw.Restart(); c = enumerable.Count(x => x > 10); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
It takes 86ms.
I can try it easily in Parallel over 12 processors but it's not a large enough sample nor is it doing enough work to justify the overhead.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | // approach 3 Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.AsParallel() (12 procs)" ); sw.Restart(); c = enumerable.AsParallel().Where(x => x > 10).Count(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
It adds overhead and takes 129ms. However, you see how easy it was to try a naïve parallel loop in this case. Now you know how to try it (and measure it!) in your own tests.
Next, let's do something stupid and tell LINQ that everything is an object so we are forced to do a bunch of extra work. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) how often you find code like this in production. This is an example of coercing types back and forth and as you can see, you'll pay the price if you're not paying attention. It always seems like a good idea at the time, doesn't it?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | //Approach 4 - Type Checking? Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.OfType(object) " ); var objectEnum = enumerable.OfType< object >().Concat( new [] { "Hello" }); sw.Start(); var objectArray = objectEnum.ToArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < objectArray.Length; i++) { int outVal; var isInt = int .TryParse(objectArray[i].ToString(), out outVal); if (isInt && Convert.ToInt32(objectArray[i]) > 10) c++; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
That whole thing cost over 4 seconds. 4146ms in fact. Avoid conversions. Tell the compiler as much as you can up front so it can be more efficient, right?
What if we enumerate over the types with a little hint of extra information?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | // approach 5 Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.OfType(int) " ); sw.Restart(); c = enumerable.OfType< int >().Count(x => x > 10); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
Nope, the type check wasn't necessarily in this case. It took 230ms and added overhead. What if this was parallel?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | // approach 6 Console.WriteLine( "Enumerable.AsParallel().OfType(int) " ); sw.Restart(); c = enumerable.AsParallel().OfType< int >().Where(x => x > 10).Count(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(c.Dump()); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump()); |
That's 208ms, consistently. Slightly faster, but ultimately I shouldn't be doing unnecessary work.
In this simple example of looping over something simple, my best bet turned out to be either the Array (super fast if it was an Array to start) or a simple Count() with LINQ. I measured, so I would know what was happening, but in this case the simplest thing also performed the best.
What's the moral of this story? Measure and profile and make a good judgment. Microbenchmarks are fun and ALWAYS good for an argument but ultimately they exists only so you can know your options, try a few, and pick the one that does the least work. More often than not (not always, but usually) the compiler creators aren't idiots and more often than not the simplest syntax will the best one for you.
Network access, database access, unnecessary serializations, unneeded marshaling, boxing and unboxing, type coercion - these things all take up time. Avoid doing them and when do you do them, don't just know why you're doing them, but also that you are doing them.
Is it fair to say "LINQ is evil and makes things slow?" No, it's fair to say that code in general can be unintuitive if you don't know what's going on. There can be subtle side-effects whose time can get multiplied inside of a loop. This includes type checking, type conversion, boxing, threads and more.
The Rule of Scale: The less you do, the more you can do of it.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Two things to note:
1) While it is not by any means an excuse to code poorly, most software devs aren't working on code that needs to be performant. Period. The cycles are there idle on the box and I would favor readability and maintainability over something that shaves 10% off of a small fraction of a second.
2) When there are areas of the software being built that need to eek performance out of the hardware, I would intentionally put developers in that dev seat who understand performance. It's also a good opportunity to pair up and mentor someone who otherwise, ahem, degrades your project with Linq statements.
Finally, I just spoke with a dev last week who was bashing Linq performance, based on his experience with scaling Linq to SQL several years ago. Things have changed, home slices.
It's important to keep an open mind, consider advances in the functionality and perhaps, for some, lose the ego and admit that in many cases we're, indeed, not as smart as the compiler.
public static class ActionExtensions
public static TimeSpan AverageThis(this Action p, int numberOfTimesToRun)
var spans = new TimeSpan[numberOfTimesToRun];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++){
spans[i] = TimeThis(p).Elapsed;
double vAverage = (from timeSpan in spans
select timeSpan).Average(pSpan => pSpan.TotalSeconds);
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(vAverage);
public static Stopwatch TimeThis(this Action p)
Stopwatch vStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
return vStopWatch;
public class Demo
public void TimeThisDemo()
long elapsedMilliseconds = new Action(() => Thread.Sleep(200)).TimeThis().ElapsedMilliseconds;
public void AverageThisDemo()
double elapsedMilliseconds = new Action(() => Thread.Sleep(200)).AverageThis(1000).TotalSeconds;
In this case, I will nearly always favour the small lambda/linq statement over a 5-10 line for loop performing the same job.
I trust the compiler, but like Scott said, its all about the judgement.
var sw = new Stopwatch();
The first code example is interesting because Count() actually does optimize for ICollection.Count already.
@GiuseppeFalce EF is a great example of this, poorly written EF queries undoubtedly perform terribly however when it comes well structured queries EF can actually perform really well. This is no different to if you are writing efficient or inefficient SQL statements. (In the essence of providing evidence for my claim heres my data
dcstraw - I'm using the term "compiler" in the broadest sense but your point is taken.
1. Easier to read. The shorter the better. Nobody wants your code equivalent of War and Peace.
2. Less bugs. There is a ton of evidence that bugs are a function of lines of code. New/Poor developer maybe a bug every 5-10 lines of code. Good/Great developer maybe 10, 20 or even 50. Writing less code means you are writing less bugs.
3. Libraries. Most problems are solved. Don't re-solve them yourself. I can't tell you how many people don't know about File.ReadAllText() or Path.Combine() and keep rewriting it themselves. Libraries are constantly improved and are tested by millions. Use them.
4. Runs faster. Short code not only takes less CPU cycles to run, but also is more likely to fit in the CPU cache.
For this reason, .Count() should be used unless it is seen to be a performance bottleneck in the application. Turns out it's nearly the fastest anyway.
However, recently I've been working on a parser/lexer which will be used as a library in a few projects. In this case the code itself is so fast that profiling it will hurt performance too much in certain areas and lead you down the wrong path. So in fact I've had to resort to custom Stopwatch timings much like what you're doing here.
I would think that anyone creating libraries that tend to be CPU-bound is going to run into the same situation at some point.
Knagis, whoever you are, go program in assembly (it's insanely fast), while I do serious work.
Wasting time on unneeded efficiency is bad but so is writing lots of poor code and thinking you are adding value.
First of all, doing this while writing code is premature optimization, period. Write your feature first and then, as you do performance tests on it, see what happens. It could already be sufficiently fast.
Second of all, I think this usually comes from a lack of understanding what is actually happening with your code. When Linq was first introduced and I started using Linq to objects, I made some bad queries myself, which indead where very, very slow. The question is, do you take the time to figure out why some code is slow?
I did write the 'old school' equivalent of the Linq statement that gave me problems and found debugged the h#$% out of my Linq statement and found out there was some other underlying problem I could fix by restructering my statement.
Another thing that I miss with a lot of developers is cost awareness. Trust me, any company who can choose between spending a $1000 more on hardware or having you 'optimize' your code for a week will go for the better hardware. It tends to be cheaper to spend money on hardware then it is to spend money on a developer.
So my point is: don't optimize early, know what your code is actually doing, and always be aware of costs.
I don't think LINQ is as dangerous in this context as much as L2S or L2E, in which case you have more than enough rope to hang 10 men, that's where the real problems will lay.
Micro-benchmarking seems like premature optimization to me, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is a bad thing...?
void Main()
var enumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999999);
var array = enumerable.ToArray();
var sw = new Stopwatch();
int c = 0;
// approach 1
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
if (array[i] > 10)
// approach 2
c = array.Count(x => x > 10);
// approach 3
Console.WriteLine("Enumerable.AsParallel() (8 procs)");
c = array.AsParallel().Count(x => x > 10);
On my machine
Enumerable.AsParallel() (8 procs)
You cheat with your example ! :-)
array is faster than LINQ:
Considering your code:
var enumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999999);
var array = enumerable.ToArray();
the second line take 100ms....
If you do this:
var array = Enumerable.Range(0, 9999999).ToArray();
first example take 33ms... the second (LINQ) take 172ms
I coudn't expect LINQ to be faster than FOR....
The other thing to watch out for is memory pressure. It's easy to see a tight loop performing fine and think nothing of its impact on the GC, especially if you're using a lot of projections. It takes a while for the GC to collect, and you won't notice it 'in the small' when profiling.
First, I don't think you gain anything by returning the Stopwatch instance from your "TimeThis" method instead of the elapsed time.
Second, in your "AverageThis" method, the line: from timeSpan in spans select timeSpan has no effect; you can replace it with spans and get the same result. (The only time this construct is useful is if you're returning data to the caller, and you don't want them to be able to cast it back to the original array or list.)
Third, by average the TotalSeconds of the elapsed times, you're reducing the resolution of the stopwatch. It would probably be better to average the Ticks instead.
Finally, there's no need to create an array to store the elapsed time for each result; you can simply sum the times and then divide by the number of iterations:
public static class ActionExtensions
public static TimeSpan TimeThis(this Action p)
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
return stopwatch.Elapsed;
public static TimeSpan AverageThis(this Action p, int numberOfTimesToRun)
long averageTicks = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfTimesToRun)
.Sum(_ => TimeThis(p).Ticks) / numberOfTimesToRun;
return TimeSpan.FromTicks(averageTicks);
I wasn't trying to be either pro or anti LINQ, rather I was for making an informed decision based on (pseudo) scientific observations.
It also only takes a tiny change in requirements or constraints for these figures to swing things in favour of one method or another, hence why I am all for observation and measurement prior to decision making. Over time your experiences will lead you to make judgement calls of one way or another, which is a good thing. However you have to be careful not to be blinded by these judgements and be open to re-assessing the facts that lead you to making them.
5. "Less-code" code ALWAYS may be easy replaced with "more-code" code. Opposite is not true.
It easier to replace LINQ with loop rather than loop with LINQ.
I actually do the above fluently here which might be interesting to you.
I tried running your example, but I don't have the assembly for the int.Dump() extension method. Can you provide this? Is it a Microsoft library?
(1) Why are you concatenating "Hello" to enumerable.OfType<object>() in Approach#4? Is this because the compiler will know it is type int if you don't add in another type?
(2) I realize this isn't the point of your post, but I am trying to make sense of the code sample as a whole. In approach #4, why don't you evaluate (outval > 10) once you've already parsed the int? Was that an oversight, or am I missing something here?
If there is a performance problem with the running application, I'll profile it. After that, I'll concentrate on tuning the bottlenecks. I won't waste my time on in-memory code that's executed once.
In my experience bottlenecks tend to be in data access code, server round-trips, or other I/O.
Don't prematurely optimize. Don't micro-optimize.
And yes, the developer was saying that "Linq is slow" while they're just not thinking about what's happening behind the scenes.
As for micro optimizations, I used a custom Int.Parse just yesterday. It was about twice as fast so it was worth it as it's used hundreds of thousands of times in our code.
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