Beta Rev Disk Drivers for Windows Vista
I have a love/hate relationship with my Iomega Rev Drive. I love the drive, but I hate Iomega.
The drive hasn't worked in Vista since I upgraded due to lack of drivers, and that's cramped my backup strategy. However, I noticed today beta drivers for Vista up on their incrediblycraptastic support site.
Here's the direct links so you don't have to futz around. Good luck.
- Vista Compatibilty with Rev Drive
- Automatic Backup doesn't work anymore.
- Vista Compatibilty Support Forum - complain here
- Vista Rev Drivers Public Beta Page
- Direct Link to the Beta Drivers - subversion 5005.
- Feedback Survey
It's a great little piece of hardware, the Rev Drive, it's just got yucky software because they choose to make it look like a UDF (DVD/CD) device, rather than a removable hard drive (which would have been my preference.)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I've wasted enough time with dealing with drivers and difficult to acquire media for SyQuest, Iomega and Exabyte drives. Not to mention that their reliability didn't seem to match basic IDE drives.
Now it's IDE or SATA all the way (in external USB cases or in NAS devices).
Critical data gets FTP'ed offsite (encrypted) as well, and code goes into an online SVN provider (one which allows me to get periodic dumps).
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