CVS and Subversion vs. VSS/SourceSafe
Here's a response I gave to a fellow on an email list I'm on yesterday. He was having trouble understanding that CVS (and other source control systems) didn't "lock" files (checkout with reservation) as he has been a VSS person for his whole career. This is what I said (a bit is oversimplified, but the essense is there):
With VSS you:
Checkout with reservations – meaning that developer has an exclusive lock on that file.
With CVS you:
Edit and Merge optimistically – developers can make a change to any file any time. However, CVS is the authoritative source and they must Update and Commit their changes to the repository.
It sounds scary, but it’s HIGHLY productive and very powerful. It works more often than not, as most devs don’t work on the exact same function. It is largely this concept that makes Continuous Integration work.
It’s a FANTASTICALLY powerful way to manage source. No need to wait for that “locked” file. Source files can be edited at any time. For example, if there is a file with two functions:
Line1: Public void a()
Line2: {}
Line4: Public void b()
Line5: {}
Two developers can edit the same file, different functions:
Line1: Public void aChanged() <- DEV1
Line2: {}
Line4: Public void bDifferent() <- DEV2
Line5: {}
These changes are called “non-conflicting.” CVS will automatically merge them. Now, we don’t know if they files will still compile (that’s the job of the developer and the build system) but since different lines of text are changed, they don’t conflict.
If two devs change the SAME LINE, then CVS holds both changes with “Conflict Markers” and demands that the developer RECONCILE the changes before committing. I manage all the dasBlog development worldwide using CVS. How could I do that if I allowed you in India to LOCK a file for days at a time? For example, when you are done working in your sandbox, it’s your responsibility to merge your changes in with the mainline.
"CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is an open-source version control tool that’s extremely popular in the Unix/Linux world. CVS is a client-server system, which makes it easy for multiple users, possbly scattered across the Internet, to collaborate.. In fact, Apple uses it internally to manage the development of Mac OS X, and to make their sources for the Darwin kernel available to the world. CVS’s signature feature is its use of “optimistic” locking to let multiple people work on the same file at the same time. It then automatically merges their changes and signals whether it thinks human intervention will be required to complete the merge. (It seems like it would take magic for CVS to do this reliably, but in practice it has worked very well for me.) CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is an open-source version control tool that’s extremely popular in the Unix/Linux world. Unlike Projector and VOODOO Personal, CVS is a client-server system, which makes it easy for multiple users, possibly scattered across the Internet, to collaborate. Although only the client runs on Classic Mac OS and Windows, the server runs on Mac OS X. In fact, Apple uses it internally to manage the development of Mac OS X, and to make their sources for the Darwin kernel available to the world. CVS’s signature feature is its use of "optimistic" locking to let multiple people work on the same file at the same time. It then automatically merges their changes and signals whether it thinks human intervention will be required to complete the merge. (It seems like it would take magic for CVS to do this reliably, but in practice it has worked very well for me.)"
"By default, CVS uses an optimistic multiple writers approach. Everybody has write permission on a file, and changes are merged as the editors commit their changes to the repository. Changes won’t commit without merging. At first, this protocol appears problematic to most people who haven’t used it. In practice, manual intervention is only required for lines which have been modified by both editors involved in the merge. As with file-locking, this protocol is not without risk. It is possible to introduce logical errors to a file which has merged without incident, as added or deleted lines can change the semantics of the prior version. This technique is most effective when changes are committed frequently and the number of simultaneous writers is minimised."
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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This is true, however, I've been REALLY underimpressed with not only VSS's merge functionality, but also it's branching and labelling. Also when our VSS DB hit 15GB and got corrupted weekly, we figured it was time to move on.
How many people really use VSS for large scale concurrent development? I wonder.
Also, you're saying you had no trouble at all, even with VSS-->VS.NET integration using a CVS-style model?
However, VSS has this feature too. Multiple people can check out a file, and when the second person checks back in it does a automatic merge and/or conflict resolution just like you describe. This ability can be turned on or off by the administrator, and at checkout time you can also exclude someone from checking out behind you (just in case you are doing extensive changes that are unlikely to be easily mergable).
Docs here:
Yes, I know VSS can do this, but I would propose that it is:
* not the default
* virtually unknown as a concept to "mort"
Speaking of which, reliability is the central core of this sort of activity. I could care less about VSS hidden features or the fact that it is free. That one essential thing is missing.
Given reliability, merges are a great thing. If you don't like what the system produces on checkin, just roll it back.
And a few last shots. Microsoft reps are now enthusiastically talking about the VSS rewrite for VS 2005. They don't say good things about the existing version. And way too many of us are making comments based on "my SCC is better than your SCC", instead of reliability and good feature sets.
That being said, I'm trying to convey the same ideas to a programmer that could in no way be labeled a "mort".
I'm not bashing anything. Just a joke...
Maybe you have the joy of working with better developers than I do. Last time I tried this model it only took a couple of hours for the code tree to get screwed up.
If only I had the power to fire people!
The database is accessed by 30 developers + remote developers via SourceOffsite. We have multiple projects with multi-year timeframes, and a few projects that are 5 million LOC+. SourceSafe has not faultered much. We restored from tape backup _once_ losing about a days work.
Having said that, we are tossing SS for Subversion. We looked at Vault, but the migration was still too painful. We decided that we weren't migrating anything, and we'd start from scratch. Keeping the SS database, and all new development is done with Subversion.
Basically a cost decision. We're due to re-license, (Despite what most people think, it actually isn't free at all), and Subversion offers a comelling alternative for very little cost (some training, some management, some 3rd party integrayion tools), most of which we have to do anyways when new developers start who haven't worked with SCM tools before.
The realy low point of VSS is not lock outs, its horrible performance over internet. Really bites when you have outsourcing team. Perforce w. Visual Studio integration is by far da best source control system I ever seen. Atomic check-ins are golden.
CVS-type source control works because large (many developers), distributed development cannot use exclusive checkouts, period. It makes no sense.
However in a small shop with 3 or 4 developers sitting next to each other, exclusive checkout makes a *lot* of sense. Each developer is normally checking in many more changes per check-in (which makes merging more risky) and it's simply not a hassle to unlock an exlcusively checked out file (just shout across the room).
So I don't think you should say you're stupid for using exlcusive checkout.
I'd like to move to Subversion, but currently my workgroup uses VSS, and we have turned on shared checkouts. There's no built-in merge, it will just display the differences, and you have to choose which to go with (manually merge). We only have 10 devs, so it works for this small scale. We have a lot of code, but this is not a _large_ code repository. I think VSS works for small stuff, but it can be annoying at times. VS.Net integration has been just fine for use.
As soon as I have some spare time, I'm going to install Subversion to explore it more.
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That's just the default. Any REAL programmer (and that excludes the so-called experts who *recommend* exclusive checkouts, morons) goes in and turns on shared checkouts.
You can easily simulate a "CVS-style" model with VSS. We did it the whole time we used VSS (we're on Subversion now).