DasBlog Gripes?
DasBlog. Yep, it's Open Source. It's free. You can change it. You can leave it as it. Sometimes it sucks, other times less so. This fellow isn't digging dasBlog very much. UPDATED: He has since published a followup/retraction.
Here's some hyperbole and gripes from his post:
- I'm getting increasingly frustrated with this POS blogging software called dasBlog.
- I wish before I made the conversion I knew that those features are more like vapor ware. They don't work.
- The application restarts every five minutes, and there are so many little idiosyncrasies that I can't control. (He includes this event log here)
- To this day I can't find anyone that's not using the default themes or a slightly modified one.
Here's some interesting information for anyone who cares:
- If nobody visits your website in 20 minutes, IIS6 will restart your web application. By default. You can change this setting in IIS. If you have any app, even a custom one, it will be restarted every 20 minutes of inactivity if you don't change the setting. DasBlog simply logs that we restarted.
- There's actually pretty good documentation on making themes, there's many folks who've changed their themes. There are only 3 template files to edit. You can also use any Radio theme and there's dozens of macros to use.
All this bile after only 2 weeks with dasBlog? That's a bummer. On the upside, he includes this post showing how easy it was to move posts into dasBlog using our Object Model.
I'm sorry you hate dasBlog. I use it, and a few thousand others. I served 780,000 page views on this blog last month with dasBlog. Some users are happy, some are not. Those who are not happy with it can join up and help make it better (remembering that it's free and it's something we do in our free time) or you can switch. Such is the nature of choice.
As aways, if you have a question, ask.
I choose dasBlog for now. I hope readers will make an educated decision and pick a blog that makes them happy.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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One of these days I'll figure out how to use CVS and sourceforge so I can actually even get the source and muck with it. Thanks for all your work on the project though, incase you don't get told that enough!
I also wonder what features he expected dasBlog to have that it doesn't? I find it has pretty much any feature I would expect in a blogging engine.
I have also recently started changing the source to modify the back-end to my liking. I am in the process of writing a "picture-of-the-day" service that would display a different picture from my flickr stream dayly.
I am actually happy enough with dasBlog that I wm wondering if there are any plans to move forward with dasBlog into ASP.NET 2.0? I would really like to see web parts used and xhtml compliance would be nice. I would even be willing (and interested) in contributing to the coding effort.
Also the ease to convert my old blog which was stored as RSS into the new system was a synch - it even automatically worked out the categories.
Sigh, lack of sleep and time means that I'm still using the default themes.
Currently i'm considering using dasBlog or rolling out my own custom blog using monorail.
After briefly reviewing the source, one gripe i have is that it seems that the SharedBasePage is alittle to congested. its over 1200 lines of code, given maybe 1/3 are comments. Still i think i might need something a little more lightweight. Scott i respect your knowledge and i have been an avid reader, but it seems like you guys overcomplicated this blog project for no apparent reason.
I code asp.net fulltime and i know this could have been done simplier.
* dasblog has grown from blogx and this is our 7th release. Things get hairy and its definitely time to refactory.
* base classes, especially in asp.net are choke points, you are right.
* dasblog doesn't just show html, it supports rich logging, all blog apis, rss, atom, pingback, trackback. The list goes on. It also supports themes and is completely internationalized.
That said, you're 100% correct, sharedbasepage is a pig. But, it is a big that works, that survives big traffic, is fast and getting faster.
Is it possible to be lighter weight? Totally. And support all these features? Probably not.
Either way, there's a reason for every complication, nothing was done without a user story behind it.
If you can make it better, please join our team! If not, write your own and iif it supports the features I want, I will write the dasblog->moralesblog conversion tool.
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