Scott Hanselman

Details on the 2010 Diabetes Walk and a Thank You

September 07, 2010 Comment on this post [10] Posted in Diabetes
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Over the last few months I've blogged and tweeted about diabetes (in between my regular stuff) and you guys, Dear Readers, have be so kind as to donate over US$32,000 to Team Hanselman via the American Diabetes Association. We haven't hit our arbitrary $50k goal, but I'm totally amazed we made it this far, using only and entirely social media.

If you're interested in learning more about Diabetes and Type 1 Diabetes (what I have) then check out some of the stuff made this summer.

As a point of interest, in 2007 I tweeted every single time I had to manage some aspect of my diabetes in a day. You might be surprised how often we diabetics have to think about diabetes. I hope YOU think about it as you enjoy that cookie! ;)

Also, check out "Diabetes: The Airplane Analogy" for a clear explanation on how blood sugar, insulin, and all this equipment works together.

This next Sunday the 12th, as a culmination of all this, we'll be walking as Team Hanselman in the ADA's StepOut to Fight Diabetes. If you are in or around Portland, you are welcome to join our team and meet us at the Team Hanselman tent.

We'll be walking with many thousands at the Rose Quarter in Portland. We'll be doing the three mile walk.

General Schedule:

  • 8am: Registration opens w/ light breakfast
  • 8:40: Opening ceremony begins – Red Strider Ambassadors, ADA Researcher Dr. Michael Harris, Warm-ups, NAYA Youth Dancers and NARA Drum Group
  • 9:00: One, three and six mile walk begins through Irvington District
  • 10:15ish: Lunch, entertainment, bouncy houses, basketball hoop, music from the River City Ramblers, Health Fair Tent, face painting and more.
  • 11:15: Kids Race Walk w/ Coach Carmen
  • 12:30: Portland Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes Finishes

Thanks to EVERYONE for all their help and support! Remember if you donated to please make sure your company matches your donation. Also, there's still time to make a tax-deductable donation and get it matched. Also feel free to give to your local country's diabetes organization as well!

Feel free to spread the word on social networking sites with this short link:

You're a wonderful bunch of Dear Readers and I truly thank you for your support.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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September 08, 2010 3:53
Your campaign about diabetes is a very good thing, well, you already know that.
Thanks god I'm not diabetic, but even though, I appreciate very much you sharing your experience on handling diabetes in your daily life.

September 08, 2010 22:27
You may be interested in my new book, How Sweet It Is: Living and Learning from Diabetes. It examines the illness from a multi-dimensional perspective - namely the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual worlds. I can be reached at The book is available online through Ingram.
September 09, 2010 0:01
God luck on the walk. Wish I could be there, hiking really helps with my blood sugae levels, but I'll be tied up with other events.

A walk is wonderful for diabetes. I've got type 2, but with the help of some hiking, and bikig to work, I've been able to get my weight down (about 25 lbs so far, and about another 35 to go) and cut my meds in half. Hopefully the weight loss will help with the other half.

September 09, 2010 2:31
I hate needles, just watching you jab yourself is painful!

Great video, as every you make a complex topic easier to understand.
September 11, 2010 5:16
Wow Scott... I didn't realize how much work and how much pain you have to go thru on a regular basis. We will be there Sunday to support. The captions are truly appreciated. See you then.
Maryjoyce -
September 11, 2010 20:07
I just know it from syringes, but don't you need to disinfect the areas before you put the needles in it?

September 16, 2010 15:16
I just wanted to say thanks for posting this video, and for showing everyone what you have to go through on a regular basis in order to live. Good luck with the walk! :D
September 17, 2010 17:37
Thank for sharing this. That was difficult for me to watch, hard to realize how often you have to do that.
November 03, 2010 22:45
Wow - no idea you had to go through all of that. I am merely adult-onset type-2, and can walk and eat to keep the glucose down, and check glucose every few days. Which is a cakewalk compared to your continuous devices.
May 07, 2011 2:18
Hi there Scott.

I just finished my studies and is now working as a junior .Net developer in Sweden. Recently discovered you (your blog) and it went straight to my rss reader :)

I have an almost identical insulin pump connected to me. It was nice to see Im not alone. Of course i already knew I wasnt alone but I've never seen anyone else doing the same routines I do. :)

Did you know that in Sweden the insulin, tubes and reservoirs is totally free. I even got the pump for free! Not paid by insurance company - Paid by my fellow citizens (tax). Nice huh!? :)

The only thing I need to pay for is the blood sugar meter, wich is about $15 every other year when I need to upgrade =)

Btw, I watched the "Developer Stand up Comedy" video yesterday and it was awesome :)

Anyways... I just wanted to share. Take care and keep up the good work!


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