"Energy Consumption" or "Can We Recapture The Extra Heat From My Funeral Pyre?"
As a self-declared "Energy Star" person, driving a Toyata Prius currently getting 44 mpg, as well as various other green lifestyle choices, I found myself in a very interesting discussion earlier today as I insulted my co-workers choice of 15 mpg Giant Barns On Wheels. The suggestion was made that since I had such guilt over causing damage to the environment through my personal use of dead dinosaurs for personal transport that I should perhaps result to self-immolation as a way to atone for my pain.
This left me wondering, how could I recapture and reuse the energy from my funeral pyre for use by my decendants?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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