Finishing what was Quite A Day to start what we will be Quite A Week
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Whew. A big day.
- My third wedding anniversary. Woo hoo! My great-uncle says it's the first 50 that are hard. After that, smooth sailing. (Just noticed the date on my wedding site...FYI: We eloped on 10/24/2000, and had the big to-do later)
- Had lunch with Jim Blizzard, Phil Weber and Andrew Brust who is in town talking to PADNUG via INETA. I'll be returning the favor in NYC at the .NET UG in January.
- Upgraded to dasBlog 1.4.3297.0, and what an upgrade it is. On the admin site, reporting for Aggregator Activity, User Agents, Crossposting to, ClickThrough Tracking, URL Rewriting, oy! I was chatting with Clemens a few minutes ago and he had some ideas around presence that will blow your mind. Maybe we'll write it next week...
- With Patrick Cauldwell leading the way and some SERIOUS CodeSmith'ing, basically re-wrote XSD.EXE and generate instance test data, domain objects (Account, Payee, etc), domain messages/operations (GetAccountResponse, GetPayees), documentation, and our custom Voyager templates. As Patrick said, there's SO much more to code generation than Strongly Typed Collections.
- 99% perfected the build process and now just need to improve NUnit2Report to include things like the Computer Name, and support for multiple NUnit xml input files. Anyone else got a better NAnt Build Task for this?
- Told my CST407 class at OIT what the Final would be. They were shaking in their boots. :)
- Heading to PDC on Sunday at 9am. My days are packed full until I leave Thursday and it'll be 98 degrees the whole time. Schwing.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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"some SERIOUS CodeSmith'ing" and yet CodeSmith is still not on your ultimate tools list, *sigh*. :-)
Eric J. Smith
Eric J. Smith
Curious if you ever found another NAnt task for NUnit2 HTML results formatting or if you made those changes. I'm currently at the point of tying our NUnit tests into the build process and like you, need to add additional info to the generated reports. It seems that the NUnit2Report project is pretty dead -- no checkins in 2 years. Thanks for anything you have.
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