Scott Hanselman

Free Anti-Virus Software...clever marketing ploy or useful software?

August 15, 2004 Comment on this post [5] Posted in Programming
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Ben Cordingley forwarded me a link where eTrust (CA) is giving away a free Anti-Virus and Firewall package, no doubt to capitalize on the SP2 release.  Clever, but it's only free for a year as you'll have to update your subscription for presumably $50 in 12 months.

Regardless, it could be just the ticket for your Mom or family.

Another thought for Virus Protection while continuing to use the built-in firewall is GriSoft's AVG Free Edition.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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August 15, 2004 15:05
That offer is up all year long already, so I guess it was not SP2 that triggered that move.
August 18, 2004 2:17
I use AVG at home, but I've heard good things about Avast as well:
August 18, 2004 6:11
Why use the built-in firewall when you can have Kerio ( for free?
August 18, 2004 7:41
What is that better than Tiny Personal Firewall or Zonealarm?
August 25, 2004 20:33
I'd stay away from ZoneAlarm 5. Too many people have experienced system freezes and have reinstalled version 4. They even made the link available on their site since the problem was so widespread.

AVG is excellent (both the free and Pro versions). I've been using it for a few years. I always let my Norton AntiVirus expire when I get a new machine since AVG has always caught everything that Norton has.

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