Scott Hanselman

Free ISO Disk Image burning Utility that works on Vista

October 04, 2006 Comment on this post [12] Posted in Tools
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BurncdccI found myself on Vista RC1 recently, downloading an ISO DVD disk image of the next build if Vista when I realized I had no way to burn the image to disk! Try as I may, I couldn't find an applet within Vista to burn an ISO and I had to uninstall Nero when I upgraded Vista.

Now, there's lots of ISO burning tools, but BurnCDCC from TerabyteUnlimited (Download via FTP) not only burns and works great on Vista RC1, but it requires no install. That's my kind of utility.

Boom. Copied to my C:\utils folder.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 04, 2006 1:48
great tool
great tip
great solution :P

Bye from Spain
October 04, 2006 2:09
If you have a valid Nero license, and want to use it on Vista, I suggest searching for "Nero Lite". It's a customised Nero installation package that leaves out a lot of the "media" stuff, but includes the core Burning Rom components.

I've got installed on my 5728 build... and it works just fine.

I think it's Nero Scout that's causing all the problems with Vista. Hopefully they'll choose to leave that out when they release a Vista compatible version of Nero.

October 04, 2006 5:10
ImgBurn might require an install but works wonderfully on 32 and 64 bit Vista.
October 04, 2006 6:34
Hmmm... the strike "close" tag in Dave's post didn't stick. Interesting.

Any word on Alex Feinman's ISO Recorder in Vista? That's been my favorite for a while. Not only does it burn ISOs, but it creates ISOs via a context menu added to folders. Very handy!
October 04, 2006 10:58

First of all I gotta tell you, I am a regular listener of Hanselminutes and I just love the content. It is informative and is easy listening. I specially loved the Chris Sells Interview in the last episode.

You doing and amazing job. Kudos.

I was trying to set up an internet connection on my Vista. My Internet account requires a licensed version of an anti-virus to be installed on the machine for it to be able to connect to the Internet.

I have a broadband connection and the provider is Sify. There is this small installable that I need to run to set up the connection. I tried to do so and during the installation process it looks up whether there is a licensed anti-virus installed on the machine or not. If not then it tries to install its own anti-virus (I have no idea which one).

I tried to install my existing mcafee anti-virus on Vista. But (obviously) there is an un-supported OS error. Since you are doing the Vista podcasts these days, you might want to cover this Antivirus-Vista compatibility issue as a topic in one of the episodes. Or you might want to blog about it.

God Bless...
October 04, 2006 13:19
I'm running Vista RC1 but has the Server 2003 Resource Kit installed. On there there's two invaluable little command line tools called cdburn.exe and dvdburn.exe.

To burn iso as simple as cdburn <drive> image, same with dvd.
October 04, 2006 17:01
ImgBurn is the way to go. It works with any type of image and has a ton of advanced features. One of my favorites is "burn this folder as ISO"
October 04, 2006 17:04
Thanks for the tip. I can definately use this. I assuem this will now be on your Ultimate Tools List.
October 04, 2006 18:11

Great Find! Now, do you know of a good FTP tool that works with Vista... I'm back to using the command line tool.
October 04, 2006 21:24
FileZilla (FTP) works great on Vista.
October 04, 2006 23:42
Do you ever do any work?

October 09, 2006 3:03
DeepBurner also works fine on Vista RCx. And it's portable too.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.