From my blog to God's Ear...
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A few thoughts that we open the second day of the XmlDevCon or "SellsConIV."
- I wonder how many people here seriously debated wearing the conference T-Shirt we were given on Day 1...I thought about wearing it just because it was clean!
- Seems to me that in some way Necho is being created as a "routing" route around Dave Winer. Note that many years ago the real Necho was an Egyptian Lord whose goal was to reach Haran to assist the Assyrians who were under seige by Nebuchadnezzar. Are we under seige by a Babylonian King?
- Looks like Sam Ruby can't make it to Portland. That's a damn shame, he will be missed. Consequently the fellow's VERY interesting session has been extended to include more technical details. An unfortunate tradeoff, but the nice thing about a SellsCon is that any speaker can take their talk as deep as you'd like.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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