Fun with Twitter for Mix09
One of the conference organizers for Mix09 gave me some free tickets to give away last week. I figured where better than Twitter for such nonsense, so we've been having some fun over there. (Here's how to use Twitter, if you care about the uselessfulness of Microblogging)
*That Twitter Bird is from Kean Hui's collection of 100 Twitter Bird Icons.
Twitter is limited, since you've only got 140 characters to be creative. Here's some of the things the "tweeple" have come up with.
The "#mix09" characters you see in many of the tweets are a hashtag, that folks on Twitter use to create topics/rooms to that folks can follow the conversation using or other Twitter Trending tools like
Warning, what follows are all the tweets in response to my bolded questions. Some are a chuckle, others, not so much. ;) Good fun, though and a silly way to give away tix.
You know it's Bubble 2.0 when...
You know it's Bubble 2.0 when Scott Hanselman asks you if you "Would like fries with that". #mix09
#mix09 You know it's Bubble 2.0 when you don't need a government bailout...yet.
You know it's Bubble 2.0 when TwitPic acquires both Google and Microsoft. #mix09
#mix09 You know it's Bubble 2.0 when your parents want their own "MyFace" page.
You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when 50% of all tweeple describe themselves as "Entrepreneurs" #mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when Steve Ballmer yells 'Tweeple, Tweeple, Tweeple!'. #mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when companies begin looking to an online bookstore for their infrastructure needs You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when @scobleizer becomes the next U.S. president #mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when searching for "web 2.0" returns more hits than "Angelina Jolie". #mix09 you know its bubble 2.0 when you can win #mix09 tix for doing haiku in 140 charcacters or less.
#mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when you can buy "How to become a social media expert" cds on ebay
#mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when URL shrinking web sites start charging per character.
You know it's Bubble 2.0 when you know more "Social Media Experts" than developers. #mix09 You know it's Bubble 2.0 when they announce an app store for the Newton. #mix09
#mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when Bubble 1.9 beta's trial period expires.
You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when everyone calls it 'Bubble 3.0' #mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when your heart skips a beat at the mention of Jon Skeet's name #mix09
#mix09 You know it's Bubble 2.0 when you get free tickets to shows for telling jokes!
You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when Michael Arrington goes on vacation. #mix09
#mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when even a brand new Twitter account is valued at $500
#mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when even Scott Hanselman has to get a job at Panera
#mix09 You know it's bubble 2.0 when 3 of 4 local news agencies have "twitter guy" icons complete w\capes and creepy leotard
#mix09 You know it's Bubble 2.0 when Microsoft starts bailing out its partners.
You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when you don't need to live in San Francisco to make it. #mix09 You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when you can actually charge money for valuable services and don't get directly paid for them #mix09
#mix09 you know it's Bubble 2.0 when CEO's of IT companies take advice from CEO's of investment banks
#mix09 "You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when even twitter thinks they can make money...
You know it's 'Bubble 2.0' when people are giving away free mix tickets for "You know it's Bubble 2.0 when" jokes #mix09
#mix09 Tweets in the Style of
#mix09 Chuck Norris was written in C# which itself was written in Chuck Norris
During #mix09 excessive tweets have been known to take out both engines on flights out of McCarran airport.
#mix09 can talk about Fight Club.
#mix09 What the Web calls innovation, MIX calls "barely trying"
#MIX09 MVC actually stands for Model-View-ChuckNorris. Controller is just one of his nicknames
#mix09 Chuck Norris says WPF is Will Pound Frequently
#MIX09 You don't follow Chuck Norris on Twitter. He follows you, finds you, and kills you
#MIX09 "Ask The Experts" track was changed to "Ask Chuck Norris" instead. Organizers apologize.
#mix09 List<ScottGu> throws an exception - there is only one ScottGu.
#mix09 Fact: ScottGu doesn't build with MSBuild. MSBuild builds with ScottGu.
#MIX09 ScottGu won his first programming contest when he was 25... seconds.
At #mix09 the Luxor has to borrow power from Silverlight
#mix09 fact: we don't need to put Mix09 on the Internet - the Internet is coming to Mix09
#mix09 Chuck Norris schedules ass-kickings with his Windows Mobile 7 phone through a Bluetooth implant in his brain
#mix09 if MIX09 were a man, he'd 5 Chuck Norrises
#mix09 chuck Norris has been coding on Windows 8 for years.
#mix09 - If MIX09 played Roulette, the house would give 33-to-1 odds in MIX09's favor.
#mix09 - Only MIX09 can prevent Forest Fires.
#mix09 Superman wears Scott Guthrie pajamas at #mix09 Microsoft will demo their newest development platform: Windows SkyNet 2012 R2 The Venetian Hotel will be sporting the Expression Blend "dark theme" becuase of #MIX09
#mix09 Silverlight 3 Beta is not being released, it is merely allowing mortals to see it.
ScottGu finished coding Silverlight 5 last weekend, but since MIX only happens once a year, he can't ship it until 2011
#mix09 invented Al Gore.
#mix09 "ScottGu doesn't wait on a mutex, the mutex waits on ScottGu."
The design of Silverlight DeepZoom was directly inspired by Scott Guthrie's powers of bionic vision.
#MIX09 is the only event that will make Chuck Norris wear a charcoal grey turtleneck.
#mix09 always has 1.21 gigawatts of power.
#mix09 plans to replace Jon Skeet as what powers the world's Google queries
#mix09 Scott Hanselman's entry in the Mix 10K contest was Live Mesh rewritten in 512 bytes.
#mix09 is running multiple sessions on "how to divide by zero" because of the anticipated popularity scott hanselman can divide by zero! #mix09
#mix09 fact: ScottGu's keyboard doesn't have the ESC key because he can never bet trapped!
#mix09 fact: If ScottGu threw a roundhouse kick, he might tear a ligament. :-)
#mix09 can make the Kessel run in under twelve parsecs @shanselman destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. #mix09 Chuck Norris doesn't need to attend #mix09 because he already wrote all the code being presented in '08
#mix09 fact: ScottGu gave last year's Mix presentations while at the same time providing updates for BillG and SteveB IN SEATTLE
#mix09 fact: ScottGu doesn't write code...oh no, he thinks about the finished product and the code appears.
#mix09 Scott Guthrie once won a game of Connect 4 in 3 moves.
Every time you attend #mix09 god saves a kitten.
If you don't <3 your web, #mix09 will track you down, and you WILL <3 your web, or else.
#mix09 fact: Attending a Mix session is like having 14 red bulls then cliff diving off of the side of the Venetian in the pool what happens in Vegas doesn't matter, unless it happened at #mix09.
#mix09 Chuck Norris has no need for virtual methods. Nothing can override Chuck Norris
#mix09 ScottGu codes better than anyone except Chuck Norris. Even then it's a tie.
If Chuck Norris went to #mix09, he could show us how to write threadsafe stateful code without locks If Chuck Norris went, #mix09 would not be about rich media. All forms of media would give Chuck Norris their money.
Chuck Norris has no need to go to #mix09. He has already been to mix20.
#mix09 there is no mix. Only a group of geeks chuck Norris let fly into vegas.
#mix09 facts: mix09 is so amazing that Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel and Jack Bauer won't attend out of fear MIX never ends, it just waits for Vegas to recover between keynotes.
After seeing the speaking schedule at MIX09, Chuck Norris took out a restraining order against ScottGu's keynote-fu.
New #mix09 Logos created using ONLY MSPaint
#1 for #mix09 logos with Paint by @sundermedia - Doesn't even look like me!
#2 for #mix09 logos with Paint by @encosia - Will it Blend^G^G^G^G^GMix?
#3 for #mix09 logos with Paint by @subdigital - No tools nor skill, but still a nice logo.
Honorable Mention for #mix09 logo: by @johnsheehan - Really?!? I mean, ORLY? - @shanselman a morning mspaint logo for ya #mix09
#mix09-related twaiku (twitter haiku)
a mix twoosh haiku? / very tall order this is / how 'bout free airfare?
Mix-0-9 for free ~ will leave me and Devs happy ~ not stuck in England...
Budget is frozen / Vegas is to far too drive / Guess I'll MIX next year :) I can't get to MIX / Please go and say hi for me / Can't wait for MIX 10. :-(
#mix09 Scraunched, scrounged, schmoozed, scratched code ~ finding strengths for Mix now vague ~ strengthed designs breakthroughs Shlepp coach: squirrelled, scrunched, scroonched; Wherethrough Mix: schmoozing, breakthroughs; Yields: Zeitgeist, choice spoils!
Get into the Mix | Meet lots of awesome people | Return with much swag
#MIX09 Free Tix For MIX Please / We Got TARP Funds Folks Are Pissed / Still Need To Learn Stuff Can't get in the MIX, even though I want to go, boss won't pay the price.
Why do I love Mix? Hot new tech from Microsoft Tix please, Hanselman. :) The new media / Converges at this show here / Go MIX it up now mix oh nine vegas, silverlight three will whisper, desktop apps for all
#mix09 haiku: i wish i could go / too few girl developers / gotta represent! ;)
#MIX09 haiku to best please the eye, learn to develop, design come to mix 09
#mix09 a web conference, with new web technology, time for MIX '09 developers flock, to #mix09 and neon lights, sure sign of spring i would love to goto mix, mix oh nine vegas, give me tickets please #mix09
#mix09 - Going to Vegas, I want to see new web tech, MIX '09, I come!
"hanselman presents / what happens at mix oh nine / stays in las vegas" #mix09 oh If I could mix - would it amend who I am - yes, hence I will mix Preconception's out / Content Is King in 09 / Delve into the Mix
Related Posts:
- Twitter: The Uselessfulness of Micro-blogging
- How To Twitter - First Steps and a Twitter Glossary
- Twittering my Diabetes
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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@shanselman stretched brains sync squirrelled thoughts; schlepped tchotchkies, knickknacks, christmas! staged schticks aren't squelched here
It's not easy making a twaiku twoosh, let alone a meaningful one!