Scott Hanselman

Gerwiiatrics - Old People play the Wii

February 24, 2007 Comment on this post [4] Posted in Gaming
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According to this artcle at DailyTech, that borrows from articles at GameDaily and the Chicago Tribute old folks, may be the next big market segment for the Nintendo Wii.

We're already loving the Wii here at the Hanselman House (video) and I personally highly recommend it to anyone who's thought about getting a game system for their kids but was worried about the sedentary aspect of "twitch gaming."

While I was reading the article I noticed in the HTML source that the filename of the picture of the old gentleman bowling was named "gerwiiatrics.jpg."

Now that's funny. More power to the Wii.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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February 25, 2007 9:52
That is too cool.
February 26, 2007 6:04
I made the decision to pick up a Wii a few days ago, but I haven't been able to find one in stock anywhere yet!

It's pretty remarkable that, here in late February, the Wii is still selling out near-instantly anywhere it is available for sale, given that it was released back in November (in southeastern Michigan, at least!).

I heard that the Westland, MI Circuit City would be releasing a shipment of Wiis this morning (Sunday 2/25/2007). They had at least 10-15 for sale (judging by the number of people I saw walking out of the store clutching a Wii box), but by the time I arrived at 10:02am or so (the store having opened at 10:00), they were already sold out!
February 26, 2007 21:38
Yup, Wii has been hard to get here in Seattle area too. Even DS Lite is really hard to get nowadays. When the first version of DS came out, I thought "you gotta be kidding me.", but nowadays it's like the hottest item.

I was fortunate enough to get a Wii when I was in Tokyo (yes original Japanese version) and one here in U.S. I read, write and speak Japanese (well I'm Japanese), so games in my own language comes more natural to me and more enjoyable, but that being said, I do enjoy some of the games released here in U.S. as well. When I went to Sears a few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to get a hold of one. I had to buy two to be able to play Japanese and U.S. games for this stupid region code... I don't really want to mod my Wii, so I decided to buy them.

If you are having a hard time getting a Wii, try to go to unlikely places where you may find Wii, not Circuit City or Best Buy. Those are electronics stores, so everyone goes there to get a Wii. I'd suggest Sears and Target (I got DS Lite there)....

Shesh, nowadays I wanna get PS3 and XBox360 too, but WAF won't allow me to do that unless I have some extra income...

February 28, 2007 13:07
I found this original project which use a Wiimote to control a Ruby on Rails application connecting to an SAP BW backend:

So the next big market segment for the Nintendo Wii could be the enterprises.....

Johnny from France.

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