- Workspaces down all weeked...
This is less of a technical post than it is a complaint.'s Workspaces have been down since Friday and are reporting a generic error. There's no news, no announcement and no ETA. Frankly, it's very frustrating and very unprofessional. I participate in a number of projects up on GDN and I do apprecaite it's existence. But, if Workspaces isn't given the respect it deserves, folks will start using SourceForge (more than they already do).
A lot of people on a lot of listservs, public and private, and lamented the lack of attention and feeding that GDN has received. What's your thoughts? Has GDN seen its hayday, or is this just a minor bump on the road?
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Frankly, I'd rather just zip the source and put it up there.
Not only that, it should be a showcase for their platform. You'd think that a company that has so much $ in the bank would throw as many servers/resources at the problem as was necessary to make it kick ass. Oh well. I don't have the time to move my stuff elsewhere, so I'll have to deal with it.
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* Blogging works
* Someone came in early to work this Monday morning