Gunderloy's a freakin' stud
The Daily Grind 47. Ah, the nectarine tree is in bloom, the asparagus is pushing up (yum!), and it didn't get below freezing last night. It's days like this that I remember exactly why it is that I retired from the flying-around-the-country-and-consulting-and-speaking ratrace. If I ever make enough money to retire, this Internet connection goes too. Meanwhile, though, I'm still cruising around as I work. ... [Larkware News]
Gunderloy's a freakin' stud. I appreciate the Daily Grind more than my daily breakfast of Diet Pepsi and Smarties. Keep up the great service Mike, every Daily Grind (especially this one) makes me more productive.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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