Scott Hanselman

Halo 2: There's more to it than you think. Have you seen the "GameViewer?" And the Games RSS Feed?

November 10, 2004 Comment on this post [6] Posted in ASP.NET | Gaming
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Ya, ya, the graphics are great, game of the year, whee.

What's REALLY interesting is the ASP.NET application that runs Bungie.NET. You can link your Passport and XBox Live Gamer Tag and get statistical data on every game you (or anyone) has ever played.  You can get details on clans, maps, friends, everything.

For example, here's a game (#650296) where Robert McLaws spanked me. Here's every game I played last night. Here's the details on Clan "Zen."

There's a depth to their data gathering that goes far beyond the game itself, and beyond anything XBox Live or any major massively multiplayer thing I've ever seen.

Additionally, are you ready for this? To the right here is a "GameViewer" with a view of each game, including perspectives on exactly where Robert kicked my ass in this specific game instance.

If that's not all? How about an RSS Feed of all my Halo 2 games? 

Drink that in my friends. I wonder if there's some OLAP in there. I'd be fascinated to see the database schema.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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November 10, 2004 18:37
Um... nice comment.

I discovered the RSS feeds yesterday. Way cool. Is there an RSS feed for a whole clan?
November 10, 2004 19:46
I'm starting to get comment spammed...I'm going to have to delete some...
November 10, 2004 21:21
This is awesome! I saw you get on last night but I wasnt on long enough to invite you to a game. Patrick Hynds also has a copy so we will have to try to hook up. Pat's an easy kill so that should help your stats ;)
November 10, 2004 23:40
Bungie is really taking things to the next level with the statistics they are providing. I only got to play a handful of matches last night, but the information they collected is already very comprehensive. The only downside is that now the whole world gets to see blow-by-blow how someone owned me in Halo 2 online, but it sure is fun! Here's to lack of sleep this weekend. :)
Stuart [Xzertion]
November 11, 2004 1:22
yep, i saw you on last night too. unfortunately i wasn't able to get into _any_ live action at all..... it just kept spinning at the first screen of 'looking for...'.
December 02, 2004 3:40
You can parse your stats feeds in falash and other pages some are pretty cool, has one
The flash ones coming out are real nice , i think theres a contest going on.

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