Hammering in Screws
I sent this email out to some Engineers at the company yesterday. It was intended to hurt no one's feelings and no one was singled out. I don't know the details of who or this or that, and that's not the point.
Hello folks,
Just a friendly reminder from the Hanselman. Today, roughly 10 people spent roughly half a day debugging a single problem and assigning culpability on various versions of various products. Various email threads were started and much ReplyToR’ing occurred.
The problem was badly formed XML. Specifically a space in a closing XML Tag.
These folks worked very hard and it’s commendable that they found the problem. That said, I would like to take this opportunity to gently remind everyone of these few principles so that we all, myself included, might learn from their suffering:
- TextPad isn’t an XML editor.
- It’s not even a good syntax highlighting editor. Visual Studio and XMLSpy are and would have caught an error like this on load. (Editor: as would have dropping it into IE)
- “Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem” which is Latin for “Keep it simple, stupid.”
- Return to the first principles when debugging anything and assert your assumptions.
- The plural of “anecdote" is not “truth”
- If you heard that such and such was broken or doesn’t work, ask around to those involved directly and get the truth (as it is known) directly from them. We’re not such a large company that we need to ReplyToAll as much as we do.
That said, thanks to the group who did put in the hard work and find this problem, allowing the [product] to continue forward.
Thanks for your patience and attention!
Reaction in the hallway was generally positive, while no doubt others cursed.
Of course, no one is beyond reproach and I've got MORE than my share of Doh! moments, but this email was meant to remind people to use the tools they've got in the toolbox, to question the basics when debugging and to deal in concrete facts rather than conjecture.
My questions to you, Dear Reader, are these:
- Do you ever send emails to the team to remind folks of First Principles?
- Do you have a growing ReplyToAll culture that should be stamped out and replaced with walking to someone's office?
- How long should an email thread go before it is stopped and replaced with a meeting?
- Is it the pressure to ship that causes all of us to miss misplaced semicolons and the like, or just human nature?
- Is "flaming potato" a part of your software engineering culture? Do you struggle with it?
- Too harsh? Not harsh enough?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Do you ever send emails to the team to remind folks of First Principles?
--Seems like I have to send reminders out about quarterly.
Do you have a growing ReplyToAll culture that should be stamped out and replaced with walking to someone's office?
--I used to be guilty of this one and finally realized what a waste of time it is. Reply all is hoping someone else will pick up the ball and run with it.
How long should an email thread go before it is stopped and replaced with a meeting?
--I don't know if there is a hard and fast rule but after about 4-5 replies I usually escalate it to a meeting. With certain folks whose calendars are always full it may go a little longer.
Is it the pressure to ship that causes all of us to miss misplaced semicolons and the like, or just human nature?
--Got me. I see folks outside the dev process affected by this who theoretically don't have a pressure to ship.
Too harsh? Not harsh enough?
--About right.
Yeah, DOH!
Thankfully this was not 1/2 a day or anything, but.... it took a little time to realize.
The biggest problem was I broke my own rule, I had changed a connection setting in a sheer moment of laziness to check something, and then was invariably interrupted, forgetting to change the connection back.... you see where I'm going with this.
I've been burned by bad XML too, I've been kind of liking the XML Spy that you suggested some time back, that would have caught this issue, no?
But, if you remember me, I used to work in the same office area as you do and I can definitely see the email threads in my mind as I was reading your post :)
Harsh? I think it's about right for what it is and who it is for. Personally I think it is not harsh enough :-)
How long should an email thread go before it is stopped and replaced with a meeting?
Another tool that developers seem to have forgotten is the telephone. If you find your self in a back-and-forth email exchange pick up the phone and call the other dev. If you are typing emails or on IM you are not writing code (at least not anything you'll want to ship) and neither is your team mate. Voice communication (phone or office door) is often faster than the keyboard alternative.
I think the "Reply to All" is often used to try and drum up support for your side of the issue. "What a stupid idea Joe has. Think I'll CC the rest of the group, they'll support me."
It is always tough to be in a lead position. I don't know your leadership style and office culture, so it is hard to judge if it was harsh message or not. My current group is sensitive and it would have come across as harsh, as the problem would have already made the offenders feel bad enough and coming out with the reminders email out have been like finger point at the guilty party(s).
As for your questions, I rarely do the principles stuff via email. Meetings are a good way to do them as you can get a good read of your team as you go over them. It helps me to feel is if everyone is "onboard" and helps them to see how I feel about them firsthand. You never really know how an email like that is received (everyone is different). If you look them in the eye, you can tell if one on one follow up is needed.
This comment will get too long if I go through all the questions, so I'll just say questions like these are great to think through. Thanks for giving me some things to chew on. :)
Sometimes all that is needed is for the devs to feel they have permission to take a step back, breath a bit, and approach it afresh.
You ended it on a positive note, I think it was well written.
1. Yes, I do, at least on some teams I worked on. However, the case I've done it with is when I see some repeated mistakes or things that can be improved...
2. Rarely. People never get private offices around here, so talking to someone usually just involve slightly raising your voice or looking up from the keyboard. I'll let you decide for yourself if this is good or bad :)
3. I have no opinion whatsoever on this :)
4. I believe it can usually be attributed to two things that are not directly pressure-to-ship related: a) people tend to always assume their assumptions hold, even when they obviously leak, and b) distraction, pure and simple. Well, I guess both are human nature, after all :)
5. oh yeah. been there, done that. I'm officially known around the company as the hot potato handler, since they tend to dump all that shit on me when a team can't seem to fix a problem after working long on it... it's good sometimes, but it also sucks big time others.
6. I thought it was ok. Probably much inocent that what I might have said :)
As far as email culture goes, here's your medicine: switch exclusively to IM. We often have prefered IM over meetings, emails and every other medium of communication and use it even if my collegue is sitting just 10 ft away. Most people I've met at work who insisted walking in to each others offices or do email (some even insisted always replieng emails by a phone call!) were one of those rusted obsolete fat "very senior" 39+ dudes.
I have a few times. Of course it seems that I come off as arrogant when I do.
Do you have a growing ReplyToAll culture that should be stamped out and replaced with walking to someone's office?
Yes, happens every hour of every day.
How long should an email thread go before it is stopped and replaced with a meeting?
I let them go twice through my inbox then I either go visit the person or if it needs more than a few people I'll call a meeting with the goal to get the issue resolved.
Is it the pressure to ship that causes all of us to miss misplaced semicolons and the like, or just human nature?
Both. Crunch mode does not work and overtaxed developers are like dogs that have run too many races in a day. They just don't have the focus or energy and no matter how sweet that rabbit is, they would rather be out drinking beers. There's also the human factor but then architects aren't human so we don't make these mistakes ;)
Is "flaming potato" a part of your software engineering culture? Do you struggle with it?
We seem to always be fighting fires which just doesn't make sense to me. Why not stop making buildings constructed with kindling in the first place?
Too harsh? Not harsh enough?
Was a good example. Positive feedback but you highlighted what needed to be done so hopefully it got the point across to those that mattered.
I guess some people never learn ;)
"TextPad isn’t an XML editor."
Hoped thoughtful response from engineer: "Gee, Scott is right. I am a clumbsy and lazy programmer because I do use textpad rather than an XML editor sometimes. I will now change my ways and always use a real XML editor no matter how much of a hurry I am in and only have one small change to make. Thank you scott for pointing out my errant ways and I will be better next time"
... I don't think so.
Emails are a blessing and a curse in the office... When you start using emails to avoid talking in person (I know a bunch of people like this), then you start losing the ability to understand what the other people "meant by that"... You just don't get to know your co-workers well enough to be able to exchange short email when you need to.. Every email starts to need a long disclaimer and advance excuse-me's so you don't hurt nodoby's feelings.
That only contributes to the unfair stereotype of us techies being socially-advert, self-centered outcasts. Speak up, people.
Chrils...This was a configuration file on a built system that was failing early and silently. There wasn't a build suite that could catch it. It was a 3rd party component that failed, but it was looking to OutputDebugString. The problem was found when using DbgView.exe.
The messages are usually harmless and correct - the medium isn't always.
Do you have a growing ReplyToAll culture that should be stamped out and replaced with walking to someone's office? - No email as needed, if a meetings required we have one.
How long should an email thread go before it is stopped and replaced with a meeting? - Depends on the thread... how long is a piece of string?
Is it the pressure to ship that causes all of us to miss misplaced semicolons and the like, or just human nature? - Human Nature
Is "flaming potato" a part of your software engineering culture? Do you struggle with it? No and N/A
Too harsh? Not harsh enough? Depends on the situation
'Validate your XML with a DTD or XSD'
It should be the job of the Team Leader/ Development Manager to update your code practices and ensure that the developers are aware of XML validation when dealing with XML
and you've cured this problem at the source.
The team will feel happier as they've improved their programming practices and the team can rest assure this type of problem should not accure again.
Rather then "Keep it simple and hopefully it wont happen again" ;-)
"Folks, I'm sure you are all aware of the problems that can be caused by miss typed and checking in code without matching xml tags. Today, several of us wasted many hours chasing down a problem that was caused by this. Years ago I learned the hard way never to edit XML in any editor that doesn't verify XML files before saving them. Please please please, let's not have any more hard lessons. Everyone, ALWAYS verify XML correctness with a tool before checking it in, and I would strongly suggest using a good syntax checking XML editor such as ???. I appreciated everyone's hard work in tracking this down and lets make it our last problem like this."
OK, it's 5:20 in the morning and my writing is not at it's best, but I do think this style is more affective at achieving the desired result.
From Scott:
Peter...I was kind of hoping for "Gee, I've been stuck in a rut and using TextPad to edit files since before XML came around. Maybe I could be more effective with another tool?"
Proving you know the latin for "keep it simple" ... claiming you know more about Africa than people from Africa ... using your too-frequent faux white boy hip-hop phrases all detract from your message in some very meaninful ways. Instead of seeing you as a guide, people are more likely to see you as full of yourself.
If I got the mail above from you I'd harbor some resentment for a pretty long time.
You're a smart guy. We already know that. You don't need to keep overdoing it in trying to prove it to us.
The Latin was a joke. It's not Latin for KISS, it's Latin for Occam's Razor...I guess the joke didn't work.
Faux White Boy phrases? I'm a fake white guy? Not sure what you mean here, but I don't tend to use too much urban language in my posts. Unless "dig" suddently came back in style and "ReplyToR'ing" is Hip-Hop. ("ReplyToR" means to Reply to Everyone or Reply to All. It's geek speak.)
As far as the Africa thing, the Hotel Rwanda stuff was just a post about an opinion. I've stayed in Africa, half my family is there, and I've studied in college. It was just a short post with a thought. Rwandans have since replied and confirmed it. It wasn't meant to show off, just to provide commentary.
I'm sorry it offends. I will give your feedback some thought. Thanks!
Other than that criticism, it's totally reasonable.
Comments are closed.
As you know me well.... I concur completely
Similarly my #1 rule on http://www.ssw.com.au/SSW/Standards/Rules/RulesToBetterEmail.aspx
is not to use email for communication
Cheers Adam