Hanselman Forums - AspNetForum from JitBit
I wanted to take a second to not only remind folks of the Forums over at http://hanselman.com/forums, but also to recognize AspNetForum from JitBit and what they've done in the last month or so.
in July I started evaluating Forums Software and tried a number of them and installed three.
I ended up picking the most bare-bones one, at the time, AspNetForum. It costs only US$85, which is insanely cheap. I paid it happily. It's not bare-bones now.
It's ridiculously fast. Head over to the Forums and try it out for yourself. It's easy to modify; It took me all of a half-hour to skin and modify the Master Page to make the forums look like this site, including the very-top navigation.
In the last month I've thrown a pile of suggestions at JitBit on ways they could improve the software and nearly every one has been added, cleanly, within a few weeks. I've since upgraded the forums four times, easily.
Here's some of the cool features (many new) since I launched the forums in July:
- Recent Topics Page (RSS)
- Recent Posts Page (RSS) - I visit this the most.
- Permalinks for specific posts.
- Avatars.
- Works with MSSQL or MySQL.
- XHTML Conformant with clean CSS.
They've also got an RSS Feed for their Version History, which is a MicroISV Best Practice if ever I saw one.
JitBit doesn't know me from Adam, I'm just a fan. I paid for their product, they've paid me nothing. I just am really happy with the software I selected for the forums. For $85, I'm very happy with my purchase.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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the first 2 Links in your text are dead. They point to /forums but it's really /forum
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