Hanselman's Newsletter of Wonderful Things: January 7th, 2013
I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.
Still, it's one more site to check and it's a hassle for some of you Dear Readers. Therefore, I will still do the newsletter, but I'll post each newsletter to the blog some weeks later.
You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can sign up here Newsletter of Wonderful Things or just wait and get them later on the blog, which hopefully you have subscribed to.
Hi Interfriends,
Thanks again for signing up for this experiment. Here's some interesting things I've come upon this week. If you forwarded this (or if it was forwarded to you) a reminder: You can sign up or sign down at http://www.tinyletter.com/hanselman and the archive of all previous Newsletters is here.
- If you like Science Fiction as much as I do, perhaps you'll like this Creative Commons anthology of "Muslims in Sci-Fi."
- I've been collecting crazy font-related thing lately, I'm not sure why but it's fun. Do you hate Comic Sans? There's many more fonts, ahem, typefaces, to hate.
- An absolute beginner's guide to Arduino. A lovely way to get an overview of how to program tiny computers. Also fun for the kiddies.
- Pardon the swear word, but FckYeahKeming is a great site full of kerning (bad kerning? Keming) that you won't be able to un-see.
- Why does Kerning matter? Well, many reasons.
- I wrote a blog post I'm very happy with called iPad, Surface, Ultrabook: Are we there yet? that I submit for your approval.
- Great web comic that is evocative of Harry Potter. I suspect you'll lose several hours in the archives. If you do, support Gunnerkrigg Court.
- Everything You Know About Fitness is a Lie. Really? Damn.
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know.
- Brilliant interactive guide to Blog Typography. Really well done.
- Electronic toys from holidays long past http://imgur.com/a/FCVHV via Jeff Atwood
- My presentation from GOTO Conf on ASP.NET, jQuery and Mobile is up on YouTube.
- Learning to Let Go. First, Turn Off the Phone.
- Great for site designers. Need a placeholder image?
- Practice being a better Programmer at Programming Praxis.
- Cool and inexpensive home science experiments to blow your son or daughter's mind.
- When happens with an secure HTTP request in the first few milliseconds?
- Mavis Beacon was great, but there is room for Typing Practice for Programmers.
Scott Hanselman
(BTW, since you *love* email you can subscribe to my blog via email here: http://feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman DO IT!)
P.P.S. You know you can forward this to your friends, right?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
The biggest question I have is how to exercise the "remarkably small number of tiny stabilizer muscles", as recommended by the rehab-specialist, Kevin Brown, in order to avoid "injuries that could set me back for a year."
Will they naturally be exercised by the exercises mentioned earlier in the article (squat, dead lift, bench press)? And isn't strengthening stabilizer muscles the exact point of the gimmicky seeming exercises that the author dismisses, like using stability balls, as having turned him into some "little-girl weak" semblance of a man (wow, gender stereotype much,.. this guy obviously never had sisters)?
I'm a fairly typical desk-job programmer, perhaps more active than most, and over the last couple of years, I seem to injure myself every time I do something physical (tennis, snowboarding, etc.). I'd love to get out of this rut! At the same time, I don't want to charge ahead with squats, dead lifts, bench presses, and the various endurance exercises, and see the stabilizer muscles atrophy and further injuries occur, if that's what would happen.
And yes, his gender-language was as a little much. He could have just said "small child weak" and been done with it.
Can you enable it?
Thanks anyway
There is anoter version that is for Mac's.
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