Indigo comes to PDX
Ted Neward was in Portland this week speaking to PADNUG and you should've been there. He gave the crowd a lot to think about in his own Ted Newardy way. If you haven't seen him speak, he's a very dynamic extemporaneous speaker and really engages the audience. The topic was the objects/database/xml impedence mismatch and included discussion around NHibernate as well as Ted's confirmation that DataSets may well be evil. Also in the audience was Rick Strahl who spoke on Client-side Callbacks last month.
On September 28th the Indigo Roadshow comes through town and registration is required but is free. The registration form is a single submit, so no worries about filling out giant forms. The event is happening at Intel-Jones Farm Campus at 6:30pm. I'm glad that Microsoft considers Portland when bringing roadshows like this around the country.
If you haven't visited PADNUG, you're missing out and should come by!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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