Integrating Ruby and Watir with NUnit
OK, I'm hooked. Ruby is the bomb and I'm loving it. We shall see what the future brings, the debugger is iffy, I need to recompile Notepad2 like Wes did with Ruby syntax support, but otherwise I'm digging it.
The back story is this. I've been trying to find the Holy Grail, or even the 40% Grail of Automated Web UI Testing for at least the last 5 years. We use NUnit for everything, so it'd be cool if whatever we chose could fail NUnit tests.
Lately folks have been trying again all over the next and lots of good stuff has been happening in this space.
- NUnitASP -
- Pros: C# class library for downloading and parsing web pages. Very CSharpy.
- Cons: Nothing has happened with this since November 2004. Have to extend it constantly for more complex controls. Thinks about things in a Control way.
- Pros: Uses Perl to drive IE around using it's OLE automation interface. Keeps logs, can fill with data from databases, and there's a cheesy but functional WinForms app to help write the scripting language.
- Cons: Uses Perl. LOL.
- HttpUnit -
- Pros: Feels good to the Java folks, integrates with JUnit, lower level focused.
- Cons: May not be actively developed, no activity since October 2004.
- IEUnit -
- Pros: Almost zero installation footprint. Javascript based engine uses the language we were all born knowing. Rich debugging because you can use the Windows Script Debugger. Fairly simple in design. Actively developed. Nice WinForms script helper. Good if you already dig the DOM.
- Cons: Slightly cheesy handling of model dialogs. Steals focus while running tests.
- Selenium -
- Pros: Good for testing cross browser compatibility. Actively worked on. Selenium tests can be expanded to use other languages.
- Cons: Uses a Fit-like HTML as it's source code. This takes a mind shift and freaks out some folks. Server-side component required.
And the one I'm currently enamored with is Watir. There's a great comparison of Watir and Selenium by a contributor to both here.:
- Watir (Pronounced "Water") Web Application Testing in Ruby -
- Pros: Actively being worked on. Uses Ruby, the language du jour. Can run tests asychronously. Simple, elegant, fast. Ruby's interactive shell makes it easy to develop tests (more on this later in this post). Great support for client side things like script events, and even mouse rollovers.
- Cons: Haven't found any yet, but I'm sure they are out there. Very focused on the DOM.
Ok, just to level set if you made it this far: Watir is an open source functional testing library for automated tests to be developed and run against a web browser. Cool?
Here's an example that visits Google, searches for "Programming Ruby" and confirms that it found what it was looking for. The stuff after the # are comments.
require 'watir' # the watir controller
include Watir
test_site = ''
ie =
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("pickaxe") # q is the name of the search field
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click # "btnG" is the name of the Search button
if ie.contains_text("Programming Ruby")
puts "Test Passed. Found the test string: 'Programming Ruby'. Actual Results match Expected Results."
puts "Test Failed! Could not find: 'Programming Ruby'"
Very simple. So, Patrick and I wanted to integrate this into our NUnit tests, some of which already use Cassini for self-contained tests, and others are more complex but ultimately result in a web site. We wanted to do something like this from our existing infrastructure:
public class WatirTest
public WatirTest(){}
public void FirstTest()
This was the Goal. We talked about adding [WatirTest] attributes or extending a new WatirTestCase and even a whole new series of Assertions, but we didn't see any reason to be tricky, other than to be tricky. We opted for simple simple simple.
public class WatirAssert
public static void TestPassed(string rubyFileName)
string output = String.Empty;
using(Process p = new Process())
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "ruby.exe";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = rubyFileName;
p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
Regex reg = new Regex(@"(?<tests>\d+) tests, (?<assertions>\d+) assertions,
(?<failures>\d+) failures, (?<errors>\d+) errors",
Match m = reg.Match(output);
int tests = int.Parse(m.Groups["tests"].Value);
int assertions = int.Parse(m.Groups["assertions"].Value);
int failures = int.Parse(m.Groups["failures"].Value);
int errors = int.Parse(m.Groups["errors"].Value);
if (tests > 0 && failures > 0)
Assert.Fail(String.Format("WatirAssert: Failures {0}", failures));
else if (errors > 0)
Assert.Fail(String.Format("WatirAssert: Errors {0}", errors));
catch(Exception e)
Assert.Fail("WatirAssert EXCEPTION: " + e.ToString());
Using this, and armed with increasing knowledge of Ruby we started writing test cases (one per use case) for a large bank as a good test of this concept. These tests would run at the very end of the build process. After the build, test, docs, etc, we'd run the smoke (or integration) tests using Watir.
UPDATE: Your Ruby classes have to derive from the Ruby Unit Testing framework for this to work automatically. So your "template" would be (Note: the class name has an initial capital letter):
require 'watir'
include Watir
require 'test/unit'class TestExampleTemplate < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_search
ie =
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("pickaxe")
ie.button(:value, "Google Search").click
assert(ie.contains_text("Programming Ruby, 2nd Ed."))
Now, referring back to the syntax:
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("pickaxe") # q is the name of the search field
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click # "btnG" is the name of the Search button
You may think it'll be a hassle to do a lot of View|Source work and figure out the names and IDs of these textboxes and buttons. However, even though Watir only runs IE (remember it wraps IE's COM stuff) FireFox presented a great way to avoid all that poking through HTML source. Yes, it's the greatest thing FireFox brought to the Web Developer (besides Venkman), it's the Web Developer Extension.
Bring up your site in FireFox and from the Web Developer toolbar, click Forms|Display Form Details. Notice as in the screen shot below you'll get the IDs and Names of all your form elements. Then code your Watir script to them. Shiny.
If you want get Ruby and Watir and start playing:
- Download Ruby for Windows
- Download Watir and run install.rb
- Go into C:\watir_bonus\examples and run googleSuite_test.rb
- Then, look at articleExample.rb and make some changes to test your own site.
- Enjoy. Feel free to integrate into your NUnit tests if you like using our code above. If you expand it, let us know.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Make sure you outline how you did this, unlike Mr. Moise.
|10 |2 |5 |
|12.6 |3 |4.2 |
|100 |4 |33 | pretty asking your tester to write something in an obscure language. At least Watir/Ruby gives us good compiler-like syntax checking, near infinite flexibilty, and using Watir::Simple (an even SIMPLER wrapper on Watir) is as easy as writing HTML.
I must say I love the NUnit integration!! I can't wait to try it!
very cool. Have you come across SWEA? check it out on
According to the blurb on the site
What is SWExplorerAutomation?
The program creates an automation API for any Web application which uses HTML and DHTML and works with Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Web application becomes programmatically accessible from any .NET language.
SWExplorerAutomation API provides access to Web application controls and content. The API is generated using SWExplorerAutomation Visual Designer. SWExplorerAutomation Visual Designer helps create programmable objects from Web page content.
I am extremely new to ruby, so bear with me.
How do you script a LinkButton's postback? Below is an example output of what the LinkButton is rendered as.
<a href="__doPostBack('_ctl2','')"><font face="Verdana" size="4">Click Me!</font></a>
Fyi, here's how it is done. Replace XYZ with javascript (cannot submit the text as is due to .net security).
require 'watir'
include Watir
require 'test/unit'
class TC_recorded < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_recorded
ie =
ie.goto(''), "XYZ:__doPostBack('_ctl1','')").click
Just a minor clarification in the comment about IeUnit: I guess 'model dialog'
should be 'modal dialog'. IeUnit supports handling of modal dialogs with
integrated Win32Dom object which is not as easy as the DHTML/DOM access.
Some comments about WatirMaker:
During the development of IeUnit we also went to the path to develop some kind of
record/play utility. But we soon noticed that this tool will change the 'gravity'
of the software: it would have required too many changes in the current code base
to archieve a consistent solution. We then ended up with a tool that is
basically an inspection tool that allows programmers to quickly identify
HTML objects. I still think a record/play tool is doable and useful, but
this will significantly change of the focus of the software.
I've been playin around with Watir and the NUnit code that you supplied, and I think it's great. However, since I'm a total newbie at Ruby I have a question for you. How do you supply the Ruby/Watir scripts with configuration data? I'm using this in conjuction with NUnitASP, and I have been using AppSettings in a regular config file for the config data. Do you have any comments or solutions for this? Where do you store the config data for your scripts? Would be very greatful if you could shed some light on this.
Good to generate a starter for 10 test that you can then modify with asserts etc (or not if you are super lazy boy). It's a bit basic right now but I have high hopes...
Comments are closed.
This looks great. I have worked a little on an Open Source project called IEUnit (via SourceForge) which does very similar things using javascript tests. It only runs on Windows, but has a lot of the same features, and additionally can create output in the same format that NUnit does, so the tests can be included in an NAnt script, and Nunt2Report can be used to provide a report in the same format as Nunit reports do.
There is debug support, I use VS.Net and run the scripts inside VS.Net.
Anyway, I am not trying to sell it, just mention it to see how people find it in comparison to other projects.
I will be trying Watir too, thanks form mentioning it.