Internet access (and Skype) at 36000ft. Schweet.
Clemens is such a stud. He chatted me last night around 8:20pm PST and was flying SAS to Copenhagen. Apparently for $30 you can get internet access while on the flight. OMG. That would so make a long-ass trip easier.
If you look REALLY close at his laptop screen, you can see my Tiny Wedding Picture (you remember that one) in the corner of MSN Messenger.
He tried to Skype me as well, but either the bandwidth wasn't up to snuff or the roar of the plane was too much for the noise cancelling.
Interestingly, I could hear him typing, and he I, but we couldn't understand speech. Either way, I hope this becomes standard fare. It all done by bouncing off sattellites. I would love to run some TraceRTs on that connection.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I hope cell phones & Skype never work or be allwod in flights. Not keen on listening to people yapping while I am trying to snooze.
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