IronPython and the DLR march on
I've got a number of emails complaining that folks haven't heard much from the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) and things like IronPython and IronRuby.
I think it's due to mostly one thing, the fact that the ASP.NET Futures Page still says July 2007. That's one of the reasons I personally fought to have the ASP.NET MVC not use a Date in its name. It just makes things look, ahem, dated.
I'm working to get that page updated, but I just wanted to make sure folks know that there's lots going on around the DLR. I talked to Mahesh on a video call just yesterday.
There's lots going on and here's some collected resources for you:
- DLR Resource List - March 16th
- My longtime buddy, Harry Pierson has joined the team as the PM for IronPython.
- There may still be some dynamic job openings, so check them out and mention me if you apply. ;)
- Developer G*d Dino Viehland showed the Django web framework running on IronPython and SQL Server.
- Dino's got details and source on his blog and there's lots of PyCon 2008 coverage around the interwebs.
- IronPython 2.0 Beta 1 was released last Friday with over a hundred bug fixes and Test Projects included.
- Srivatsn Narayanan deftly ported my DeepZoom Sample Code to IronPython and says "of course its python so its simpler and more elegant." ;) It is pretty cool!
- Go download the source off his blog
- Take a look at John Lam's posts on Dynamic Silverlight and his post on Managed JScript in Silverlight.
Once you've had fun with all that, you might look at John's Dynamic Silverlight in ASP.NET MVC article.
Here's John and Jimmy's talk on Dynamic Silverlight at Mix08:
- Silverlight player
- iPod formatted MP4 (57.6MB)
- WMV for Zune (84.1MB)
- Source Code
All other goodness is at Enjoy.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I hope this should move fast now. I would appreciate, if you spare some time and show us an example of LINQ working with IronRuby / IronPython.
LINQ with Dynamic languages would be a very interesting topic.
Josh Coswell
(1) Asp>net MVC with IronRuby
(2) LINQ with IronRuby
(3) Asp.Net with IronRuby
It would be nice to start some tutorials based on the topics above.
Why dig for a well, when fire appears suddenly.
Just my 2 cents
Michael Foord
I'm excited about the prospects of developing ASP.NET code-behind (code-beside?) using the DLR!
As far as seeing LINQ work in the DLR, it would be nicer to see the idiomatic functional programming constructs native to both languages used for such functionality. Both languages already have lambda functions, map/filter/reduce, etc. It's redundant to use LINQ to Objects for such things.
Personally, I would like to see Merb on IronRuby (which would be easier and maybe even better than Rails) and TurboGears on IronPython.
Hi Joe, I have some interesting news to share with you.
Read here...
As per John Lam ( PM IronRuby Team and DLR ) his priority goal remains to run Real Ruby Programs on IronRuby. And Real Ruby Programs are.... Rails, Merb, Active Record, DataMapper Etc..
As per this thread....
It would be more interesting to know that you can even create Rails Program in any Ruby on Rails IDE and Paste the same codes in VS2008 and Run it easily with DLR without any Problems.
Just keep contributing there, if you would like to know more.
DLR is something which looks really interesting. I've done a getting started post on my blog
Definitely something I will be looking at in more detail.
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