It's beginning...
Very soon my friends. I'm on a MiniMed 508 and have been for 3+ years (spent the first 7 using shots up to 6 times a day). I'm digging this new Paradigm 512...How do I get one??? It's such a great (and obvious) idea, it just might work! It's not implanted, it's not automatic, but it's better that what we have now. The real question is, how accurate can its suggestions be?
It's quite a clever thing. The Blood Glucose Meter "talks" to the pump wirelessly and informs it of your current BG. Hopefully this happen totally automatically, it would be a shame if you had to "tell" the meter with some extra step/button press.
The meter looks a lot like an upside-down Ultra. I'm not too excited about switching away from my beloved UltraSmart, but for wireless, I think I can be convinced. :)
Be sure to take a look at the Paradigm's Users Guide. Often User's Guides can tell you more than the polished press sites will.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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