It's official - FeedDemon is the Bomb
Forgetting for the moment that they are the same company, I've just officially moved off Newsgator 2.5 and onto FeedDemon.
Bottom Line: I couldn't handle the Physic Weight of the bold unread [9689] messages in my Aggregrated News folder.
It was making me ill, and ever since I got deeply GTD and reached Zero Email Bounce (ZEB) nirvana in Outlook, I just couldn't have thousands of emails sitting there.
That said, FeedDemon is great - Highly Recommended. I've got it on my work laptop, my home PC and my home laptop. And finally, something that never worked even with (gasp) Newsgator 2.5, items, feeds, and read-status is sync'ed between machines. Happy Day.
I've got three folders, Friends, Tech, and News, and hundreds of feeds. However, it's easy to read them with Newspaper view. It's easy to save stuff with the News Bin. It's easy to watch for keywords with Watches.
Most wanted Feed Demon Feature: RSS Comments Support
I'm still using iTunes for my Podcasting. Haven't quite figured out why I'd use FeedStation. It's not like I'm going to care about any surprise enclosures that may show up. Audio that I want to listen to is easily added to iTunes. We shall see.
Now playing: Kaysha - La Zouk Hooray
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Walter - RSS Bandit is far to unpolished for me to use. As a former UI person the UI is too skunkworks for me. True it leads the pack in functionality, but the UI still feels prototype-y.
I may be missing out on something here, but what benefit would I have by using a separate reader like FeedDemon?
If there is a trick to get the beta, other than being special, let me know.
I am not special:
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