Yep, it doesn't happen until it happens. And then it happens. Ain't that the way. I'm flying to ATL on Monday for a Technology Council with some big Corillian Customers and what happens? Blue Screen Of Death. But no, no, not the nice full-of-hex BSOD, no. The tiny one. Ever seen this?
And that was it. Then I was stuck in a BSOD LOOP. Yes, loop as in, puke, reboot, puke.
Was I worried? My friends, no. Why? (Don't you hate people who ask rhetorical questions? Do I? ;) )
Because I back my sh*t up. DVD Burner. Every week. I backup My Documents, the CVS Repository and all my photos. I back them up to a 250 Gig Firewire drive then move them weekly on to DVD, then put those DVD into a firebox/safe, then move them off-site monthly. Also, while my C: drive is not mirrored (no data there), My Documents and My EverythingElse is mirrored with RAID on two drives.
Because I'm psycho? Maybe. But if Portland was nuked, I'd go to Fry's, buy a new computer, move to Alaska, and restore in about four hours.
So, you, dear reader, have an assignment this weekend. BACK UP.
Today's Question: What's your personal backup strategy? Is it a strategy or more of a suggestion? If your computer crashed today, how many hours would you lose?
Also, thanks to our IT Director, Greg Hughes (visit his blog!) for helping me out with a new PC that we'll restore tommorow. Corillian has a truly great bunch of guys in IT. Believe it.
P.S. I forgot to mention that it was this tragic system crash at 4pm today that caused me to miss the freaking ASP.NET Roadshow. Sorry if I missed you there.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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And sorry you had to miss the road show. Rob did a great job.
Since I have the oportunity to do so publically. I'll sdd to the helpful list (in no particular oreder other than furthest cube from my office to the closest): Jorge, Justin, Steve, Eddie, Scott, Doug, Aaron, Travis. Quite the crew. :)
See you later today, and we'll get you fixed up on the new computer, but I'll need expensive coffee :P
Jan 31, 2004 8:05 am - On FedEx vehicle for delivery - PORTLAND OR (better than the MVP rewards eh? Heh)
Oh and for everyone else: DOn't by HP laptops (even the "business class" ones). Since the merger, their reliability for busniess use has become horrendous. Hello IBM!
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