July 22nd - Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Nerd Dinner
Are you in King County/Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue Washington and surrounding areas? Are you a huge nerd? Perhaps a geek? No? Maybe a spaz, dork, dweeb or wonk. Maybe you're in town for an SDR (Software Design Review) or the ASPInsiders meeting. Quite possibly you're just a normal person.
Regardless, why not join us for some Mall Food at the Crossroads Bellevue Mall Food Court on Tuesday, July 22nd around 6:30pm?
Here's some links to help you remember and add this to your calendar, or head over to http://nerddinner.events.live.com. There's photos of previous Nerd Dinners up on Flickr thanks to Orcmid.
Add to your calendar
I hope to see you there!
NOTE: Even though I told Live Events this was an Open To Anyone Event, it seems to want invitations. Just leave a comment here and show up on July 22nd at 6:30pm! Everyone is welcome, Microsoft employee or not. The more the merrier.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Just a query what happens there just eating or some tech talks.
Ben!!! So you're going to be in town? I'm assuming for the ASPInsiders event? Would be great to finally meet you in person (at least, I don't think we've met in person (well, not since like middle school :P)).
Besides, where else can I get a pierogi and an egg roll.
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